Macy and Laura are the willing test subjects of an erotically magical chocolate maker and this time they're testing a cream-filled Easter egg. The instructions tell them that only one of them should eat the chocolate cream egg and then "follow their basest instincts." When Laura starts growing horse parts and bunny features, Macy's instincts tell her to take Laura's budding dick. The real surprise comes when Laura's dick starts pumping Easter eggs into Macy's newly transformed horse pussy. Macy soon gets Laura back, fucking her while transforming into a laquine herself. Soon they're both lying on their bed, laying Easter eggs from their mare parts with their horsecocks and huge balls pressed against each other. Laquine Eggcellence by Zmeydros (Elara and Ramda Singlais) and Sarahvixen (Edited by Mabel Singlais, Vanrixie, and WolfLeah) The pleasant quiet of the weekend afternoon was broken when Laura exuberantly opened the front door and shut it behind her. Kicking off her slip-on shoes, she nearly bumped into the white-pine coat rack and then started tossing the junk mail in the small recycling bin near the door. Only a magenta, ribbon-wrapped box survived her sorting. Clutching it in her hands, she ran into the living room, which was full of more white-pine furniture. Laura loved that their abode looked like a hip, woodsy coffee shop, even if it was a bit over-the-top. Normally, this look would've cost them oodles, but Macy had gotten everything from a storage auction. "MACY MACY MACY, IT'S HERE! They finally sent us another one!" Laura danced with excitement while cradling the box against her shapely bosom. Her curly golden locks, which had recently been cut to shoulder length, bounced along with her motions. "What's here?" Macy stood up and turned away from the bookshelf, making her long auburn hair flop into her almond-shaped face. Brushing her hair to the sides, she instantly recognized the unassuming box with bright magenta ribbon and grinned. "Oooh, yes!" In Macy's olive-skinned hand was a book entitled "The Farthest Shore" which had a close up of a golden dragon's eye on the cover. Her project of organizing their fantasy collection was well underway and there were two dozen books stacked on the floor, waiting to be shelved in their proper place. Her pert-but-small breasts made her loose, thin hoodie hang a bit away from her belly while her gray leggings clung to her ski-slope-toned legs. Laura untied the ribbon and popped the top off. "Huh, only one this time? I wonder what it tastes like." "Do you actually ever remember the taste? When it comes to the stuff Furotic Chocolates makes, the taste definitely isn't the point." Macy raised an eyebrow. "But, the flavor's one of the things on the review questionnaire. What do you do, just tell them the flavor's fine every time?" Laura looked down at a two-inch-in-diameter, easter-egg-shaped chocolate, coated with swirly bright colors and dots sprinkled all over. "That's what the notepad next to the bed's for. The moment the changes start, I'm not thinking about the flavor at all." Macy's eyes sparkled with delight at the Easter-themed chocolate. What would this do to them? "Fair. I guess I'm just more of a chocolate connoisseur than you. The flavor sticks in my head, no matter what craziness happens after we eat them." She handed the bottom of the box, which held the chocolate, to Macy. Then she flipped the lid over and pulled out a folded-up piece of paper. Unfolding it, she read aloud, "Dear Macy and Laura, thank you again for testing our new product, we want to ship by blah blah blah, testing phase can be intense, especially with this product which… Look at all the text they redacted for the blind testers this time." "Blind tests are so much more fun. I would hate to be on the unblind team, or whatever they call it." Macy's smile was so wide that her face muscles were getting tired. "Oh yeah! Here's the good part. Only one of us eats the chocolate and then we're supposed to 'follow our basest instincts.' I'm guessing something will happen to both of us? Huh, it has a warning to stay secluded for at least eight hours." Laura had never had to ask this next question before because they'd always been sent more than one. "So which one of us eats it?" "Umm, you opened the box, so I think you're it." Macy shrugged. She was practically shivering with expectation, so her attempt to act cool came off rather weak. Laura giggled and kissed Macy before picking the egg up off of the bed of shredded green paper that looked a fair amount like