The girl looks scared, but doesn’t struggle a bit as mistress leads her out the door. You don’t give your new friend another thought, smile wide as you patiently await your next stud.

“Is this where I- Oh man…” A deep voice suddenly says from the doorway, freezing at the site of your nude, split open legs.

“You’re finally here!

Quick, come around to my face, I wanna suck on that cock! I’ll get more cum if you let me do that!” You giggle, only to shudder as a large finger enters your folds.

“You’re wet and ready to go, I don’t wanna waste my only paid load in your mouth!” The man protests, pulling his pants down to reveal a large erection.

Mistress just wants you to fuck these guys, and delaying the pleasure of obeying her is almost painful. But your body craves the warm goo too much for even shame to stop you, a straight man underneath the undying loyalty to obey mistress.

“I’ll let you like… Go as many times as you want, daddy! No extra charge!!” You plead, hesitant as you beg for cum.

Your body is straight as well, and the hormones that flood your brain make it close to impossible to think rationally; at least mistress’s subservience spell makes you unaware when she gives a command, begging for cum on your own will is beyond demoralizing.

You want to just curl up in a ball, which your mind starts doing reflexively. Your subconscious is quickly folded in on by a wave of desire and lust, the current quickly drowning any thoughts you have as the man standing next to your face parts your plump lips with his member.

“You’re the best whore ever! Just let me know when you’re almost done, I want to cum in your pussy on my last finish!” The man laughs, the salty taste of precum already touching your tongue.

You lose track of things after that, high off the taste of cum as you garble on the man’s cock. Cum pools in your cleavage, ropes covering your face as you giggle ecstatically. Your belly is almost full when the erection suddenly slides out of your mouth, and you’re too exhausted to stop the man as he crawls between your legs.

“I think this is my last one, so I want to make it count!” He exclaims, penetrating your tight folds with his soaked member.

If this is his last time anyway…

You prepare to be pumped into by the veiny cock, but there’s a sudden jolt of electricity in your forehead. You can see mistress standing in the doorway for a moment, but then your eyes cross in pure ecstasy.

“I knew I liked you, and I especially like trouble makers!” Mistress laughs as the man turns around in shock, “I just increased sensation in your vagina by a thousand-fold if a penis is inside it, enough to overwhelm any clever new ideas you may have about my customers…”

“What the fuck??” The guy fucking you demands, “Why can’t I stop???”

“Sorry babe!” Mistress mocks sympathy, “Once you start with one of my girls, I don’t let you finish…”

Mistress pushes the man from behind, helping him thrust into you as his spent erection pulsates inside you. You can barely process a thing, pussy screaming euphorically as the man riding you tries to get away. You bite your lip as his rhythm slows, an orgasm surely coming as mistress puts his hand on your plush, sticky breast.

“Nooo!!” He shouts, finally pushing off the bed and escaping your tightness.

Mistress chases the naked man out of the room, and you frown as your heated arousal remains unrelieved. You can only wait for another man to come help you, your mind firmly planted in its desire for that feeling again; the feeling of a veiny shaft pistoning in and out of your quivering folds.

You easily lose track of time as you think about the intense love of cock in your pussy that mistress gave you, and before you know it there’s another guy in your room.

“…” Your lips stay shut, womanhood dripping onto the floor as you present it exposed.

It’s weird to start with a guy, and end every love session with a confused girl, but getting used to things is life.

The one thing you still haven’t gotten used to though, the intense sensitivity between your legs- even the lightest steps trigger a mind numbing cascade of sensations, leaving you in a constant state of thoughtless lust filled euphoria.

That’s how it’s been for as long as you can remember, not that you have any idea how long you’ve been working for mistress.

“What is this work for anyway?” You ask a fellow harem member as you try on some new underwear, “And is this too small, or-”

“You look totes amazing, and I wish I could like wear something that small and like, sexy!!” Your new friend interrupts you, her high pitched voice and valley girl accent a little silly even in your mindless state.

You blush a bit at her compliment though, pulling at your bra as you brush your hair back. You’re used to the jiggle of your breasts as they settle in the frilly cups, folds practically eating your panties as the straps squeeze your wide hips till you pull them up.

“Why can’t you wear something like this though?” You ask meekly, “You’re totally hawt, and-”

“Mistress gave me this cock, and it’s like, totally too big to fit in any underwear even!” The blonde giggles, “I have to like, wear this dress for my clients, cuz mistress wants to trick them or whatever… But sometimes I wish I could try on something like that…”

“You have a what?” You drool, gears already spinning in your head as you see the outline of an erection through the pink dress.