Conclusion Dominance


gWhy did we need to go this far out of the city?h Anrosh asked.

Ryun glanced at her from his kneeling position on the ground. They were on the shore of a large lake, the place where he had discovered his ideal. He had found himself coming here often, the place calmed him, and he remembered Ullia Dar Ishi.

gI donft know what this will do,h Ryun said. gI donft want to be in the city.h

gBut why here though?h She gestured at the empty land around them. Stone and the lake were the only things that surrounded them.

gI like it here,h Ryun answered.

She opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it with a snap and shook her head. gFine.h

Ryun nodded and settled, then he started putting in Essence into his second path. Selia had declined to take the Essence that he had offered. It wasnft like it would make much difference to her.

He advanced his second path, upgrading his perks. He had considered waiting some more, the more he did so, the better his upgrades would be. But with the main part of the tournament coming up and with him planning on using the elixir, he decided that he should do it now. True, in a perfect world he could wait, but he couldnft afford to stay his hand in hope of some future power increase. Infinite Realm was dangerous, and anyone could die at a momentfs notice. It was better that he had more power now than to risk not having it if he needed it.


Path Perk improvement available for Aspect Manifestation: Void Aura

Might—Oblivionfs Presence

Doubles the base damage of your Void Aura. Base Qi cost is doubled for all instances.

Reach—Oblivionfs Grasp

Doubles the range at which you can extend your Void Aura for the same cost. Initial base Qi cost is doubled.

Lingering—Oblivionfs Persistence

Doubles the amount of damage that your Void Aura deals to the marked targets after the aura is no longer affecting them. Base Qi cost for increasing the effect intensity is doubled.


Ryun read through all three improvement choices, these were not evolutions, which meant that he probably didnft meet the requirements for any. Or this type of perk didnft have a branching evolution path. Quickly he decided that neither the range or damage would help him much. He didnft rely on his aura to deal damage, and he usually used it while he was in melee range. His other techniques were more than enough in most cases. But dealing more damage over time could be useful. Someone just entering his aura for a moment would suffer more damage than they would before.

He made his choice.


Void Aura—Oblivionfs Persistence (Path Perk)

Manifest your Qi in the form of an aura around you. Dealing Void damage equal to 1.7x (0.2x) your wisdom per second. Anything marked by the Void Qi takes additional half of total damage dealt over the next four seconds. Gain 15% to wisdom. Oblivion endures.


His perk had become named, and Ryun could feel a deeper understanding. It wasc it felt tied to his ideal, his desire to endure until the end of everything. He felt like he could lose himself in trying to understand more, but now was not the time. He advanced and reached the next perk.


Path Perk evolution available for Physical Appearance: Refined

Refined Appearance

Your body and features are refined. Your appearance more attractive. Enhances your current capabilities. +20% to wisdom, +20% to dexterity, +20% to vitality.

Inner Refinement—Void Chassis

Your body and features are refined. Your inner parts are a step closer to embodying the void: stat impairment and sickness have 50% less effect on you. Enhances your current capabilities. +25% to wisdom, +25% to dexterity, +25% to vitality. You are built of Void.

Refined Body

Your body and features are refined. Your entire body is further refined, increasing all your base stats by 10 for every advancement realm (current +60 to all stats) Enhances your current capabilities. +20% to wisdom, +20% to dexterity, +20% to vitality.


Only two choices interested him, and in the end a named perk was the obvious one. He moved on, advancing again.


Path Perk improvement available for Astral Eyes—Sights Unseen


Increases the fidelity of your sight. You gain +15% to vitality, +15% to intelligence, +15% to wisdom


Increases the clarity of your sight. You gain +15% to vitality, +15% to intelligence, +15% to wisdom


Increases the ability of your eyes to notice change. You gain +15% to vitality, +15% to intelligence, +15% to wisdom


Ryun looked at the improvements, and in the end decided to go with Sharpness. He didnft need perception, since his skill coupled with what he already had was enough. Precision didnft matter either, perhaps if he was a crafter or formation maker, he wouldfve taken that. Sharpness was the best choice for him, as he often got blinded by the amount of Essence in front of his eyes.

Then, he finally advanced one more time.


Path Perk improvement available for Abyssal Core—Void Well

Aether Core

Your core is vast and powerful. It can hold the entirety of Aether. Your current total core capacity is increased by 500%, gain -25% to current Qi speed. +20% to wisdom.

Titanic Abyssal Core

Your core is a titanic abyss of the void, your current total core capacity and your current Void space size are increased by 150% of current total. +25% to wisdom.

Rift Core

Your core is a rift in space, increases the current total core capacity by 200% and core density by 25%. +20% wisdom.


