-mini story- Explicit Starlight! by Colonist!- Starlight: Thanks for coming along to go antiquing with me! You: Yeah, no problem. Starlight: You know, I didn’t really get into it when Sunburst over in my world first introduced me to it, but I kinda warmed up to it once I starting seeing items that predated some of the things that I truly enjoy! *You and Starlight were on the way to the city’s only listed antique shop. There were several thrift stores in the listings as well, but Starlight was more hesitant to go to those first.* You: Why’d you want to skip the thrift shops? They’ve also got some old gear that might be worth a look, and we’ve got the whole day. Starlight: We have those in Equestria too. From what I’ve seen, there’s a lot more junk to sift through before getting to the good stuff…if the good stuff’s even there. Plus, I’d like to leave some time at the day’s end to take inventory and compare our respective catches! You: Did you ask any of the others to join? Starlight: Amazingly, they all either had previous plans or just outright refused! Sci-Twi prefers the world of tech, so antiquing doesn’t really interest her. Sunset was repulsed at the possibility of stumbling on a random Equestrian artifact of destruction! WellI say, “nothing ventured, nothing gained!” You: I’ve heard stories about how that led to a lot of trouble in your world. Starlight: True, but that was then and today’s…well…today! You: I rest my case. Still, I suppose you’re right in some way; it’s just shopping. Nothing close to something risky like skydiving and mountain climbing, right? Starlight: Right! *Your eyes widen when you remember that Sunset definitely had good reason to shy away from anywhere that could potentially hold an item of Equestrian magic, but that same reason would’ve been enough to justify bringing her along as an early warning system of sorts. You contemplate giving her a quick call, but you catch sight of the store at the street corner and pay no further mind to the thought.* Starlight: Looks like the place! You: How’d you know? I haven’t gotten my phone out to check, and you’re not nearly familiar enough with the city. Starlight: I can feel it! Kidding, I could tell by the look. See the assortment of items in the display window there? Also, the building’s got just enough of a vintage, worn down touch to sell the antique vibe. Come on, let’s go in! *You push through the door, and in the typical antique store style that you were expecting, the physical bell above the door dinged upon contact. The guy with a beanie cap at the front counter gave a quick nod at Starlight before he went back to flipping through his phone. Must be an affirmation of mutual beanie-wearing. You marvel at the stock that lay on shelves, on displays, and again the walls. The building’s exterior was deceptively small compared to the interior. It’s like a whole freaking warehouse in here!* Starlight: So, need my help in finding a place to start? You: Actually, yeah. Where would I find the lower priced stuff? I didn’t pack much cash with me. Starlight: Don’t worry about it; it’s on me! You: Really!? Some of this stuff goes into the four figures and - *Starlight chuckles and rattles her attached “otherworld saddlebag.” You hear the clink of jewels. Of course! You keep forgetting that you should assume that everyone from Equestria is a rich horse…person…when they cross the portal given the outrageously favorable exchange rate of Equestrian gems to your world’s dollars. Damn, hanging around Sunset so many times should’ve already taught you this!* You: Oh. Right. Starlight: Come on, just jump on in! Start with something that ties in with your modern interests? What are your modern interests? You: Video games. Starlight: … You: Too modern? Starlight: Uhm, well, I suppose you could go for the historical aspect of gaming? Maybe a gaming manual or a single digit bit analog game if they got those? I’m heading off to that section over there; call over if you need any help, and have fun! *Starlight walks over to another room in the exhibition gallery, and you aimlessly peruse the items around you. You eventually come across a pile of gaming paraphernalia from what you could guess dates back to at least a few decades ago. Holy hell, this terminal is almost as big as that first computer monitor that you can remember using as a child. What’s it for? Reading the sticker on the front, you see that it’s dedicated entirely to a polygonal tank hunting game of sorts. Plugging it in to a nearby wall outlet, you take it for a spin. It looks fairly straightforward, and despite the lack of extensive tank models and power-ups, you find the A.I. and generated random levels for survival mode to be quite impressive for it’s time. Knowing that price isn’t an issue, you’ll take it! You’ll be able to project this thing on an HD screen with an adaptor and enjoy it when you get home. You’re on your way to find Starlight with the terminal in you r arms when a certain bracelet catches your eye on the accessories