Diana, as the Wonder Girl who defeats the crime in Gotham City every day. One day she was invited to Dr.Hanson’s lab. Dr.HS tell Diana they captured an alien creature (Looks like a 4-meter tall nepenthes rooted on the ground), they want a volunteer strong enough to test how much damage this creature can apply on human. Diana agreed without consideration; she believes nothing can hurt her body. On her way approaching that creature, it opens its “mouth” (The Open end of Nepenthes that used for capturing insects), shoots 8 twigs (tentacles)from its mouth. 4 of those twigs entangled Diana’s hands to her body, each two of the other 4 twigs twined Diana’s two legs. Diana says this creature has strength, while much weaker than her. And that creature actually cannot pull her into its mouth. Then Dr.HS (Standing outside of the sealed lab) tells Diana, “let the creature pull you in so they can see what that creature can do.” Diana agreed, and she’s looking forward to seeing what this creature can do on her as well. So Diana let that creature gradually pull her closer to its mouth. The creature opens its huge “mouth” toward Diana; she can see the inside of it: full of white, semen-like liquid. Seems been aware that Diana is close enough, the creature swallowed Diana’s head by its mouth, and try to swallow her whole body like a python. It took this creature a while to swallow Diana’s huge breast inside. Diana, since her body is strong enough to not breathe for hours, feels tight and warm inside of this creature. After a few attempts, the beast swallowed Diana’s whole body inside of itself. Then Diana noticed there’re three thick, long man’s-cock-like things (three tentacles with quite rough surfaces this creature extends from inside) penetrated inside her mouth, pussy and anal. Diana hornily screamed this creature is raping her with its huge “penises”. Dr.Hanson asks if she’s okay, Diana answers that things still under her control. At this moment, a lot of green liquid “injected” into Diana’s body through the tentacle in her mouth. Two more tentacles with sucker-shaped end extended from this creature’s inner surface and swirled Diana’s tits, and using their sucker end sucking Diana’s nipples. Diana feels something thin, but long get inside of her tits through her nipples, which making her feels too tickled to stop hornily laugh. The tentacles are stretching Diana’s nipples with strong strength. Diana finally started noticing something went wrong with her body. She feels hot and horny to a degree she never felt before. Dr. Hanson asked if the liquid that creature shoots in her mouth is toxic. Diana says not likely; the liquid didn’t make her feel harm; instead, it made her feel very comfortable (Sexually), and she seems unable to hold back the desire to get something huge to penetrate all her holes. Dr. Hanson asked if that liquid is more like some kind of “sexual venom” this creature used for breeding with Diana. Diana said that’s more like the purpose of this creature. And she said this creature is giving her much more pleasure than a normal man could. Suddenly she screamed out loudly. Dr. Hanson asks what happened, Diana said the creature shoots tons of white, warm, and the thick liquid inside her from every single hole the tentacles penetrating. She could help herself but get the hugest orgasm she has ever got. The creature release too much liquid, plus Diana’s insanely shaking body, some of that liquid even leaked out from that creature’s mouth. Because Diana’s so strong, her body shakes too wildly, half of her body gets out from that creature’s mouth (The half under her waist). Everyone outside of the lab clearly says there’re two tentacles (as thick as human arms) pull aside Diana’s underwear and high-speedly penetrating hers two holes. Diana uncontrollably shakes her ass so that lots of white, thick liquid leaked out from her pussy and anal. After about 20 minutes later, Diana recovered her consciousness. Dr.HS asks her again if she’s still able to keep this experiment. Diana answers that this creature is quite strong and full of energy, while it still not powerful enough to sexually conquer an Amazon Princess. Right after this arrogant saying her breast milk was squeezed out by this creature’s tentacles. Some leaked out but most sucked into the creature’s body. Diana thinks if this process is about to end, but the tentacle inside her pussy is suddenly penetrating quickly again and released numbers of the round, flexible (soft texture) things injected into her womb. Diana’s belly quickly bulged due to so many alien eggs just been put inside her. Dr. Hanson tells Diana this creature seems like seeding her right now. Diana lost consciousness again but quickly recovered. She says this move was out of her expectation. She felt the inside become warmer than before; lots of liquid covered her body while she has no difficulty in breathing. Diana also felt the tentacles are trying to entangle her more tightly and pull the other half body of Diana back inside of this creature. The two tentacles down remain inside of hers anal and pussy while they’re not penetrating now. While the two suckers sucking Diana’s nipples keep doing the same thing. Dr. Hanson tells Diana that this experiment is about to end, there’s only one last test for Diana to do: Try to gradually increase the strength until she’s able to get out from the inside of this creature. Try not to kill this creature. Diana then starts moving while moaning for comforting feelings. Diana noticed it’s impossible to use strength as normal human to get out, so she starts using greater force. #The tentacles are tightening