Delilah’s brother Caleb was always being obnoxious, and she had enough of it. She saw an ad online for a pill that would quell any man’s masculinity, which she thought meant would make someone less obnoxiously and boyish. She already planned how to work everything out, and had made arrangements to visit her brother’s apartment the night the package was to arrive.

She had read online that the pill worked best if you had one a day, which was the exact amount of vitamin D pills Delilah knew Caleb took daily. She took the subway over to Caleb’s, and waited for him to get busy in the basement.

“What are you doing here anyway?

You only come when mom and dad make you”

Delilah hated being around her brother, and thus never visited him. She was in a good mood considering what was to come, so gave him the nicest answer she could muster.

“Exactly! I missed you, and decided to come say hi”

“Bullshit. You’re always busy with your dumb drawings and dancing, that garbage consumes all your girly time and brain. And you’re not even that good at either one”

Delilah was still in a good mood so she didn't get too mad, til Caleb insulted her drawings.

“You’re such an ass!

Why do you have to make fun of my drawings!

You know how hard I work on them! Admit they’re not stupid!”

Caleb knew exactly which buttons to push to make Delilah angry, but this was a little too much for him to handle.

“I’m gonna go check out the boiler, it keeps making a weird noise…”

Delilah praised her stroke of luck, but eventually her brother would have to go; he was the building maintenance guy after all…

Delilah ran to the kitchen, and replaced all his vitamin D pills with the ones she had. She then closed the bottle back up, carefully placing it in the exact spot she had found it originally.

By the time Caleb got back to his apartment, his sister was gone. And boy was he thankful!

Delilah had practically forgotten about her scheme; meaning to have checked up on Caleb a couple days in, but forgetting til more than a week later.

She quickly took the subway over to Caleb, hopping nervously as she waited for him to answer the door. Then she heard a feminine voice from deep in the apartment, “Just come in!! I’ll be there in a minute!”

Delilah forced herself to not look too freaked out, but her heart skipped a beat when Caleb came into the foyer.

“Heyyy sis! Back already?!”

Delilah’s jaw hit the floor, and she stammered as Caleb reacted to her shock.

“Why do you look like you saw a ghost?”

“It’s just- you look like- I don’t- we were gonna- you’re… o my god”

“Whoa, Slow down sis!

My mind’s been a little slow lately, you’re gonna have to give me full sentences.

But make the words simple!”

Caleb giggled as Delilah’s eyes scanned his body up and down, resting on his very small pert breasts and then even smaller vagina lips.

“When did your…

Do you know you don’t have-”

“O my penis was gone the morning after you left!

It seemed odd, but I was okay with it. Still am!

Everyday though, my body’s been getting more girly and, like… My brain’s been kinda… mushy?”

“You weren’t kidding about the simple words?”

“Why would I joke about being dumb?? That’s like, totes not cool!” Caleb giggled ditzily as Delilah processed the information. She spent the day hanging out with Caleb, loving his new personality and talking to him about girls from her school.

“Wow that mindy girl sounds like a total snob! Is she hot?”

“You’re lesbian?”

“Lesbian? Huh?

No I’m straight, I like girls”

“But you’re a girl…”

Caleb sat in silence, processing what Delilah had just told him. After a few minutes of silence, a blank look was all Caleb emoted.


“Whats up sis? Can I get you something to drink?”

“We were just talking about mindy…”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ll get us some water”

While Caleb prepared drinks, Delilah looked more into the pills she had given him on her phone. She found a site that had all the facts about it, and all the side effects.

Delilah decided she would continue administering the pills, Caleb would just turn back to his old self if she stopped. In the meantime, he would still live his old life, it would just be more girly.

Delilah asked him about his job, and it seemed to be going well. Caleb was getting more calls now, and mostly from guys. This didn’t bother him though, he said everyone was very nice to him.

Delilah left that night, planning to come back a couple of times a week to check on Caleb’s progress with the pills.

A month after his first pill, Delilah decided she would stop giving him the pills and take them home. Caleb was now a lot more feminine, and was starting to even become bi. Delilah felt bad as Caleb told her about the three-way he had almost gotten into with a married couple, but leaving when the guy pulled out an eleven inch erection.

“It was too big, and I’m not gay.

I didn’t want that thing to touch me!”

Delilah could tell life was becoming less fun for her brother, stories of people groping him and catcalling were becoming more and more common.

So Delilah was surprised when she walked into the apartment to a naked Caleb, who was busy groping his breasts when Delilah barged into his home.

“You don’t even knock??

Can’t a guy get some peace in here?”

Caleb was giggling, and sounded like he was joking instead of mad. He bounced over to Delilah and gave her a big hug, kissing her on the cheek before letting go.

“Someone’s in a good mood…”

“I met the cutest guy today! We’re going on a date tomorrow! I’m not gay, but I hope we at least kiss!”

Delilah thought back on the conversation she had had with Caleb the day before, realizing that the stories he told were happy ones, not sad. She kissed Caleb on the cheek, and left his apartment. She was happy for him, and decided to let him be for a bit. She would surprise herself with the new Caleb in a couple of weeks.

The two made plans to go to the beach, and Delilah brought her favorite bikini with her to Caleb’s.

This time she knocked, and only opened the door when Caleb sweetly invited her in.


“On the bikini?”

“Omg! What else??”

Delilah couldn’t stop staring at Caleb’s bouncing boobs, the jiggling beauty practically making her drool.

“Love the colors!

You look great! Are you taking more vitamin D?”

“Wha?? How’d you know??

The doctor totes told me I wasn’t getting enough of my daily vitamin D. He let me blow him, and then upped my actual prescription” Caleb licked his plump lips, gently massaging the crotch of his bikini bottom as he spoke.

“Let you blow him?”

“Yeah, during my physical I could, like, see his throbbing bulge, and was able to tell he had a huge cock!

I was totally begging him the entire time!”

“Shouldn’t a female doctor be giving you a physical?”

Caleb giggled, “Yeah silly, it was totally just a well checkup. I convinced him to give me a full physical, and it was like, very filling.” Caleb giggled at her ditzy pun.

“How long ago was this???”

Part 2 coming tomorrow!!