Ryun looked at the choices. The Aether core was what he had been searching for all this time. An increase of his core. The only issue was that it had no mention of void, and if he was going to use the elixir, he needed his two perks to be as compatible as possible. The Titanic Abyssal Core wasnft bad either, and in the end it was the only choice he could take.

He picked it and felt his core change and deepen. It was just a direct improvement of his previous core, so the effect wasnft anything drastic. With that last change he looked over his notifications, seeing that his second path had increased in rarity, as he had expected. The Path of the Unbreakable Wall was now mythic, the same as his main path.

Ryun glanced at Anrosh who had waited patiently next to him. He gave her his storage rings since he had emptied his Void storage for this. He didnft know what was going to happen to it.

gIfm ready,h Ryun said as he pulled out the True Soul Core Reformation Elixir.

gMe too,h she said, and he downed the elixir.

He was not prepared for what happened.

The moment the elixir settled in his stomach, his core caught on fire—or at least something resembling that. He no longer really needed his organs; they were there just for show. His body pretended to work in a way that his human body had, but it wasnft anything near that at all. It was made out of Void, he only needed Void to survive. Sure, his mind still thought one way, and a mind was a powerful thing. If he didnft breathe, he would feel like he was suffocating—eventually at least.

Now, the pain that he felt was akin to what he had felt when he had been inside the Void Plane. He slipped into |Greater Split Focus| one part of him dealing with the pain while the other focused on what was happening. With the pain now relegated to the back of his mind, he could feel the change. He looked down, his eyes seeing a vortex of Void Qi churning inside of him.

His core collapsed into itself compressing into a pearl barely larger than his fingernail. In the back of his mind, the pain was excruciating, but his second focus watched with interest as the pearl started to grow. His core had always been solid, but nowc the walls seemed firmer, as if they were made out of crystallized Void similar to what happened with his {Void Armor}. It was smooth and it gave off a sense of a deep void, similar to what he felt in the Void Plane when he pushed himself as far as he could.

And then his conduits reattached themselves to the new core, crystal reinforcement grew over the conduits near the area where the conduits and the core met. The pain subsided and he took a deep breath, stopping his skill.

gEverything alright?h Anrosh asked.

Ryun tried to move his Qi, but realized that his core was empty, only a trickle came out as it slowly regenerated. The speed at which it regenerated seemed to be slower than what he was used to, and he couldnft exactly tell how much Qi he could pack into his core.

gI guess that we are about to see,h Ryun said and pulled out his notifications.


Forced Core reformation initiated.

Void Forged Core and Titanic Abyssal Core—Void Well perks removed.


Congratulations, reformation successful. New Unique perk is now available.

Gained — Mark of the Endless Core—Oblivion Beckons


New Unique Perk available!

Mark of the Endless Core—Oblivion Beckons

Your core is endless. It can encompass the whole of oblivion. Its physical size is set and will never change. The inside of your core can be deepened endlessly. Current core size equal to 150% of the original core size, your Qi regeneration is equal to 80% of the original corefs regeneration. Drawing in Essence past the point of it being full will deepen the core size. Cycling has greater benefits; each cycle increases the core size by an extra 5%. You can convert drawn-in Essence to Qi and replenish your core, as long as the Essence is of the same Aspect as your Qi and it is tier 6 or higher. Gain +50% to wisdom. Your core is endless as oblivion. Without end.


Ryun read through his new perk carefully. It was definitely an upgrade, already he had more Qi capacity than he had even with his upgraded Early Heavenly Perk. Losing Qi regeneration would not be an issue if he could just replenish his core with Essence. He pulled out some of the Void Crystals that he had left over and started to pull them into his core. They were all tier 6, which fit with the requirement. He didnft have enough to fill his core unfortunately, but he did have enough to test things out. The next evolution required 12000 Celestial Essence, but he wanted to cycle it through as much as he could if now, he would get 5% core size every time he did it. He would need to spend a lot of time drawing Qi in.

He managed to fill his core about halfway through, and then he closed his eyes. He felt inward trying to interact with the Essence, and then it came to him as if by instinct. He could feel the Essence in his core being refined and turned into Qi. He glanced at his screen and saw the numbers slowly going down. It was a process similar to pulling out Essence and creating Essence Crystals, only doing that inward. He stopped the process, his Qi would regenerate on its own, and he planned on filling his core so that he would be able to replenish it at a momentfs notice. With this he basically had twice the capacity of his core as long as he had Essence to convert into Qi.

That would fix most of his issues.

