“Mistress is just gonna take this to ze next level, so I will make ze bitch forget about ze wand and everyzhing right now!” Sean intones in a sexy cadence and French accent, waving the wand at you before pouting his plump lips in disappointment.

“You know what’s going on because of your first wish, don’t you? Tell your mistress what just happened!” You demand, displaying your profound cunning in a dire situation as Sean internally fights against your command.

“Zis is not a cleaning duty, so I will not be doing zis!” Sean states meekly, clearly struggling against growing arousal as he fights his body’s natural instinct to go with the pleasure and obey you.

“I don’t consider the house clean till all secrets are out and taken care of…” You trail off, goading a distraught moan of ecstasy from the French maid’s lips.

“Mistress, please! Stop wizh ze many orgasm, I’m getting dizzy!!” Sean pleads, eyes glazing over as his engorged pussy demands satisfaction.

He achingly moans and rubs the crotch of his uniform, the wand’s power building up the itch of lust for Sean’s cleaning to orgasmically relieve. You’ve only ever seen that look in a girl’s eyes while penetrating her- and Sean’s still dressed!

“Okay, I’ll tell mistress!!” Sean moans, “We cannot make each other forget about the wand at all, the wish won’t work- Ughhhhhhh…”

Sean’s eyes roll back as his he convulses euphorically, drool pouring down his hefty cleavage as you try to make sense of what he said.

“Does that mean we can’t affect each other’s memories, or is just memories about the wand? I imagine that would be-”

You’re cut off by Sean waving the wand as he breathes a resolute sigh of coherent relief, and you feel your lungs instantly fill with more air than they can handle. Your back arches as you try to ask what’s going on, but all you can do is whimper as your breasts slowly fill with fat and grow heavy.

The perky A cups on your chest hadn’t even registered as ‘breasts’ really, but you quickly feel the oozing flow of femininity plumply weigh your back down. You quiver and moan as the jiggling mass swells, and quickly get up from your bed as Sean watches in disbelief.

“What is mistress doing?” He asks as you open your closet, and he waits for an explanation as you take out a stuffed garbage bag.

“My ex-girlfriend left a lot of clothes here when she left me, and I’ve always wondered what this one shirt was like…” You trail off, searching through your curvy ex’s wardrobe before finding the golden top you always loved.

“So mistress wanted big boobs??” Sean asks in shock, now sounding regretful as you slide the smooth shirt over your head.

“Mmmm… fuck…” You moan as you pull the closed collar zipper all the way down, opening the deep neckline and relieving the tight pressure on your squeezed breasts.

They’d been pressed together and restricted by the stretchy top, but with the zipper open they’re free to jiggle!

And with the extra support from the top… 

Your delicate hands slide down your chest, stimulating the sensitive nerve endings as you take a deep breath. Then you brush past your erect nipple, and your mind is flooded by lusty hormones. You forget where you are for a moment, biting your lip as you erotically bounce in place.

“Mistress is seriously liking ze large breasts??

Zis is supposed to be ze punishment!” Sean whines, clearly regretting his decision to give you a plush pair of boobs.

“Yeah… I never wanted to be a woman per say, but I did always want to have big titties!” You giggle, voice a bit more husky and sweet with your extra chest capacity.

Whenever your girlfriend wore this smooth shirt you loved feeling the silky material, but now the sheer fabric is like a million kisses on your smooth torso. You can’t stop rubbing the top against your tummy, stimulating feelings of comfortable bliss as you conjure up proper vengeful payback for Sean.

“You know what else I’ve always wondered about?” You laugh, waving the wand and making Sean’s uniform fade away.

“What did you fucking do this time, asshole??

O shit! I can finally talk normally!!

And call you a fucking prick psycho, what the fuck was that French mistress bullshit???” Sean demands, unaware as his curvy figure warps.

His maid outfit reverts to the same shorts and sweatshirt he was in when you changed him, but he shrinks down to under five feet in height. Sean only realizes there’s more to his change when he feels his shorts grow tight, loose fitting fabric pulled by expanding hips you laugh.

Sean’s sweatshirt is already tight from the size of his large breasts, filling the empty space in what would otherwise be a baggy men’s sweatshirt on a girl. His shorts are taken to even further extreme as his ass balloons, forcing him to bend his still widening hips to accommodate the amount of pelvis area needed to support the inflating booty.

“What did you do?? Is this gonna ever stop???” Sean demands, voice growing shaky as his bubble butt starts to even show from the front.

“I think it’s pretty obvious, don’t you?

With your body, French maid is gonna be a waste! ” You laugh, taking joy in the discomfort on Sean’s face as unyielding mass spills into his behind.

“Haha, very funny.

Well, you better get your laughs in now; cuz you may have given me this enormous ass, but don’t forget you also gave up the wand!” Sean reminds you, turning around with a blank expression and bouncing his booty as you laugh hysterically.

“Every time you refer to your giant ass, you’ll have to show it off to whoever you’re talking to. Isn’t that cool??” You laugh as Sean steams and jiggles, his mind clearly working on revenge for you.

“Yeah that would be awful, if you had to show off your body parts I enhanced to everyone…” He mumbles, an idea clearly forming in his head as he twirls the wand in his delicate fingers.

Before you can say a word you suddenly feel a smile stretch across your lips, and words start flowing from your mouth as Sean watches.

“Whoa… aren’t there some hot guys living down the hall??” You ask breathlessly, feeling a rush of excitement start to course through your veins as you go through the trash bag of your ex’s clothes. You have no control of your body, simply a passenger as it grabs a skimpy bikini and quickly changes into it.

“Wh… what's happening?” You manage to ask as Sean follows your strutting body out of the apartment, “Why am I so nervous, and where am I going??”

Sean doesn’t reply, smiling quietly as the elevator arrives to the floor you’re on. You can see the twinkle of vengeance in his almond shaped eyes before your body turns away from him, and you face the elevator as a group of guys get off it.

And then you feel the cool hallway draft on your screaming nipples, which perk up and tingle in the presence of an audience.

“Whoa!!” You hear the men scream, and feel your entire body flush red with embarrassment.

You cover up and run the moment control comes back to you, mentally tensed to sprint like an Olympic runner as your arms finally let you bring your bikini back down over your breasts. The echoes of awestruck men follow you down the hall, shame feeling more than natural even in this temporary body as your crossed arms try to ease the immense heft of your bouncing breasts.

You slam the apartment door behind you, unsure of where the wand is as you try to catch your breath. Sean just took it a step too far, and there might not be any going back now…

But where’s the wand??

This story will be continued after the next one! 😘