grass. "Hehehe, alright, see you on the other side then." She then bit into the top of the egg, cracking the shell and revealing a rich, creamy center of gooey whipped fondant. "Mmmmm, it tastes SOOOO good." Macy's pussy twitched as she watched Laura make out with the egg to get at the fondant. By the time it was over, Macy's girl parts were aching enough that she was leaning forward some. She tried to hide her arousal and not seem like a total, unbridled slut, but the deep red on her cheeks told the same story the rest of her body language was. Having licked out all the fondant, Lara consumed the rest of the egg. "So, while we wait for this to kick in, let's head to the bedroom and... get ready." Laura tried to wiggle her eyebrows, but ended up going cross eyed instead. "Woohoo!" Macy pulled off her hoodie and gathered it up between her hands. After pausing for a second so Laura could see her nice, round tits, she spun on her heel and went into the bedroom, tossing her hoodie into the corner. Laura blushed as Macy stripped her top off right in front of her. God damn, it had been how many years and Macy could still make her blush like a virgin. Laura started stripping while heading to the bedroom, though she almost tripped over the coffee table while trying to remove her socks. By the time she made it there, she was naked except for her bra. Unclasping Laura's bra and tossing it to the side, Macy plunged her face into the revealed cleavage and motorboated Laura's boobs. The moment she got her laughing, she sucked on a nipple to get a nice long moan. Then Macy stood up and practically jumped out of her sweatpants. She wasn't wearing panties, so she was completely nude. Though her body was toned, she had a tiny bit of extra weight above her pussy, on her thighs and ass, and in her belly. Laura was a bit less fit, though her love of chocolates didn't prevent her from walking and keeping up her exercises. She had a bit of extra weight right where she liked it, her belly, her ass, and her breasts. Maybe she could lose a few pounds more, but she was generally healthy and wasn't exactly "letting herself go", as it were. She pushed Macy onto the bed, giggling as she landed on top of her. Then she licked and sucked Macy's breasts. "Hehehehe, you're really asking for it today, aren't you?" Laura pressed her body against Macy's, simply enjoying the warmth and closeness for a moment. "I don't have to ask because you're so eager to give." Macy squirmed, making a play at trying to get away, but it was half-hearted and giggly. Eventually, when Laura's knee got between her legs, Macy purposefully pressed her smooth, shaved cooch against it, bucking and moaning. Her hands went to Laura's tits, squeezing them just hard enough to make her gasp and fidget. While whimpering and squirming, Laura pressed her knee into Macy's smooth crotch. There was pressure building behind Laura's clit. She panted and moaned, and then jerked her hips as she felt her clit throb. Aching pleasure quickly washed over her. "Haaa, oooh fuck hun, I think it's starting." Laura changed her position so she could watch her clit throb and visibly pulse, getting longer and thicker. It would strain against the skin for a half second each time before the growth caught up. It was the most exquisite torture she had ever felt, like she was cumming over and over again, but feeling no release, just an aching need for more. She bucked her hips and felt a tightness in her abdomen as deep inside her, new testes budded off her ovaries and swelled even bigger than them. Due to Laura's sudden inability to do anything other than twitch and moan, Macy got onto her hands and knees and tried to spot the changes. Once she saw Laura's clit was so big, she dove down and started sucking on it. The sucking drove Laura wild and bucked her hips, shoving her growing clit deeper and deeper into Macy's throat. Laura could feel the testes moving downward, pressing against her vaginal canal from the outside, even squeezing past a newly forming prostate. Her clit started to put a bit of distance between it and her pussy lips, a new clit growing into place. Though unseen by both of them, it was massive, as big around as a dime. Other changes spread across Laura's body. Her ears began to press into the bed as they grew longer, softer, a downy brown fur spreading across them. Her nose twitched and flattened, her upper lip getting smaller as her teeth started to grow bucked in the front. All that went unnoticed as Macy continued to suck on her forming cock. "Mmmph!" The growth