Finally, Ryun glanced at Anrosh and smiled. gAll is good.h


*  *  *


He took a deep breath as he prepared himself for the upcoming match. Anrosh stood next to him, probably more nervous than he was.

gYou remember what Lesamitrius told you about your opponentfs powers?h She asked, for probably the third time.

gI remember,h Ryun said as he adjusted his battle robe. It was mostly black, with some red embroidery at the hems. His fingers had all of his best rings, and he had potions ready in his Void Storage. For this match they were allowed four potions of their own choice. Ryun decided to go for two potions that would increase his Qi regeneration and two healing ones.

His opponent was someone named Geor Tharson, a human, that Ryun had caught glimpse during the free for all, a ranged combatant that used something akin to a rifle. He didnft know much from the match; he had only sensed him shoot down a few of the fliers. Lesamitrius had gathered some more information, but it boiled down to the man being a long-range shooter. He used rifles and guns, specially crafted items that needed ammo. His primary focus was a Class that focused on empowering and improving his weapons and shots.

The downside of such a build was that it relied on the materials of his weapons for damage. And it was expensive, from what Lesamitrius told him it was in most cases not worth it. Getting ammo powerful enough to pierce through the skin of high tiered individuals alone had nearly insane costs, and then there was everything else to consider as well.

Anrosh had insisted that they make a plan for the match and consider all that they knew about his opponent. Ryun didnft really have any reason to refuse so he had agreed. He wasnft the one to make plans in advance, not really. He usually made a general outline of a plan and then acted on instinct.

Their plan boiled down to Ryun closing the distance as fast as possible, and then finished the match quickly with a burst attack. Ryun agreed since he didnft know too much about his opponent. With the terrain and his skill, it shouldnft be too hard for him to find his foe.

The attendant came in and it was time.

gGood luck,h Anrosh said, and he nodded.

The attendant led him away and then he was teleported into the arena.

As soon as he arrived in the arena a voice echoed loudly.

gWelcome to the High Division Tournament! This match is between Geor Tharson, Sharpshooter of the Green Waste, and Ryun Nacht, Sect Head of the Twilight Melody Sect! Which one of these two will triumph and move to the next round! Wefll find out!h

The arbiter near Ryun asked if he was ready and Ryun activated two of his techniques—as each contestant was allowed to activate two powers prior to match start. He chose his {Empowering Null Mantle} and his {Void Armor}. He switched all of his bonus stats to wisdom and then activated his second technique. After Crystallized Void covered his entire body, he switched his bonus stats to strength and dexterity for speed. Only then did he let the arbiter know that he was ready.

He was on one side of the arena, and while his range could cover all of it if he was in the center, right now he couldnft see his opponent—since he was on the other side. Still, he focused on his Perfect Resonance Sense: My Sphere, Total Clarity, preparing to search for him as he got closer.

The match start was announced, and Ryun dashed forward.

His sense was the only thing that saved him. He threw himself to the side as something moving incredibly fast punched through the stone mountains and pillars heading straight for him. It was barely enough. It struck his armor and the crystal shattered, he focused his will and the special part of the attack got absorbed by his Mu body, the physical part though smashed into his shoulder. His Tinkerfs Mind slowed down his perception of time and he activated |Greater Split Focus| buying himself time.

His entire right side was blown away, his arm flying through the air as it was ripped off. The pain was secondary as one part of his mind handled that. Blood and gore flew behind him, turning to void mist nearly instantaneously as his momentum still carried him to the side, as soon as it moved away from his body it turned into violet mist. His arm dissipated into mist and he stumbled. The amount of damage did something strange to his body, after the initial strike instead of blood his body leaked Void mist. That had been a powerful attack, and he wondered if perhaps he shouldfve tried to absorb the physical force of the attack, but quickly he realized that he had made the right decision. He had no idea what the special part of that attack could do, while he knew exactly what the physical force would do. He was feeling slightly drained, but he didnft know if that was the residual effect from the special part of the attack or just the damage he suffered. He didnft have the time to wonder as he sensed another attack enter his range, heading straight for him.

With his Tinkerfs Mind pushing his perception of time to the max he had the chance to inspect the attack. To his sense it was a large vibrating bullet, a caliber that was as thick as Ryunfs forearm. It was basically a cannon shot. He didnft have the time to spend on it so he moved, |Pouncing Rush| moved him out of the way of the bullet, but not fast enough. The attack clipped his ribs that were unarmored from the impact that made him lose an arm.  He felt the bones shatter inside of him just from the bullet grazing him, the skin ripped apart and a wound the size of a fist opened up below where his armpit used to be. Everything around his wounds turned to mist even half of his body still beneath the armor, everything that had been damaged by the attack. He focused on his Mu body and the mist leaked out of his body in a surge, his Qi dropping as he used it to reconstitute his hand and heal his ribs. His core dipped by a good 25% of his Qi supply and he grimaced. He jumped forward again, trying to use the stone pillars for cover as he didnft know how his opponent was tracking him since his skill didnft yet reach him.

