Fiona meets someone who's just been through a similar experience to hers and has a fun, horny chat. Things soon take a turn for the worse when difficult training afterwards brings Fiona's insecurities to the surface. Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 11 -> Herm Sandwich by Zmeydros (Edited by Secretskunk and WolfLeah) When I finished cleaning Rinny's muff, she stood up and took a couple steps forward, her tail caressing my neck as she moved. Then she spun around, her huge, hard, and knotted horsecock flailing along with her balls when she came to a stop. Leaning down, she licked pre off my dick with her rough tongue. All I could do was moan and writhe against my bindings. The fact this was all happening while I was in an office chair had me feeling extra hot because I couldn't help imagining having a workplace full of herm coworkers that just tied me up and used me like this. If wishing hard enough could make something true, that's the workplace I'd be going back to. And with that in my head, I started moaning even louder. Glenda chuckled. "Is she always this much fun?" "Yup!" Rinny went right back to licking. When I glanced into Glenda's eyes, I saw a hunger I knew well. The way she kept glancing at my cock, it was obvious she wanted it, and bad. I was forced to stop watching her, though, because Rinny reached under my balls and started fingering my pussy while she got the last bits of pre off of my ball sac and dick. Glenda shut up my moaning by making me bend forward just enough so I could clean her cock. With my middle untied, it wasn't too hard. Things were a bit crowded with Rinny lapping at my dick, though. Glenda's cum had the usual salt and savory flavors, but with a delicious hint of clover. So, I didn't mind that it got smeared all over my muzzle as her fingers maintained a tight grip on my hair. I pre’d even more, getting a satisfied purr from Rinny as she licked all the way up my shaft. Her rough tongue made my legs tremble. There was almost too much sensation. Once Glenda was satisfied, she took a step back and Rinny pulled away soon after. "Fiona, tasting that good should be illegal." Rinny sucked on the tips of the fingers she'd put inside me. I gasped and squirmed at the compliment. WhileRinny thought for a moment about the next chapter in my sensual torture, she grinned, a cute curve on her muzzle that she showed her predatory feline teeth. I was dripping, panting, and quivering. Even the slightest touch felt orgasmic. In a blur of precise motion, Glenda stepped in front of me, grabbed my dick, and started sitting on it. "OOH FUCK! This thing is marvelous!" "Hey!" Rinny moved closer, but had no idea what to do. "Haah! AAAH!" Glenda was tight, muscular, hot, and soaked in there and her desperation to have me inside her was doing wonders for my self confidence. As my cock's draconic bumps and ridges disappeared into her, I felt her entire body shudder in pleasure. Her pussy kept gripping and tugging at my length. The only reason I didn't cum on the spot was the promise I'd made to Clarissa. My first load of the day was hers. So, I steeled myself, trying to appreciate Glenda's body without bursting inside her. "Glenda! I thought you had to get back to work!" Rinny's face was twisted in confusion and lust. She clearly liked what she was seeing, her cock tip once again beading with pre. "You can't expect me to just--NGH!" Glenda passed the halfway point, getting closer and closer to my twin knots. "--see a cock this beautiful and not jump at my first chance to sample it." My first knot popped inside her while I yipped and kicked against my restraints, spurting pre. "Go slow," I begged, knowing I was dangerously close to losing my load in her. "I can't cum in you." "Can't or won't?" Glenda grunted as she wiggled her hips, stretching her plump marehood wider and wider over my second knot. "Can't! I made a p-RRR-omise." Getting words out was nearly impossible, but I was determined. "Oh my! You're such a good girl!" I instinctively humped upwards and felt my cock pulse, ready to flood her, but I grit my teeth and tensed all my muscles to keep my load inside me. "Not helping!" Glenda broke out laughing, which sent waves through her insides. As she was recovering from the laughter, she said, "Ahem, sorry. It's just, you're too cute for words." "And you're a goddess and I'd love to do this any other time. I just need to last till Clarissa gets back." "Sorry if I overstepped. I should've asked first." She put her hands on my forearms and started lifting herself off me. "Oh it's fine. I wanted this, just not right now. I'm barely keeping it together as it is." I relaxed a bit. A sharp moaning cry got all of us to turn our heads toward the hallway. I could barely make out the tip of a canine cock being held by a skunk-patterned hand as foot-long ropes of jizz fired out across the hallway carpet. As this happened, time slowed to a