was so drastic and quick that Macy had trouble keeping up with it. Eventually, she had to use her hands to help manage Laura's phallus. When it was six inches long, she found Laura's new clit that had budded off the base of her dick with her other hand and redoubled her efforts, stroking the dick while rubbing the clit. As she continued sucking on the tip of Laura's cock, she was delighted when a spurt of pre splashed on her tongue. It tasted like salty sweetgrass. The first shot of pre caught Laura off guard, as she hadn't even realized her new cock slit had opened up. She let out a strained, muffled whinny as her hips rocked, a medial ring starting to form just outside of Macy's mouth. Now eight inches long, and nearly as thick as a small flashlight, her shaft didn't seem to be slowing down its enlargement any time soon. Laura had other things that were distracting her as the fur on her ears was starting to spread down her face, leaving a patchwork of chocolate milk brown and creamy white. Her thighs got thicker, her calves and feet stretching to make up for the lost height. Her toes went from five to four, and blunt digging claws replaced her toenails. Her tailbone was poking at the bed, not too hard, but definitely longer than it had been. Macy's pussy was throbbing, aching to have something inside it to the point she couldn't ignore it anymore. She moved the hand that was playing with Laura's clit to her own snatch, shoving three fingers inside herself after wetting them with her slick, feminine excitement. She gasped around the dick, feeling the head flatten some as it got even larger. When the medial ring thickened and made her even more sure it was indeed a horsecock she was dealing with, she pulled her mouth off of it and laid back on the bed. Spreading her pussy, she moaned loudly before she was able to speak. "Put it In me. I want to feel it grow inside!" Laura wasn't in any position to refuse. She got up on her knees, showing her changing body to her lover in its entirety. Her breasts were swelling, pushing past their normal D-cup to E, then F, hanging heavy and sensitive on her chest as the fur washed over them like a wave. Her hips were wider, plush, and soft, and her ass and thighs were muscled and plush as well. She was more pear shaped than ever, but it looked so natural on her new bunny body. Laura carefully lined up her newly ten inch cock, whinnying as she rubbed the dripping precum against Macy's pussy lips. She hesitated for a moment, but the chocolates had never caused them any pain before, so she popped the flat, broad flare past Macy's lips with a wet shlick. Just as she pushed in, she felt her balls drop into their new sack, churning and growing even bigger now that they were free of her body. "Fuck-oh-fuck, I need to cum. I NEEED TO CUUUUMM!!" Despite the burning need as her balls grew, she couldn't quite seem to get over the edge. Macy's pussy lips darkened and plumped from the magic pre that was now adding warmth and tingles to her body. As her clit spread wider, the shape of her pussy became more of a teardrop-like. Her bigger clit was easier to play with and provided sensation beyond anything she'd had before. At first things felt tight, but that didn't last all that long. Everywhere Laura's shaft touched, the elasticity of Macy's bountiful slit increased. Though the tightness did return in a way, Macy's pussy walls got stronger to the point ridges of muscle were along it that were much more noticeable than they'd been before. A bit of tawny white fur spread out until it touched her thighs. To her it tickled, but she was so busy moaning, she couldn't really think about what was going on. "Well, cum then! But don't you dare stop!" Laura wasn't even halfway in before Macy felt like she was on the edge of an orgasm! Laura whimpered, feeling Macy's pussy warp and reshape to accept her growing cock. Then she whinnied, thrusting faster and harder into Macy's changing pussy as her shaft became more bestial by the moment. The sheath that was forming at the base was tough and leathery, the skin of her cock forming a mottled pattern of dark black splotches on pink skin. It was very obviously a horse cock, the medial ring and the large, flared head were a dead give away, but on her bunny body it looked even bigger than it was, and it was already a monster: sixteen inches of throbbing, aching flesh. Laura's balls weren't stopping either, growing even bigger, reaching the size of apples in her hanging sac. Once at this size, they stopped growing and finally started