Then a third bullet blasted into his range. Ryun focused on his [Inevitable Step] but this bullet was faster than the last two. His ability activated but the bullet clipped him on the way. He exited his step with his hip blown apart, the {Void Armor} shattered and his leg left behind him to turn into mist. He tumbled to the ground and feared that he had just lost the match, he would need a moment to recover, but no new attack came. It suggested that his opponent couldnft fire that attack indefinitely. That was good, but now he was in a race against his foefs cooldown, and he didnft know how much he had.

He glanced down seeing his hip and everything around the wound leaking Void mist, he focused and another 30% of his Void Qi supply disappeared to heal the wound. Quickly Ryun downed one Qi regeneration potion and moved his null mantle bonus to wisdom and recreated his armor this time in his Mist Armor mode. It would take more of his Qi if he got hit, but it wouldnft just crack under impact. He hoped that he could disintegrate the bullets without them eating all of his supply he was already below 40%.

He got to his feet and started running forward as he moved his bonus back to strength and dexterity. He crossed the distance quickly, the fact that he could now handle his stats even better showing clear improvements. He moved almost as fluidly as he did when his stats werenft boosted.

He crossed the distance quickly, using his [Inevitable Step] once it came back from cooldown. And then he saw his foe with his sense. He was moving to the top of a stone pillar, carrying a large rifle on his back and having a couple smaller weapons on his waist and upper thighs. Ryun shaped a step and ran on air, heading straight for him. He was going incredibly fast as he shrugged off the effects of gravity allowing him to leap through the air.

His opponent stood on top of a pillar, wearing a coat that covered the guns strapped on his body beneath, as well as bullets and other gadgets. The sniper pulled out two smaller handgun looking weapons when Ryun closed the distance to a couple hundred meters, and then he opened fire as he entered the visual range. Smaller bullets ripped through the air, hitting Ryun and getting disintegrated by his armor. He was about to continue forward, ignoring the attacks when he noticed just how many attacks were hitting him and how much his Qi was dropping. Each bullet dropped his Qi by less than one percent, but he had been hit by upward of two dozen. His Qi had regenerated another 10% but with these attacks he dropped below 40% again. He could risk it, reach him and unleash a {Staggered End} as Anrosh and Lesamitriusf plan called for. But he realized that he did want to win and this way he might not.

His opponent flashed in his eyesight, and he knew that he activated a couple of abilities. Two shots left each gun, glowing dangerously in his sight. Ryun stopped lessening the impact of gravity on his body and switched to halting his own momentum. His mind screamed as he turned his will to another task but his body ground nearly to a halt. He shaped a wall in front of himself and one above, then pushed himself with his arms straight down.

The four bullets burst through his wall and exploded in the place where he used to be. The explosion hit his armor and his entire Qi supply disappeared, and he was thrown down to the ground. The attack made it hard for him to focus and he failed to focus his will, instead of robbing his body of momentum or absorbing the physical force, he smashed into the stone at full speed just as his Mist Armor disappeared.

Air burst out of his lungs and the bones in his back cracked. It couldnft stop him from moving though, his Unyielding perk meant that even if every bone in his body was broken, he could still move as if he had no wounds at all.

He rolled as more bullets came his way, and then got to his feet. With his |Pouncing Rush| he dashed away and reached an opening that led into a canyon. He tumbled down and landed at the bottom on his knees. He focused and pushed all of his bonus stats to vitality, feeling his |Greater Restoration| and |Enduring Trained Body| help heal his injuries, and his Regenerator perk helping it along. His opponent was sitting on top of the stone pillar, his weapons trained on the opening of the canyon, waiting for him to surface.

Ryun tried to think about how he should close the distance. His opponent was dangerous, and hard to deal with at a distance. The range between them was just over two hundred meters, but that might as well be ten times that, the moment Ryun showed himself he would get hit with bullets.

His robe was in taters, his hand and leg bare. His core depleted and his body sore from healing. He downed a healing potion and then tried to think. He had a few ways that he might be able to close the distance, but the more techniques he was forced to use, the slower he would be.

He closed his eyes, his sense focusing on his opponent. He was waiting patiently, obviously used to waiting for his targets, Ryun doubted that he would miss again.

And then Ryun froze. He wondered why he was even doing it this way. The plan wasnft his, and while he agreed that it was good, it was logical, he probably wouldnft have done the same. His opponent was weak in melee range, so it was an obvious thing for him to try and reach him there. But Ryun was good at range too, and they were at a perfect distance now.

