Echoen crosses hir legs and leans back, the 4-foot-tall mouse herm grinning as this shows off hir ball-bulge to hir latest 'client'. "My services do not come cheaply." Lightningfire blushes a little, the silvery vulpine eyeing over the rather bulgy-rodent, eyes lingering a bit at that bulge. "Do tell," shi manages Echoen sips from an oversized mug. The short rodent isn't little in any way, evident in the broad excess of her hips and the package squeezed between her thighs by her spandex shorts. "I can accept payment in various ways, but garnering from your particular request, I'll extract payment in the non-monetary fashion." Hir long, pink tail slides across your own. "Do we have a deal?" Lightningfire flushes again a bit more, the rather average-height vix feeling, well, rather inadequate in comparison too the obviously much better-endowed rodent. Shi gulps, then nods just a bit, tail twitching at the feeling of that rodent tail. "Um, yes, I think so. Seems only fair, after all." Echoen smiles, unfolding her legs. Her slender tail coils around yours, and pulls - all the fur of your tail sliding off just like that, leaving your entire tail hairless. "Wonderful, I'm already seeing a return on this investment." Shi stands, hir bulge jiggling. Does it seem larger? Does shi seem larger? As shi walks over to you, the demure womanly herm mouse stretches hir spandex clothing more and more, growing with every step. More and more of hir sheath and balls are shown in the stretching material. Shi stops at 6 feet tall, placing hir paws on your shoulders and pushing you back into your chair. THe fur falls off of your paws and feet, leaving the toes pink and pretty. "I think you'll look better as a mouse, too." Hir balls continue to grow, sagging into your lap, as large as soccer balls. Lightningfire yeeps slightly as all of the fluff leaves hir tail, the vix surprised that the mouse could manage anything that quickly. "" shi asks, in surprise, having expected -something-, but nothing nearly this quick, blinking and blushing more at the sight of the stretching, bulging, growing mouse herm, shivvering a bit at the sight of those huge balls, that huge bulge, Shai getting pushed back with little effort at all, hir surprise only lightly masking other, rather obvious reactions, stirrings within hir own shorts indicative of much more modest equipment on hir own part. Shi mrrrs at the sight of those huge balls as they sag down into hir lap, reaching forwards with a hand towards them, though stopping, momentarily, in surprise at that hand's now furless state, looking up at you again, nervously Echoen smiles down at you again nonchalantly, hir huge sheath at least a foot and a half long and over a foot thick, with the glans of hir cockhead making a nothing-to-the-imagination stretch in the spandex. "Ah, questions later." Shi pushes you back even further, forcing your legs to spread around hir balls, slipping between hir nuts and legs. Hir spandex stretches rapidly as hir cock jams forward, a low mouse moan heard from the huge herm as shi shoves under your own junk. Keeping you trapped, shi erects hirself out of hir spandex, forcing hir huge cock against your ass and pants. It feels like your clothes are being shoved into you, tightening around your own, growing, mousifying body. Your pants shred around your now huge hips, allowing hir cock to slide deep into your cunt. As your sex is filled up with two feet of mouse cock, your own sheath pours out its own growing mouse cock, stiffening with unfathomable arousal. Your balls tightening with unheard of sensations of need. Buck teeth form in your muzzle, squeaks leaping from your throat as the mouseherm matron fucks you. Lightningfire seems to accept that anwer, having much ...bigger things on hir mind, and top of hir in general, at present. The vulpine earflats, just a bit, at the sight of huge mousecock, though from hir smells it's probably more in jealously than anything, that a rodent would be better hung, the still-smaller herm certainly not putting up a fight as that huge shaft pushes against hir, though looking nervous for a few moments at the thought that shi might be split in two by such. Shi lets out a yelp as it pushes again, though this quickly changes to a moan as hir hips pop and widen, growing massive and wide, quickly, tunnel rehspaing around your cock to fit it like a glove, made for only such massiveness as this, and doubtless made to help such massiveness occur in others if they're not already there. But these thoughts are far from hir mind as the lust builds, hir own organ spilling out of its home into something much more massive and decidedly un-foxlike, those growing balls churning with desire as hir own form grows, curves-out, and generally changes under the efforts of the herm above hir, vulpine yips soon changing to squeaks as hir shape assumes something more befitting than it was before Echoen keeps your now thick, lush legs trapped between hir own legs and huge sac, your hips arched up as hir cock fully fills your deep tunnel. Your waist is wide but your hips are so much wider. Your balls obscure the other mouse's cock, as large as soccre balls now, flooding with cum. Your breasts stretch your shirt to tatters, heavy and firm with a lot of bounce. Suddenly you are filled with heat and fullness, your belly bulging - the other mouse cumming inside you. At first you feel it alll sloshing in your womb, but quickly your tummy is firming up. Pregnant? Gestating rapidly.... shi pulls out of you with a musky, messy splatter, watching you twitch on the chair. You feel like you're going to give birth any second. The sensation is overwhelmed by your growing need to fuck and be fucked. To suck dick, gulp cum, get pounded in the ass, have your cunt flooded with cum, to plow any hole with your dick and breed. The matron mouse opens a door into the apartment hallway, pointing to the door across the hall. "Corrupt." Shi commands. Lightningfire shudders and writhes beneath you as shi grows so full and thick, curves heavy, the remainder of hir clothing falling away as hir form quickly exceeds it, the now-mouse not at all bothered by this development, nudity settling in as a rather natural state now, yes, clothing a less-desired thing, and only when stretchy, hir form pushing back against the upper-mouse's enormous shaft, milking it, the lower mouse letting out a squeaky cry as shi's filled, orgasm surging through hir body, hir now-heavy balls letting loose their own torrent that serves only to expel the last foxseed they'll ever make, now full of mouse-batter and ever-ready to fill others. Shi shudders beneath you, panting, lust not alleviated in the least, if anything worse, even as hir belly fills out, hir breasts growing huger still, leaking infectious milk, even as you pull free of hir, the lust-addled mouse-slut standing up, hir heavy, erect shaft swaying and throwing hir off balance before shi adjusts, mind now used to such, hir tongue lolling out as your command as shi does just such, rushing out into the hallway, eyeing around rapidly for anyone on which to slake hir lust by bringing them over to the proper, rodent side