-mini story Rarity our Wife! mini story by Colonist!- [Tallying playthrough choices…] [Helped Rarity clean up after the Spring Fling incident in Chapter 1…] [Complimented Rarity’s outrageous band outfits upon their introduction in Chapter 2…] [Carried Rarity to a nearby couch after her magic was drained by Sci-Twi in Chapter 3…] [Joined Rarity at the secret geothermal spring she discovered in Chapter 4…] [Brought a replacement outfit after Rarity’s Starswirled outfit got mud-splashed in Chapter 5…] *Four years later…* Rarity: Darling, please hurry! It’s an emergency! *You look up as you hit the pause button on your current game. Over time, you’ve taken occasional breaks from ultra-competitive online play under the “MCTehMainGuy” moniker to take time enjoying single player campaigns to their fullest. As such, you’ve been able to hit the pause button more often than before.* You: It’s always an emergency… *Indeed. Four years of night school and fashion boutique “volunteering” later, and you swear that your wife knows exactly how loudly to shout to get your attention through your headphones. Whilst that part of her hysterics found a way to become more refined in that regard, Rarity remained as overreactive as always - though you’d only say that to her face at your peril!* You: Yes, dear? Rarity: Don’t “yes, dear” me! It’s an emergency! You: (silently miming to yourself) “It’s an emergency, darling!” Rarity: I heard that! You: I didn’t say anything! Rarity: I heard you miming it! I don’t say “darling” in that context…darling! You: (thinking) …how does she do that!? *You sigh and put down the controller. You better see what it is. You always end up doing so anyway.* You: What non-emergent emergency do I need to address, darling - *You eyes almost pop out of their sockets when you turn the corner and gaze upon the scene in the living room.* Rarity: Choices! I *gasp* am in an ever so present conundrum between food and eye candy…and my husband is always in the middle of it! *Food and eye candy, indeed. Your wife lies in a seductive pose on the couch in nothing more than an apron over racy lingerie. At the foot of the couch lies a freshly baked soufflé. Rarity’s always found new ways to segue fashion - or the literal lack thereof - into your regular “sexy time” rituals.* You: Y-you always drag me into your drama! Rarity: And what a drama it is! You: (thinking) Freakin’ drama queen. Rarity: I heard that! You: No you didn’t! Rarity: I know you well enough to know what you’d think next! You: (thinking) The hell? Has she been taking lessons from Pinkie? It’s been years since I’ve seen that one in person now that I think about it. Voice In Your Head: (manifesting as Pinkie) Hey, good guess! You’re not hard to figure out anyway, dummy. Let’s get together for a threesome…lunch sometime! You: (thinking) Out, you! You promised no talking unless it’s oral, over the phone, or the internet! Voice In Your Head: (Pinkie) Ooh, oral does sound fun. Until then, dummy! *You’d think a literal voice in your head would warrant questioning one’s sanity, but as you’ve come to learn since the Canterlot High days, it’s Pinkie. Heh, you remember that one winter break where she had to dodge a snowball battle to get a soufflé for Rarity to taste. Man, some things have a way of coming full circle, don’t they?* Rarity: Alas, food! Alas, woman! Doth thou not see any difference between them? You: I…doth see a difference? Rarity: But thee do not! Why does thou take so long in one’s decision between the two? *Oh great. A tasty soufflé, or a tasty wife? Both look absolutely delicious…* Rarity: With haste, noble knight! A soufflé can only remain presentable for so long? You: Like the wife? Puffy and plump? *Rarity gasps in shock. You hope she’s still in the role play, but half of it looked genuinely stunned.* Rarity: Hey! I am not plump! You: I meant…a womanly plump! I mean, you haven’t aged a single day aside from the…more womanly curves… Rarity: Hmph, I don’t believe you. You: And lots of things are better plump and aged! Like…steak? Rarity: *scoff* Do you have the nerve to compare me to a piece of meat? *Rarity lets her top and apron fall away, a slight lip bite signaling to you that she’s indeed still in the role play.* You: Well, now that you mention it… *You dash across the living room in record speed, swiping up the soufflé in one hand and grabbing Rarity with the other. You smash the confectionary square into your wife’s tits with an audible poof and smear the remainder of the dish all the way down her chest and belly. You peel off the other bodily coverings to finalize the scrumptious dish before you.* You: See what happens when you make me choose? I have to find a way to take both options! Rarity: Hmph, a clever answer to a clever question, but I’m sure a chef as good as yourself will try his own dish at least once? You: Dear, this is a dish that I’ll never get tired of! *You clean off the remnants of the sm ashed soufflé off your wife’s skin with your tongue, licking as slowly and deliberately as possible to draw out the pleasurable experience. Rarity moans as you tongue over her tits and tries to hold back her gasps as you clean downward, under the folds of her breasts and toward her navel. You stop at her navel to get up and kiss her. She kisses back but with an inquiring expression.* You: To cleanse the palette. Rarity: Hmm. *You resume licking and go even lower. You’ve cleaned off the soufflé at this point and decide to finish off with some wifely juices to wash it all down. Rarity was on the already on the edge of providing you some that all it took was one single lick for her to cross it. Soufflé and wife - what a choice!* Rarity: *huff* Talk about having one’s cake and eating it too, darling! You: Edible items really take the cake, but no one’s more scrumptious than you, my dear! [x] Quickly grabbed the curtain to cover Rarity’s wardrobe malfunction at the school play. [S Rank Ending Unlocked: Fucking Fashion…In Edible Fashion!]