He took a deep breath and thought about the match, the tournament. Wondered if he wanted to win. The tournament wasnft that important to him, it wasnft necessary to him. He wasnft after the prestige nor was he after rewards. He was after something, thought, a worthy fight. His opponent was good, but Ryun felt that he could win if he didnft hold back. And thenc then he could fight others who were stronger, he could push himself further.

There were several ways that he could do this, but only one that he was sure would work 100%. It would require him using something that he hadnft been able to test, but he instinctively understood how it worked. It would give him the victory. And he found that he did want to do it, that he did want to win this way. He wanted to move to the next round and see how far he could get. And so, his decision was made.

He focused inward and converted the Essence that filled his core to Qi, replenishing it nearly to the brim. Then he pushed all of his bonus stats into wisdom and used {Avatar of the Reaper}. A copy of himself appeared next to him, and his split focus took care of sending commands. He sent it up, heading out to rush the sniper. While he shaped a pillar beneath himself. As soon as the avatar climbed up, the sniper started firing, hitting the Void Construct with bullets. Ryun raised the pillar beneath himself, pushing himself up into the air. He blew up past the edge of the canyon and high into the air until he was above the stone pillar where the sniper stood.

After only a second of a delay, the sniper moved his weapons to level them at Ryun, leaving the avatar to shape steps and head straight for him. Ryunfs Qi burned in his conduits, and before the sniper could fire, he pointed both hands at him and activated {Void Beam}.

From his palms an empty void tinted with violet at the edges blasted out. His |Greater Aim| helping him fire on target. The sniper rolled and jumped of his stone pillar as Ryunfs beams cut through it cleaving off a piece as Ryun followed after the running sniper. He cut through everything in his way, hunting his opponent with his beam. Pillars toppled as the beam disintegrated pieces of them, hunting the sniper that used them for cover. But there was no cover from Ryunfs sense. His avatar ran on shaped void steps closing the distance as well. The sniper pointed a weapon without looking straight in Ryunfs direction in a moment when there was nothing in between them. Ryun knew that he would hit, and Ryun had no armor now.

He activated Total Knowledge just as the sniper fired. Six bullets left his gun in a span of a second. But the sense of Ryunfs immediate surrounding sharpened, as soon as he sensed the bullets he knew where they were going, where on his body they would hit. Ryun twisted his body, his |Greater Coordination| making it almost easy. The six bullets grazed his skin, but none of them hit. He couldnft focus enough to rob them of physical impact, but evading was enough.

It also seemed to be enough for his opponent. Ryunfs evading of bullets meant that he had to move his hands, widening the gap between his beam and his opponent managed to gain more room. Enough that he stopped, knelt, and pulled the big gun from his back. He lined the shot with Ryun and he knew that the cooldown for his opening attack had to have come back. Ryun wouldnft survive that, and his beam wouldnft cut him down fast enough.

With the Tinkerfs Mind he saw the manfs body flash as he activated several abilities and skills in concert, and then pull the trigger. The bullet left the barrel heading straight for Ryunfs head. It was too fast, and Ryun knew that he had no choice if he wanted to win. As the bullet closed the distance Ryun activated his ideal perk.


—Conclusion Dominance—


The words echoed in his mind, almost as if they were announcing something. He felt his opponent react, his body tensing as if he too had heard the words, and perhaps he had. Ryunfs perception changed. Aside from his sense and his eyesight, a third new sense appeared. He saw strings filling his perception, not sight or sound, or smell and touch, but something more. Each string represented something, a piece in the everything that was reality, the future probability of what would happen of what was happening, of the bonds and actions, of interaction. The way that the stone would endure for hundreds of years if not disturbed. The way the air would remain in spot unless blown away, the way that the bullet would reach him and blow a hole through his head, the string of that probability was strong. Ryun reached out with his will as the bullet neared his head and found the line that governed the continuity of the bulletfs momentum which would continue until it was expended. He pushed his will on that string, straining on it until it bent and finally severed. The act brought the bulletfs momentum to the False End.

The bullet stopped in the air and then fell straight down.

His foe was surprised, but only for a moment. Ryun jumped to the side as the second bullet exploded out of the barrel. He knew that this one wouldnft hit him, so he didnft even bother. The sniper moved to line up the third shot, and Ryun reached for the lines in the sniperfs body. He could sever anything, end his life as he brought his life string to a False End. He didnft have the will to do that to another living thing, not yet. But a person was not made out just a single string, but thousands. He reached to the string that represented the sniperfs eyes and leveraged his will on it. It was harder than the bullet, since the sniper had his own will that opposed him, but Ryun pushed his will to the extreme. Pain pounded in his head, but the string bent and the broke, the sniperfs eyes reached the False End, the end of their existence and the sniper went blind.