clenching. Laura hoped this was her long awaited orgasm, but something was different about this one. It felt great, there was even a feeling of release, but instead of shooting cum out of her equine cum hole, the base of her cock swelled up into what looked like a knot. She knotfucked that thick bulge in and out of Macy a few times as it got bigger and bigger. Then she couldn't quite pull back anymore, her whole length stuck inside Macy as she watched Macy begin to change even more. "Oh baby, you look... you're looking incredible." Laura moaned, reaching down to caress the soft fur that was sprouting and to gently tease Macy's new, bigger clit. Laura started with some gentle caresses, but then quickly moved to pinching, flicking, and rolling the pleasure ball between her fingers. Bunny fur was definitely taking hold on Macy. The pink and orange in that tawny color led to a light peachy complexion that was cute as could be. The contrast of the dark-brown-almost-black flesh on her pussy only made her more beautiful. Her thighs thickened and her breasts swelled as she came so hard that her head flew back so she could unleash a loud whinny. In that instant, fur spread across her cheeks and up her ears as they lengthened dramatically. Her body was getting voluptuous and pear shaped as thighs, butt, and calves gained powerful hopping muscles. Meanwhile, her pussy milked Laura's shaft so hard that it tugged Laura's "knot" toward her depths. "CUM IN ME!" Macy begged, her whole body writhing. Laura screamed in bliss as her "knot" got pulled deeper into Macy's body. She didn't know what was happening, it was impossible to fully interpret the sensations that were coming from her prick. But at the same time, a new "knot" was starting to form at the base and she could feel her flare spreading outward, swelling and trapping her cum hole against Macy's cervix. "Oh fuck! OOOH FUCK! Something is happening! I'm CUMMING!!" screamed Laura, as something large, round, and smooth pressed its way down her cock, toward Macy's womb. Pleasure battered her body the whole way and then as she felt her cum hole stretch to its limit, the object popped into Macy. An orgasm hit her so hard her voice cracked as she whinnied. The orgasm didn't end there, though. Her cock's contractions continued, the second bulge working its way down her shaft now. She clutched Macy's wide, full hips as she bucked and whinnied again. It was like the longest, most protracted orgasm she'd ever had was constantly washing across her body, making her shake. One by one, multiple somethings were being pressed into Macy's willing womb. The moment that first object passed into Macy, she had another orgasm. As more of these big, oblong, and round objects got stuffed into her, her orgasm kept stacking upon itself. "HIIIYYYYYYEEEE!" Macy screeched in ecstasy. Once she wasn't writhing as much from all the pleasure, her hands reached down to figure out what was going on with her clit. It stung a bit, but also felt extremely sensitive in a new way. Her eyes widened as her hands wrapped around it. Her clit was now as thick as her thumb and over three inches long. The head of it was flattening and its color had darkened quite a bit. As she stroked it, she clenched around Laura's equine shaft and whatever had been left in her womb. She became fascinated by the pleasure her clit could now give her. Thrusting into her hands felt incredible. More fur spread down her arms as she started panting and thrusting her hips, in a daze. Laura was locked in what felt like the most drawn out orgasm she had ever experienced. Rather than exhaustion, she just felt wave after wave of bliss wash over her as she mindlessly humped into Macy's full, puffy, equine pussy. It was a perfect fit now, and Macy's hands started to wander across her wife's body, running her fingers through her fur, feeling her soft, plush ass, and feeling the swelling belly as her womb just kept being filled up. Under the fur and muscle, she could feel some hard, round lumps pressing back against her fingers. Laura's change seemed to be over, her whole body covered in soft, white and brown fur, a fluffy tuft of a tail, and long, lop ears hanging down on each side of her head. Her nose had pushed out and merged with her upper lip, giving her a cute, buck toothed look. But the most striking part of her was obviously the massive horse cock that was still stuck inside of Macy, filling her over and over. Laura could feel a wetness dripping down her balls, which were slapping against her snatch and swollen clit, each