pile. You…have you seen it before? No, that’s not it…you’re getting some kind of vibe from it though…the kind that borders on ominous yet familiar…without trending toward either. What is it about this one that -* Starlight: Hey, what’ve you got there? And I didn’t know that you’re into jewelry? You: Huh? Oh, no, nothing like that. I just got this gaming terminal, and I got caught up in - Starlight: I like it! Why don’t you add that bracelet to your haul, and we’ll check it out at my place? You: Wait, you’ve got a place? I thought we were going back to mine later? Starlight: Gems, remember? Yeah, Sunset suggested I invest in a small “vacation home” that I could call my own whenever I’m visiting this world. Realtors don’t ask too many questions when you pay them enough, hehe. You: Right. Okay, let’s pay for our stuff then. *Starlight’s got quite a haul for her trip - enough that can fit in a single bag at least: some vintage kite-making kit, medieval flasks, and a marble chess set from goodness knows when. The same cashier from before rings up the purchase without glancing up from his phone, and the two of you are well on your way. One short train ride later, and you come across a fairly upscale tiny home in the forested part of the city. This must be Starlight’s place. She opens the door and waves you in. You leave your terminal on the floor and help Starlight out with her bag.* Starlight: Wait, let’s go to my room. I’ve got the space for my items in there. *You follow her to her room then. You reach into her bag and pull out the first item that your fingers touch. It’s that bracelet…and its energy is drawing you toward it, but for what? If it could speak, you’d swear that it was trying to urge you in its own inanimate language to manipulate it in some way.* Starlight: You’re…getting that look that Sunset gave me when I asked her to join us. You: You don’t feel it? This bracelet feels…off. Starlight: Here, let me take that off your hands. I think it’ll look good on me! *Starlight slips the bracelet on. Suddenly, the bracelet narrows in diameter and the five gemstones on it begin to glow. You both yelp in surprise when the doors and windows slam shut with the same glow. You’re trapped!* Starlight: Well, shit. I thought this was one of the artifacts the Princess once told me about! You: Why’d you wear it then!? And what is it? Starlight: The “Bracelet of Lust” - banished from Equestria for obvious reasons. It only comes off and becomes dormant again when it’s satisfied…the bracelet itself, not the wearer… You: So we…have to put on a good show!? Well, I mean, that’s not as bad as it could be. Starlight: *sigh* Wish Sunburst wasn’t too busy at the school to come with me today… *Starlight presses herself close to your chest and kisses you. For her the relatively little time in this world, she’s certainly quite the kisser! You return the kiss, keeping one eye open to observe the bracelet on her wrist. Ten seconds in, the first of the five gemstones blinks and fades. You break off the kiss to show her.* You: Look, we can move on to the next step! *You take the lead this time and you help her out of her jacket and shirt. You paw at her breasts and use your tongue to help. Starlight gasps a little, and you figure that you should take it slow to try and satisfy the bracelet without going all out too soon. The second gemstone fades.* Starlight: *gasp* I know what you’re thinking, but I don’t think we can stall for time here. We have to finish. Literally. *Say no more. You help her out of the rest of her clothes and your own. The third gemstone fades in approval of your hurrying. You line yourself up with your partner and go all in. With another punctuated moan from her, the bracelet’s fourth gemstone fades.* Starlight: Celeste’s sake, I’m already so riled up! I hope you don’t mind if you let me take the lead so that we can hurry and finish so that we can get out of this! *Starlight pushes backward and you two tumble to the floor, never disconnecting. She moves herself up and down less for her own pleasure and more for your own. Where did she learn to get so good with the human body? You have no problem finishing early, and you do so with great gusto. Starlight marvels at the amount that dribbles out of her, and the final gemstone fades. The bracelet’s diameter widens and falls off Starlight’s wrist with a clink. Looks like the auras holding the doors and windows shut are also gone.* Starlight: *huff* Not the worst run-in we’ve had with Equestrian magic…right? You: One of the better ones, I think. Man, imagine if Sunset got in on this. Starlight: Heh, nonstop trauma train. What if the other girls wore it instead? You: Should you bring it back to the Princess for archiving or destruction? Starlight: …I think I’m keeping it. You: What!? Starlight: I feel like I can help Sunburst come out of his shell with this artifact. Pun intended. Besides … *She twirls the bracelet around her finger.* Starlight: I wouldn’t mind going antiquing with you again…and testing out more merchandise…