“This device will let me change one thing about you everyday, but you won’t remember what it was the next day.”

“Huh? Why would you do that?”

“I don’t know. Ask your dick.”

“My dick?


Kyle ripped off Trent’s jeans, revealing a feminized pair of his underwear with some camel toe instead of a bulge.

“What’d you do with my dick!?”

“Nothing. I just gave a vagina…”

Trent frantically fought for the device, but Kyle took it and hid it somewhere.

“There. Now you’ll never find it. I can’t change you back til tomorrow anyway, so don’t worry I’ll change you back then.”

“You better…”

Day 2

“Good morning Trent! Anything you wanted me to do for you this morning?”

“Wha? No… Why are you looking at me so weird?”

Kyle stifled a laugh, confusing Trent and making him wonder what was going on.

“You didn’t notice anything off about your walk?”

“My walk?”

“Putting your pants on didn’t feel different?”

Trent thought back to the struggle he had putting his jeans on earlier,

“Wait…”, he turned around and let out a shocked yelp when he saw the bubble butt jiggling behind him.

“What the fuck did you do???

How’s my ass so… it’s a chick’s ass!!”

“Wait, you forgot about the device?”

“What device??”

“Nevermind! I’m assuming you already checked for your dick…”

“Why would I do that? I’ve never had a dick.”

Kyle didn’t realize just how much the device could make a subject forget, and decided to have a lot more fun with it than he was planning.

“Right… well”, Kyle stopped mid sentence to give Trent’s butt a healthy smack, “I don’t know why you think this is my doing…”

“Don’t touch me like that!” Trent was blushing, and holding down the jiggling fat on his butt. Embarrassed to be turned on in front of his friend, by his friend no less.

The two of them spent the day researching the changes on the internet, Kyle knowing they would never find anything, but going along with it to avoid suspicion.

Day 3

“Kyle! We gotta go shopping!

All of my shirts are way too big”

“Weren’t your pants too small too?”

“Well my pants are pretty tight by the ass… But they always have been!”

The two of them went to the mall, Trent following Kyle around, smirking the entire time at Kyle’s much shorter height.

He had shrunk his body down to be barely four feet tall, and much more feminine.

Trent even needed new pants, as his were now much too long. He was walking around the mall in a pair of running shorts that reached his feet.


Day 4


Kyle waited in the living room, getting ready to look as surprised as possible.

“These things are enormous!!”

They stretched my new tank top out completely!”

Kyle just sat with his mouth agape, staring down the vast expanse of Trent’s cleavage. His massive boobs swung as he bent over to show Kyle, and Trent’s nipples became erect.

“Kyle? Hello? You haven’t said a word since I- Ahhhhh!!!”

Kyle grabbed one Trent’s boobs, massaging it and making him whimper. Trent tried pulling his hand back, but Kyle wouldn't let up. Kyle kept going till he saw Trent’s hand traveling crotch-ward, he then stuck two fingers up Trent’s tight lips. It was quite the site, a moaning orgasming man, with his friend fingering his pussy and massaging his giant breasts.

Kyle tried convincing Trent to bend over, but Trent refused, still trying to stop Kyle’s orgasmic manipulation. This went on for hours through the whole day, Kyle only stopping to jerk off once Trent had fallen asleep late at night.

Day 5


Kyle ran into Trent’s room, following his roommate’s sweet melodious voice.  

As Kyle approached, the worried sounds he heard before started sounding more aroused than scared...

“Honestly, when I first looked in the mirror and heard my voice, I was scared. But now that I’m seeing my whole body…”

Trent giggled as his body jiggled, sitting on the bed and laughing while Kyle stared at him mouth agape.

“So you’re feeling horny?”

“Not for you silly! I’m not gay!”

Kyle got pushed out of the room by a still naked Trent, and then sighed as he heard the orgasmic sounds of Trent masturbating with his door locked.

Day 6

It was already one in the afternoon, and Trent was still in his room. Kyle wondered what was going on, and decided to pick the lock on his roommate’s door.

Before him, a sweaty, sexy Trent, fingering himself and moaning sensuously.

“I was not this horny yesterday bro, what the fuck???”

Kyle couldn’t think of anything to say, he was literally speechless. Trent panted and moaned, still rubbing his pussy while Kyle watched.

“Do you need me to fuck you?”

“I… Mmmmm”

Trent’s eyes closed as he pressed down hard on his clitoris, a desperate whimper escaping from his throat.

Kyle waited for Trent to answer his question, letting him pause to pleasure himself.

“I’m not gay!”, Trent managed to let out in an orgasmic gasp.

“Nothing gay, just seems like you need to be filled…”

At the mention, Trent realized this was what was driving his lust. He was too busy trying to find relief to even think to go find something to penetrate himself with,

“Now that you mention it…” Trent started to get up, still rubbing his virgin lips.

He then realized what he was about to do, and went straight back down.

“Not happening! I’m not gay. Get me a dildo or something like that please!”

Kyle saw the look in Trent’s eyes and whipped out his dick, knowing what the reaction would be.

“O my god…” Trent stared at the throbbing eleven inches, tempted to just wrap his lips around it right then.

“Stop! Put that away. Gross…” Trent bit his lip, not able to avert his gaze from the veiny member before him.

“I’m gonna let you do the work..”

Kyle instructed Trent, having him make space on the bed for Kyle to lie down. Then he sat on the bed, before lifting Trent by the hips, and plunging his pussy down on his cock.

Kyle tried playing with Trent’s soft breasts while he bounced in Kyle’s lap, but the feeling of Trent’s tightness was too much. Kyle lay down, closing his eyes and trying to last as long as possible while Trent rode him enthusiastically.

Trent’s luscious moans rang through the apartment, each thrust and bounce making him scream louder. Kyle was barely able to hold on, and had to let go of Trent’s hips as he felt himself reaching climax.

Trent’s moans turned to squeals when his entire body moved, Kyle’s twitching cock big enough to affect Trent’s petite figure from head to toe.

One last squeeze of his erect nipple before he planted himself down on Kyle’s cock, grinding into his lap and milking him dry as load after load of warm cum shot deep into Trent’s belly.

No more sounds could be heard, and Trent had his most intense orgasm yet in silence.

Kyle knew he was gonna use this device some more, but probably not on Trent. This was too much fun for him, he smiled as his cock stirred in Trent’s tight pussy. Then he felt Trent’s thigh muscles tighten as he got ready for ride number two, “Thought you said you weren’t gay?”

“I’m not”, Trent got out between bouncing moans.