time she thrust into Macy. She instinctively knew she had a matching horse muff, just like Macy's, and it was aching to be filled up. "AAAAH! Laura! Something's happening!" Macy's words got slurred by her growing a muzzle, fur sprouting on her face as it did. Her ears exploded in length, becoming bunny ears that were very alert and upright while her breasts got heavier. The most striking change, though, was her clit as it took on the unforgettable shape of a horse dick. It was super dark brown like the rest of her horse flesh and, as a new clit budded from the base and moved down, a fleshy sac formed. "Have to push! Don't know why! HUUNNNGGGHHH!" Her pussy walls convulsed as her dick surpassed five inches long, constricting Laura's cock. One of those hard, round objects was pushing back on Laura's flare, and while it felt incredible to be inside Macy, she was being forced out. As she pulled out, fluids connecting her cock and Macy's pussy, one last bulge reached her flare. Her cum hole stretched wider and wider as a brightly colored, beautifully decorated egg was squeezed out of her prick. "Fuuuck, Macy. It's eggs. You're full of Easter eggs." Squeezing Macy's tits, Laura's eyes fixed on Macy's growing horse length. Laura's pussy was sopping wet and aching, begging to be filled. "Please fill me up too." Seeing the egg come out of Laura's cock, Macy's eyes went wide. "NNGGGHHH! That's so HOT!" Laura climbed onto the bed, straddling Macy's wide hips and moaned as the small flare started spreading her mare parts open. She wanted all eight inches of Macy's dick inside her, she wanted to feel it grow bigger, stretch her, and fill her with eggs. It wasn't just arousal, she had an instinct to be full of eggs so she could lay them like a proper laquine easter bunny. Feeling equine pussy lips spread for her flare for the first time, Macy yelped and jabbed her hips upwards. Luckily, Laura's snatch was plenty wet and made for thick horse members, so Macy's cock just plunged inside. "Oh fuck! Oh FUCK! OH FUCK! " Macy chanted as she entered Laura at the same time she pushed an egg toward its exit. Her snatch stretched and stretched and stretched until she got to the halfway point and then with one more push, the first egg came out. "HAAAH!" She pre'd inside Laura and jerked her hips around as her inner walls convulsed in orgasm, dragging another egg into her canal. Laura started to ride Macy's cock just as she felt the bunny girl's whole body shudder in orgasm. Everything felt so right, she was going to be filled with eggs, just like her wife was, and then they'd lay them together. Her bouncing up and down made her curvy ass and breasts jiggle. The feeling of Macy's cock growing bigger and bigger inside her just kept making everything feel better and better. "IIIIEEEEEE!!" Laura squealed as she felt Macy's flare press up against her cervix for the first time, and she pressed down, grinding against Macy's groin. "Haaah, aaaah fuck, I can feel it. You're so deep. Deep enough to fill me." Laura whinnied. "Fill me with eggs, knock me up like a real Easter Bunny!" She cried out as she massaged Macy's boobs. Grunting and panting, she ground her hips in circles, stirring that huge prick around in her depths. With some rowdy thrusting of her hips and heavy breaths, Macy managed to take her wife-turned-laquine-herm for a ride. The pleasure of her cock going in and out of her wife's depths was accompanied by the sensation of three things moving inside her. One was another egg and the other two things were a pair of objects that had budded off of her ovaries and were sliding atop her equine tunnel. That pair of somethings inside her, her new testes, were trapped in front of her second egg. As she pushed, she got them closer and closer to where they belonged. Just before they popped into their home, she grabbed Laura's nice round tits and squeezed. "Gonna CUUUHHMM!" She bared down and then screeched as her balls popped into her sac with a solid thud. Her second egg launched into Laura's depths before a gush of cum blasted Laura's insides. Another egg formed at the base of her cock and started making its way upwards. More cum splashed inside Laura as that egg was launched into her womb. Macy's balls swelled as fur filled in on her legs and sides. The size of her dick exploded, stretching Laura more and more. It was going to be as big as Laura's in no time. "Fuck YEESSS!" Laura whinnied loud enough to make Macy's ears fold down. Holding her belly, Laura felt egg after egg push into her womb. Every bit of Macy's