crawl. Glenda's left hand lost purchase on my forearm from her sudden twist to look and she fell onto my dick. The first and second knots popped into her one after the other as she made a deep bellowing moan that ended in a bleat. Weathering the waves of contractions in her pussy and the perfection of my knots swelling inside her, I bit my tongue and clenched at the base of my shaft as hard as I could. I felt my body trying to betray me, to fill this lovely, undulating snatch with my seed. I felt my muscles fighting each other and knew I was about to lose. No! I clenched even harder. My desire to make Clarissa proud filled every single facet of my being and despite my dick lurching inside Glenda, nothing came out. I still moaned and hollered, getting a full-on orgasm from my cock. Cumming without cumming: I had no idea it was even possible and yet here I was doing it. Searing, angry pleasure made my paw pads burn and my whole body fidget. No orgasm from my dick had ever felt this much like getting shocked. And when it ended, I felt more desperate to cum than ever. Glenda grabbed my hands, which were hanging off the ends of the arm rests, and squeezed. "That was so good that I'm stiff all over again. Mmm... Also, I'm sorry about that. That went completely sideways and I'm amazed you managed to hold on." Rinny looked at Glenda's belly and then at me. "Wait, you didn't cum?" "Nope." I relaxed against the chair. "I have no idea how I kept it in, though." "Wow, you're the goodest g--" "Don't!" I shook my head. "Still on the edge, are we?" Rinny's tail flicked behind her. I nodded, feeling how tightly my knots were lodged in Glenda. I could feel her heartbeat, her breathing, everything. Narrowing her eyes, Rinny took stock of the situation. "You're going to have to relax your knot. Otherwise Glenda's not going anywhere until after you get off." Glenda was in her own little world, stroking her dick and moaning softly. "Hey!" Swatting Glenda on the nose, Rinny gave her a stern look. Stopping immediately, Glenda put her hands back at her sides. "S-sorry, something about her knots is making me lose my mind. I can barely sit still." "Both of you, close your eyes, stay still, and just breathe," Rinny said. I felt Glenda relax as I closed my eyes. Dixie, who'd just jizzed all over the carpet, took a couple steps into the room. "Hey, Rinny? Do you know where there's an extra towel or something?" "Why not just grab a paper towel from the serving counter? There's a sink in the kitchen you can wet it with," Rinny said. "Umm, uhh, you see..." Dixie trailed off. "I don't want to waste an entire roll." Rinny padded over toward the hallway. "Good Lord! Did that all come from you?" Dixie's "Mmhmm," was so quiet I doubted I would've heard it if I was in human form. "Where do you store it all?" "I don't know how it works, I just need help before it soaks in too much." "Lucky for you, I have the perfect spell for this." I opened my eyes to see Rinny weaving her fingers through the air, blue tendrils of magic creating a wavy distortion, like heat rising from a highway. "By the power of Sable vested in me, I remove this cum stain for Dixie!" Dixie and Glenda giggled. A blue mist rose from the carpet and dissipated as the spell started cleaning. I was a bit too fascinated by the dancing threads of magic that were cleaning the carpet to enjoy the humor of the incantation. Only a few seconds into the spell, the front door opened and I heard Clarissa's voice from the entryway. "What the hell happened while I was gone? Did someone spill a gallon of milk?" "That's not milk." Rinny moved her hands to widen the cleaning area. "Dixie, you're looking mighty embarrassed, was all that yours?" Clarissa shifted her weight, making the floor creek. "Uhh huh." Dixie's voice was as faint. "There, all done." Rinny shook her hands after the spell ended. "Thanks Rinny!" Dixie attempted to give Rinny a big hug, but Rinny's half-hard horsecock was awkwardly in the way. "Sorry about the log between my legs. I'm a bit pokey at the moment." Rinny chuckled. "It's fine, I was the same until, well..." She looked away shyly. "Honestly, you should be proud. That was one impressive load." Clarissa made her way down the hall. "T-thanks!" I wasn't sure if Dixie was feigning pride or actually feeling it, but it was adorable. Clarissa entered the dining room. "So, you had an orgy without me?" "Not exactly. Fiona managed to save herself for you." Following close behind Clarissa, Rinny lost track of where her dick was pointing and knocked a pepper shaker off a nearby table. Her swift movement to catch it in midair got her shaft and balls swinging wildly, making her look far less graceful than she should have. Dixie looked at each of us, her shy expression intensifying as she did so. "I think I'm just gonna go. Seems like you guys have some stuff to work out." "That's fine," Rinny said. Dixie stopped just before she passed