It made him hesitate, his rifle slowed down. Ryun knew that he probably had another skill or perk that let him sense, but he had seen him look down the scope. He relied on his eyes too, enough that he hesitated.

Ryun landed on a step and pointed his arm at the sniper. A beam of Void burst out and lashed at his opponent. The sniper blurred as he evaded, but the beam disintegrated the front of his rifle, forcing him to drop it. He dodged back as Ryun moved his arm following. The sniper pulled his guns and fired but Ryun forced his will on the stone pillar next to him, he cut the string that held the piece of stone Essence together, and it turned into gravel, falling out and making the side of the pillar topple in the way of the bullets. His beam had no problem punching through the stone as it fell to the ground.

The sniper blurred again, getting some distance from Ryunfs beam, and evading directly in the path of a second beam. Ryunfs avatar stood with hands in front of its body, a beam of void blowing through the side of a boulder and cutting the sniperfs legs off. He tumbled to the ground and screamed. Ryun jumped forward as his avatar made his way around the boulder.

The sniper opened fire from the ground, two dozen exploding bullets eviscerated Ryunfs avatar and broke it apart. But Ryun had reached close enough. He focused his will and cut the string that governed the manfs tendons as he raised a hand to shoot at him. Pain exploded in his head and Ryun realized that he had hit his limit with that power. At least when trying to cut strings that were part of other living things.

He shaped walls around the man and created his death coffin. A moment after he let it collapse, and saw his opponent on the ground, a dozen holes pierced through his body. Then he flashed with white light as the talisman on his belt activated.

A voice echoed through the arena.

gWinner! Ryun Nacht!h


*  *  *





First Kill

Kill the first monster in the Framework-run World

+5000 Essence


Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

Hero of Promise

Save more than 10 people with a single action

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence


First Cultivator in the world to reach the Foundation Stage

+10% to all stats, 100,000 Essence

First Body of Iron

First Cultivator in the world to forge their body

+20 endurance, 10,000 Essence

Beaten but not Broken

Survive torture for more than thirty days

+10 to all stats, 50 Greater Essence

First Quickened Mind

First Cultivator in the world to forge their mind

+20 intelligence, 10,000 Essence


Kill more than 5000 people of your own race for their Essence

+10 to all stats, 50,000 Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

First Lake of Qi

First Cultivator in the world to forge their Qi

+20 wisdom, 10,000 Essence

First Lord

First Cultivator in the world to Reach the Lord Stage

+10% to all stats, 100,000 Essence

First Qi Manipulator

First Cultivator in the world to gain Qi manipulation

+5 to all stats, 10,000 Essence

Class Evolution I

Evolve your Class for the First time.

+5 to all stats

One Against Horde

Fight against more than 100 opponents and win

+10 to all stats, 10,000 Essence

First True Body

First Cultivator in the world to obtain True Body

+5 to all stats, 100,000 Essence

Hated Foe

Be hated and hunted by more than half of a worldfs population

+50 to all stats, 100,000 Essence

One Man Army

Fight against more than 1000 opponents and win

+40 to all stats, Indomitable, 500,000 Essence

Butcher of Humanity

 Kill more than 500,000 people of a race by yourself

+200 to all stats, Reaperfs Aura, 5,000,000 Essence

True Understanding II

Evolve a skill to tier 6

+20 to all stats, 20,000 Greater Essence (per Tier 6 skill)

Limit Break: Reign of Three Territories

Defeat the three Rulers in the Reign of Three Territories scenario, while on a lower Realm and lower level.

+40 to strength, endurance, vitality +5% to all stats, 10,000 Greater Essence


Reach the Monarch Stage

+10 to all stats, 1,000 Greater Essence


Become the sole ruler of a territory.

+5 to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence, Small Mansion unlocked (Town Upgrade)

Alchemical Tester

Use more than 10 alchemical concoctions to improve yourself

+2 to intelligence, 500 Essence

Heartstone Core

First to clear the Heartstone Core Dungeon 

+2% to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence


Reach Heavenly Realm 

+30 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Monster Hunter

Kill 5000 different monster types   

+50 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Crucible of the Body

Go through a harrowing experience to improve your body by forging it in the harshest conditions possible based on your body type.

+500 to endurance and vitality, +2% to all stats, Unyielding (Unique Perk), 50 000 Greater Essence


Reach Immortal Realm

+50 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence

Beyond Understanding II

Focus and specialize your understanding of a tier 6 skill.

+250 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence (per focused skill)

Glaxon Town

First to Clear the Glaxon Town Wild Dungeon 

+2% to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

The Witness of Journeyfs End (Unique)

Reach at least a combined power level of nine tiers. And embody an ideal.