themselves as much as they can while they are still unable to stop Diana, the Wonder Girl, to get out of this creature. Then all of a sudden, the beast jerked a massive load of yellow liquid into Diana’s throat through the tentacle in her mouth. She feels her strength is weakened while she still strong enough to get out. The red and white boots on Diana’s feet (mostly covered in thick-white liquid) get out first. The creature lifts its body vertically, attempting to stop Diana from getting away. But that doesn’t do much work. Gradually Diana’s shins, thighs, ass with two tentacles still inside of her, and her bulged belly, all coming out from this creature. Diana says she’s about to get her way out, but the beast seems to try one last attempt to pull her back. Diana’s tits getting out too, with half-transparent suckers on nipples and people can clearly see there’re several smaller tentacles coming out from the center of each sucker that penetrating inside of Diana’s tits. With more parts of Diana’s body getting out, the creature extends more tentacles from its mouth and swirled Diana’s waist and legs. Diana laughs and says this creature wants her back, while that’s impossible. She standing on the ground with two legs and using her arms pushed the inner surface of this creature: Her head and arms that entangle by tentacles were finally coming out. She looks pretty still, just become much hornier and whore-like due to her beautiful hair and face are deeply “moisturizing” by the creature’s cum. Diana holds the tentacle which still in her mouth, pulls it out easily by one hand. The creature speeds up those two suckers on Diana’s nipple, which makes her laugh and weaken again. She’s still able to hold her two hands tight on those suckers and try her best to pull those suckers away from her nipples. The sucker already sucked for a long time, so they attached to Diana’s nipple very tightly. She tries to pull them away with stronger strength while making her tits feel horny again. Until her tits stretched like two icecream cones, she finally pulled the two suckers away. Her face turns red because when the suckers pulled away, she couldn’t hold back and shoot a lot of her breast milk again. Her nipples are almost three times longer and bigger due to those suckers. Finally, she tries to pull the two tentacles in her pussy and anal. Diana holds each tentacle by one hand at the same time, try to pull them out nice and slow. Yet she feels that there’re tons of barbed flesh structure grew up on the surface of those tentacles, which making her feels like she’s about to have another squirting orgasm by pulling those tentacles out. And as expected, she squirts a lot, her legs shake again, and she gets pratfall on the ground. The dick-shaped ends of those two tentacles are shaking as well. When Diana in a half-unconsciousness, the two tentacles she holding by her hands suddenly jerking off two-stream of thick-pinky liquid straight toward Diana’s gorgeous face. Her face is covered by this pinky liquid again. Different from the white liquid, the pinky liquid seems to be alive and quickly flows into Diana’s half-opening mouth. She swallowed almost half of the pinky liquid and coughed a bit. Then she recovered her consciousness, says this naughty creature give her a “Goodbye Gift.” Throw those tentacles away and walking out of the lab ignoring she’s about half-naked (Her suit on tits is torn apart by this creature, same as her suit under waist too. The only thing she left to cover her body is just the shining golden waistband (with the lasso of truth on it), her red&white boots, and the star-symbol hair tie on her head. None of Her body is clean without the trail of that creature’s thick-white liquid, and more liquid is dripping from her anal and pussy while she is walking out. Dr. Hanson appreciates Diana’s hard work and asks if her womb is okay. She answers that she feels fine about it, and asks if that’s the breeding method of this creature. Dr. Hanson answers it’s very likely. And now, they only need to wait and see how long it will take for those seeds to grow up and get out. Diana asks if there’s a bathroom that she can have a shower. Dr. Hanson’s cock became rock-hard due to closely seeing Wonder Girl Diana standing almost naked and covered in cum-like liquid in front of him. Diana hornily laughs again and tells Dr.HS that she’s willing to help him solve that problem if she got a chance. Then she walks to the bathroom with a trail of Alien Liquid on the ground. The Next Day, very quickly, all of the seeds getting out from Diana and her belly become flat as usual. She wears a brand new suit, comes to Dr.Hanson’s lab again to answer some questions. Such as how it feels when she was swallowed by this creature, What exactly the creature did to her, and how effective is the liquid the creature injected in her when she’s trying to get out from its inside. Then Dr.Hanson thanks Diana again for participating in this experiment. Diana answers that’s nothing hard to her, and she actually feels Excited and Fun for participating in this kind of experiment. She’s looking forward to having more experiments like this in the future. Dr.Hanson asks Diana if she would feel anything bad about this kind of experiment that related to sex and breeding. Diana answers that one of Amazonian’s traditions is hunting the strong male for breeding. Furthermore, this kind of experiment is used for academic research and the citizens’ safety. Thus she’s happy to participate in more experiments and providing more help to Dr.Hanson and the USA Government. (With a Wink), Diana walks out of the Lab Building.