Rinny. "Hey, can I repay you somehow?" "If you show me that cum firehose of yours in action sometime, we'll call it even." Dixie bit her lip. "It's a deal." She trotted off, her luxurious skunk tail swaying behind her. Clarissa examined Glenda closely and then me after setting down her grocery bags. "You knotted her without cumming?" "Yep! Just following your orders, hon." My tail wagged with pride. Clarissa smiled wide. "You're such a good g--" "Don't." I tried to hold up a finger, but my hands were still bound to the arm rest. "Almost anything could set me off right now." Clarissa crossed her arms while narrowing her eyes at Glenda. "I love ya, but I need my girl's dick and you're kinda hogging it." "She's huge and I'm--" "Nope, not buying it." Clarissa leaned closer. "I once saw you take Maria's entire length in one big shove. If you take a moment to relax, I bet that ridiculously elastic mare pussy of yours is going to let her knots come free." "I knew all my pussy training would come in handy someday and I guess that day is today." Glenda delivered that line as if she was Wonder Woman and was about to take out Lex Luthor. Clarissa maintained a stern face, but was struggling not to laugh. Her facial expression is what got the rest of us to bust out laughing. While we were distracted by the laughter, Clarissa grabbed under Glenda's arms and pulled up. The laughter had actually gotten Glenda to relax just enough for my knots to pop free. We both gasped. Then Clarissa stood Glenda up, before working on the bows Glenda had tied in the twine. Rinny helped Clarissa get me free while Glenda looked through the grocery bags. Glenda's impressive biceps flexed as she lifted the bags off the table, making me want her all the more. "Thanks for the grocery run." "Thanks for keeping Fiona's cock warm until I got back." Clarissa leaned in and gave Glenda a peck on the cheek. "Anytime, dear." Glenda scritched under Clarissa's chin and then turned and strutted away. "You girls have fun!" she said in a sing-song voice. Hearing the jingle of Clarissa's overall straps, I turned to look and caught her dropping her overalls to the floor. She'd already stepped out of her shoes, and hooked her thumbs on the waistband of her light purple boxers. The white dick outlines from at least a dozen different species on them were being distorted by her huge balls and sheath. Seeing she had both Rinny and my attention, she smirked with pride as she pulled them off. While Clarissa pulled her bra and yellow T-shirt off, Rinny gently pushed me in Clarissa's direction. "Worship your girl." Too horny to question why we were doing this in the dining room, I knelt down in front of Clarissa as she dropped her shirt and bra on a nearby chair. I lapped across Clarissa's balls, slowly working my way up to her sheath where I greeted the broad head of her stallion length. Her thick-fingered hands grabbed my hair and held me against her sheath as her meaty pole shoved itself into my mouth. Reaching behind her satiny smooth, low-hanging balls, I pressed three fingers into her cunny, savoring the feeling of my paw pads popping inside. She winked hard around my fingers and pre’d against the back of my throat. While I was preoccupied, Clarissa let go with one of her hands and grabbed Rinny's knotted equine member. "Come here." Their makeout session caused inches of Clarissa's dick to spill out of her sheath and challenge my oral skills. Then, as I used my thumb to tease Clarissa's grape-sized mare clit, she threw her head back to let out a bellowing moo. Her snatch winked hard twice in a row, soaking the fur on my hand and wrist with her girl juice. I shivered, feeling each needy pulse of my dick with my entire body. It was so sensitive, so frigging ready to go, that I thrust it uselessly into the air over and over. Pulling my head off her dick, Clarissa guided me to my feet. While her wetness dripped off my fingers, she laid back on the nearest table and lifted her balls out of the way. "Get in here!" Her cute cow tail, which was hanging over the edge of the table, swung excitedly back and forth. Her salty caramel scent was now so strong that I was dizzy and my eyes were locked on her teardrop-shaped, voluptuous mare snatch. I aimed my dick at her entrance and just walked forward. We both cried out as I entered, her flesh so ready for me that my bumps and ridges disappeared into her one after the other. I didn't know if my cock had ever been that big, it was like shoving my entire forearm inside her. Since my dick got thicker in the middle, there was more resistance, but the moment I passed that point, the rest was gravy. Every millimeter of my shaft that entered got her to squirm and moan. The strong, slick furnace embracing my dick was even more incredible than the first time I'd fucked her. I knew her so much better, cared for her so much more, and the pleasure I was giving to her clenching depths meant more