energy became focused on pumping as many eggs into Laura as she could. Four, five, and then a sixth egg traveled up her dick. She was stuck in an endless orgasm, her balls getting so big that Laura could feel them pressing up against her ass. Macy's huge dick was not giving up, and Laura was unable to stop cumming as more and more eggs kept stretching her out. Her mare cooch clenched, pulling the eggs up Macy's horse cock, forcing Macy to keep cumming as well. They were lost in bliss, Laura's shaft fully hard again and slapping her wife's cleavage, precum splattering her fur as she kept riding. "Fuck! I love having such a huge dick and balls!" Macy whinnied as another wave of orgasm, and another egg going up her cock, blindsided her. She thrust her hips, holding Laura's waist, getting high on the feeling of stretching her wife's equine muff. When that seventh egg came out, her dick was as big As Laura's, but it gained another half inch in size as an eighth egg went up her shaft. The cum, the eggs, everything, soon got locked inside as Macy's flare engorged. Macy was panting too hard to speak and her whole body was shaking with a nearly unbearable set of pleasurable aftershocks. Laura's eyes rolled back head as she whinnied again, her body shaking as she was filled up, her belly swelling outward. When she looked about eight months pregnant, a new sensation washed over her and she felt a sudden need to push. She grunted and whined, trying to tell Macy, but she was breathless. She struggled off of Macy's huge cock, feeling it pulse as she lifted up. After a lot of groaning and gasping, she was off Macy's glorious egg implanter. She fell onto the bed, her hips shaking as she felt a wave of contractions travel down her needy passage. As her plump lips winked in the air, she let out a whinny of bliss, feeling the first egg start to travel down. Grabbing onto Laura, Macy mashed their giant packages and pregnant bellies against each other. Her dick was still throbbing, another egg popping out between them as she pushed one out of her pussy. A gush of cum soaked the space between them while the egg from her pussy rolled off her thigh and bounced on the bed. Her tailbone stretched the skin around it as her back got covered with fur. She couldn't stop pushing and, as another egg went down her vaginal canal, she thrust against Laura. With a whinny and then a gasp, she pushed a fourth egg out of her big-clitted horse snatch. Her body was now fully laquine. Laura grabbed Macy back, moaning as she laid egg after egg, each one resulting in a winking pussy and a gush of fluids as she came over and over again. Soon, there were eighteen brightly decorated eggs stacked between them, slick and shiny with juices as they panted and kissed. Their cocks were still hard, throbbing, and drooling cum. "Haaah haaa fuck. That. was. so. intense." Laura paused for a moment to catch her breath. "I think maybe we need to let them know that they have a winner on their hands." She giggled as she petted through her wife's soft fur, their cocks resting against each other as they lay together in afterglow. Macy was staring at her wife's face deliriously for a good while before she could form sentences. "Can we stay like this for a while? I think this is my favorite one yet." Laura blinked, thinking for a moment. "Well, it did say we needed to remain secluded for eight hours." "We definitely should make as much use of that time as we can." Macy grinned, her rabbit muzzle and long ears making her the cutest thing ever. Well, as cute as one could be when sporting sixteen thick inches of horseflesh and a pair of apple-sized balls between her legs. "Hopefully I can put another clutch or two in you before we change back." Laura's cock was already hard and throbbing, and she could feel her need to fill Macy starting to grow again. They had a long night ahead of them. Still throbbing and hard as ever, Macy's prick was at the ready for however many rounds it took to work out the magic of this latest confection. She couldn't help but rub her dick, balls, and tits against Laura's while she drew her into a passionate kiss. She added some tongue when Laura moaned. Kissing with muzzles was always more fun than kissing without them. After breaking the kiss, Macy said, "We're gonna buy a whole box when this goes on sale. Seriously, horse parts, bunnies, and eggs go together better than I could've ever imagined." THE END I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Longhauler, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!