+400 to all stats, +5% to all stats, Conclusion Dominance, 100 000 Greater Essence





Feast (Class Perk)

Killing enemies heals you. Strength of effect depends on vitality stat.

Tinker's Mind (Path Perk)

Your mind is quickened, able to think faster than ordinary humans. Able to alter perception of time for the user. +15% to intelligence. Strength of effect equal to 2x your intelligence.

Vampire (Class Perk)

Killing enemies adds one tenth of their highest stat to your own temporarily. Strength of effect depends on level.

Regenerator (Class Perk)

Heal rapidly when in combat. Strength of effect depends on vitality stat.

Silent Hunter (Class Perk)

Your movements donft disrupt the air around you, making you nearly silent. Strength of effect depends on dexterity stat.

Qi Controller—Thousand Threads of Destruction (Path Perk)

Your Qi control is nearly perfect, able to finely manipulate your Qi and use up to 3 techniques at the same time. +20% to wisdom. Control depends on wisdom stat. You weave a thousand threads of Qi, each thread filled with power. As you weave, you ensnare all those who would stand in your way.

Indomitable (Title Perk)

You are immune to all mind-altering effects from opponents that are of a lower level or cultivation stage than you.

Reaperfs Aura (Title Perk)

You can no longer be scanned by any abilities, techniques, or skills from people who are on the same or lower primary tier of power than you. You may manifest the Reaperfs Aura, filling all within your presence with dread.

Great Hunter (Contract Perk)

Any person whose blood you have drawn is marked by your power. The mark allows you to track them no matter the distance between you.

Void (8) Qi (Aspect Perk)

Your Qi passively enhances your body with the Essence of the Void. Making any foreign essence in your body disintegrate, the speed of the effect depends on the power of the foreign essence. While Void Qi is moving through your body, you are less susceptible to movement restricting effects, the power of effect depends on the strength of attack. Gain +20% to strength and wisdom.

Void Aura—Oblivionfs Persistence (Path Perk)

Manifest your Qi in the form of an aura around you. Dealing Void damage equal to 1.7x (0.2x) your wisdom per second. Anything marked by the Void Qi takes additional half of total damage dealt over the next four seconds. Gain 15% to wisdom. Oblivion endures.

Eternal Hunter: Reaper (Unique Perk)

You hold the essence of Twin Aspects of True Death. You are one part of two and are inescapably linked with your other half. Your mind is linked with that of your other half, allowing you to speak to one another regardless of distance. You may sense your other half regardless of distance. You gain the ability to sense death. You gain the Presence of the Eternal Hunter Aura, when active, you gain Death Mark: Anything with a soul killed by you has its soul completely destroyed and returned to oblivion. Nearby enemies suffer -25% to all regenerative effects and -25% to total stats, half of the drained stats are granted to you, the other half to the Scythe.

Rapid Regrowth (Class Perk)

Once per week regrow a lost body part. Speed of regrowth depends on your vitality stat.

Physical Appearance: Inner Refinement—Void Chassis (Path Perk)

Your body and features are refined. Your inner parts are a step closer to embodying the void: stat impairment and sickness have 50% less effect on you. Enhances your current capabilities. +25% to wisdom, +25% to dexterity, +25% to vitality. You are built of Void.

Astral Eyes—Sights Unseen (Path Perk)

You have achieved a great power; your eyes reflect your achievement. Their appearance reflects your inner spirit, you are no longer able to see the real world, instead you see a world in between the Ethereal and the Real. Allows you to see Class, Cultivation, and Skill, power currents. Increases the clarity of your sight. You gain +15% to vitality, +15% to intelligence, +15% to wisdom. You thrive in the darkness. And now, your blind eyes see what others cannot.

Send Thought (Contract Perk)

You and your contracted partner are able to send thoughts to one another regardless of distance.

Endless Source of Stamina (Path Perk)

Your stamina is strengthened, effects of your endurance on your stamina are doubled. +10% to endurance.

Forging of Body and Aspect: Mu—Primordial Void (Path Perk)

Your body is forged by your aspect and your path. You are able to mitigate and ignore the effects of gravity according to your will. Physical force influences against you can be absorbed by your body up to 90% of their power according to your will. Allows you to spend Void Qi to absorb special attacks impacting your body up to 90% of their power according to your will and Qi spent. Void effects on your body, Qi Conduits, and Core, are lessened by 90%. Sufficient damage to your body will turn it into a insubstantial Void mist form, expending Void Qi can allow you to reconstitute your form. All Void powers are 25% more effective. You gain +20% to wisdom +70% to endurance. The only one who influences here, is me.