than ever. Just as my first knot met her labia, she mooed and winked around me, bringing me to the edge of the edge. My balls ached, my entire shaft was trembling, about to spurt. "I don't know if I can last." "Then don't, babe." Clarissa toyed with one of my nipples using her right hand and pinched a teat on her udder with her left, while her massive dick jutted up into the air, pulsing visibly and drooling pre. "No, I've gotta last till you cum!" I pulled back, lifted her balls up, and shoved myself in so hard that her dick smacked my right tit. Rinny's claws dug into my hips. As I pulled out of Clarissa, I drove Rinny's dick right into my cunt. Mercilessly stuffing me with her dick, Rinny said, "Sorry girl, the deck's stacked against you this time." She didn't stop, she gave me the whole thing, making a bulge in my belly as her gigantic uninflated knot slid in. Then she kept pushing, forcing me back into Clarissa. "OH FUCK! OH FUCK! OH FUCK!" Feeling the tightness in my own pussy being challenged by Rinny as I plunged into Clarissa's taut muscular walls got me seeing stars. My nipples tingled, my loins ached, and my toes burned along with the tips of my fingers and ears. I tried to hang on just a bit longer, getting a pins and needles sensation on my lips. My body was at its limit and I could see Glenda openly stroking herself behind the counter as she watched. "You've been a VERY good girl." Clarissa hooked her legs around us and pulled us toward her, roughly popping my first and second knots into her depths. My eyes shut as a flood of raw, erotic sensation filled my entire body. I could feel Clarissa's heat wrapped around me while I was so full of Rinny's dick that my clit was going off simply from rubbing against her sheath and the underside of her cock.. Then there was the perfection of my knots being parked inside my girl's muff. While my knots swelled and my sex milked Rinny's cock, I grabbed Clarissa's equine pole and let loose a fox scream. I didn't know what I was doing, but having her dick in my hands as my cock erupted inside her, somehow made everything better. "OH CLARISSA!" I cried out as she started thrusting her cock into my hands and grinding her pussy against me so hard that her balls, breasts, and udder were flopping all over the place. I just started thrusting wildly, feeling Rinny's dick stir up my insides as I stirred up Clarissa. My orgasm grew and grew, my body shaking all over as I hollered and moaned until I was out of breath and had to slow down. Rinny took this as a cue to rut me as hard as she could. I shrieked, feeling another orgasm on top of the one I was already having. It felt like three of them were stacked on top of each other. In the back of my mind, there was this realization that made me cum all that much harder: I was a herm, I was a fucking gorgeous herm who could be fucked while fucking and I deserved this for being such a good girl. The most intense part of my orgasm faded, leaving behind a moment of mid-orgasm clarity. I put Clarissa's dick between my tits and stroked and sucked as much as I could, using her pre to lubricate my motions. I needed her to cum in my mouth right now! Just as this obsession took hold of me, Rinny grunted and jammed her knot into me so hard her balls smacked the backs of my thighs. As her knot expanded and locked us together, my eyes went wide. I moaned higher and higher, Rinny's thick seed gushing into me. My belly swelled from Rinny's impressive load while my own dick reached max hardness and came again. The roundness in Clarissa's belly was getting very obvious despite the fact she had an udder. I was knotted to Rinny, but that didn't stop me from thrusting madly while I kept working Clarissa's cock as hard as I could. Rinny, while firing her last few shots, grabbed my breasts and pressed them against the sides of Clarissa's dick so I could focus on sucking and stroking. "Haah! OH! FIIIOONNAAAHHH!" Clarissa yelled, her snatch milking my cock while her flare expanded in my maw. Her gushes of jizz forced me to interrupt my moaning with swallowing. The result made me sound kinda funny, but I was far too busy feeling like a pleasure goddess to care. I also felt rather pregnant: Rinny's load definitely matched the size of her package... How was I going to go back to work after experiencing something like this? Would it be so bad if I just spent my days fucking and getting fucked by herms until I was so exhausted I had to get some sleep? Nothing else seemed as important as doing what we just did over and over and over again. When all of us had stopped screaming and hollering, applause rang throughout the room. It was Glenda from behind the serving counter who had her own cum dripping from her muzzle. "Bad news: Your pizza's going to be a little bit late. Good news: I've got an extra special dipping sauce for it now." END OF CHAPTER 11 I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!