Unyielding (Unique Perk)

Your body is highly resistant to physical damage and can function at peak condition in all states, even after it was damaged beyond the point where most would falter.

From Nothing—To the End of All (Path Perk)

Your soul transforms into a pure piece of oblivion. Your physical body is transformed into a void-energy based matter. It will retain human-like appearance and sensations, retaining all the gifts of Mu, but it will no longer function as one. You will no longer need to breathe or eat food but will need to consume Void Qi or Essence. Reproduction will only be possible through use of powers. Upon destruction of your vessel or upon suffering critical soul damage, your soul will be transported to the closest Void or related type Essence Plane for recovery. Time to full recovery depends on vitality and wisdom stats. Current: 8 years. Upon recovery you will be able to reconstruct your body and leave the Essence Plane. Your soul can survive without access to the Void or related Essence for only a short time, if your soul is deprived of that type of Essence or prevented from entering an Essence Plane, you will die a True Death and return to nothingness. Gain +15% to wisdom and +15% to endurance. Without a beginning and without an end. You are an agent of oblivion.

Field of a Thousand Cuts (Skill Perk)

Your My Foes, Torn Asunder allows for great devastation. Once per day you may create a field of a thousand cuts all around you, creating spatial tears in a twenty-meter radius around you that will cut any foe that gets near them and deal damage equal to 20% your current strength. One spatial tear can only deal damage once before disappearing. Undetectable except by special perceptions. Gain +10% to strength.

Adept's Conduits (Path Perk)

Your Qi conduits are made for greater control. Allows for extreme command of Qi through conduits. +10% to wisdom.

Total Knowledge (Skill Perk)

Your My Sphere, Total Clarity allows you to sense even the smallest changes in a sphere around you. Once per week, you may activate Total Knowledge and gain complete understanding of the position of everything in regard to you, the effect will last for 10 seconds. Size of the sphere depends on will. Gain +10% to intelligence.

Conclusion Dominance (Title Perk)

Once per three months, for three minutes you may see the strings of future probability of all reality in the three-hundred-meter radius around yourself. By expending your will, you can bring/cause a False End to any and all things by cutting the string, no matter the plane of reality. The amount of will necessary and the difficulty of cutting the string increases with: length of the probable future, power disparity, opposing will, size of target.

Upon the duration's end, if possible, the cut strings will be reconnected and returned to the previous path and state. The changes may be irreversible, as everything including reality itself, ends someplace and sometime.

Wolf Claws (Contract Perk)

You can draw upon your contracted partnerfs power. Once per day you may summon crystallized blood-claws on your hands. The claws durability depends on your contracted partnerfs power.

Mark of the Endless Core—Oblivion Well (Unique Perk)

Your core is endless. It can encompass the whole of oblivion. Its physical size is set and will never change. The inside of your core can be deepened endlessly. Current core size equal to 150% of the original core size, your Qi regeneration is equal to 80% of the original corefs regeneration. Your Void Storage size is increased by 20% of the original. Drawing in Essence past the point of it being full will deepen the core size. Cycling has greater benefits; each cycle increases the core size by an extra 5%. You can convert drawn-in Essence to Qi and replenish your core, as long as the Essence is of the same Aspect as your Qi and it is tier 6 or higher. Gain +50% to wisdom.



Harbinger ( E )



Combat Ability

Bringer of Sorrow

Movement Ability

Inevitable Step

Support Ability




Path of the Final End ( M )


Mid Immortal


Void (8)

Base Technique

Empowering Null Mantle

Branch Technique

Void Beam

Fruit Technique

Staggered End



Path of the Unbreakable Wall ( M )


Early Heavenly

Base Technique

Void Shaping

Branch Technique

Void Armor

Fruit Technique

Avatar of the Reaper


Passive Skills

Active Skills

Combat Mastery >> Sword Mastery >> Sword Art (2/10)

Perfect Cut: My Foes, Torn Asunder

Resonance Sense: My Sphere, Total Clarity

Pounce >> Enhanced Pounce >> Rush >> Greater Rush >> Pouncing Rush (5/10)

Enhanced Balance >> Coordination >> Greater Coordination (10/10)

Aim >> Greater Aim (10/10)

Monsterfs Trained Body >> Enhanced Monsterfs Trained Body >> Persevering Trained Body  >> Greater Persevering Trained Body >> Enduring Trained Body (2/10)

Meditation >> Greater Meditation >> Split Focus >> Greater Split Focus (9/10)

Enhanced Regeneration >> Quick Recovery >> Greater Quick Recovery >> Restoration >> Greater Restoration (2/10)

Mind Shield (9/10)











