Character Creation Chapter Ten – Denounce Although for the players the game is a hobby, for the developers, it is first and foremost a business. Naturally it’s only reasonable that a given product will sell so many copies, and so more content must be produced. The challenge in doing so is to innovate without rendering pre-existing material obsolete or sub-optimal. Anyone who’s glanced at the Cold Ice Strike spell can attest that the developers can and do misstep on occasion. However, while this can be a hazard, it can also be an opportunity. Veteran players can become innured to the same old offerings – fireballs and gauntlets of ogre power and weapon specialization, while all fine in their own right, can grow tedious. At times, it can be refreshing to explore a new option, employ tactics and weapons not heretofore seen… Erika Edwards stepped into the meeting her customary two minutes late, just long enough that everyone in attendance would have the opportunity to see her stride in. Conversations stopped mid-word, heads turned, eyes roamed, nods were issued. It was good to be popular. She’d been working at Granger Sauvage & Knight for less than three years, and already there were whispers that she’d be a shoe-in for partner before long. The most prestigious firm in the city, and she was its rising star. There wasn’t a man or woman in the company who didn’t want to get on her good side, whether so they could have a shot at fucking her, or so they could have an in with one of the firm’s hottest prospects in a decade. Erika could hardly blame them. Sure, she could admit that having an angel face on a dynamite body didn’t hurt. She wasn’t bad at her job, either, even if she wasn’t amazing. She just knew how to delegate. Why sit up all night going blind poring through law books when she could smile sweetly at one of the eggheads and let them? I’m just so swamped lately, I’d give anything if somebody could help me draft my opening arguments… She couldn’t count how many people had taken that unspoken promise as legitimate. Moreover, she made it a point to keep herself an active role in the firm’s social life, which explained her presence in today’s social committee meeting to plan the company’s 4th of July cookout. “Sorry I’m late, everyone. Let’s get this ball rolling, shall we Kenneth?” It was one of her subtle strategies, asserting herself as the alpha in the group by giving the group’s actual leader permission to proceed. “Right, right. Well first off, let’s all take a moment to congratulate Greg Watkins – just yesterday, he won a case that… well, to be honest, we just didn’t think anyone had a shot at. Yet thanks to some real sharp work on his part, our client has been acquitted on all charges and is already on his way home to his family. And pro bono work – real commendable stuff, Watkins.” The room applauded, even Erika. She knew all about that case – they’d tried to foist it off on her, but she took one look at the file and knew it was a loser, sure to screw up her record. So she’d done what she’d always done – set up Donna, their case manager, on a date with one of her hot male friends. The next day, Donna didn’t hesitate before accepting Erika’s gentle request to dump it on someone else. Greg Watkins was that someone, a nerd’s nerd who was a social pariah. She doubted if the chubby, oily-faced geek had ever been on a date – he was one of her easiest marks, truth be told. He’d only joined the social committee so that he could finally make some friends. Poor guy. If he wasn’t more useful to her when he was isolated, maybe she’d have let him. As the applause died down, the committee proceeded with the work ahead of them. Erika took her usual active role, making suggestions and quickly helping see who they could be delegated to – all while careful to avoid getting her own hands dirty, of course. It was going smoothly, like it always did – the girls were excited to be part of her clique, the guys were just excited that she was talking to them. Then, in the middle of a bit of lively banter, Watkins grumbled something. “What was that?” Kenneth asked. Everyone turned to Watkins, who looked a bit more sweaty and anxious than usual. “Nothing, nothing, just had something in my throat,” he said. “Then let’s keep going, all right?” Erika prompted. “Now Wendy, I really like your suggestion about doing potluck. Do you think you could handle circulating a sign-up sheet?” Wendy – sweet, docile Wendy – looked at Erika like she’d just been slapped. “I don’t know, do you think you could get off your high horse and actually sign it if I did? Or is it the usual Erika’s-too-good-to-work show?” Erika’s jaw dropped. Then dropped lower, when instead of people looking harshly at Wendy for her outburst, the room broke into laughter. And it wasn’t a good-natured kind of laughing. It was pointedly an at-you kind of laugh. “Excuse me?!” she sputtered. “Oh come on, we all know you always demand the world from us for these things, then don’t lift a finger yourself. Like at the Christmas party when you were in charge of decorating, then you call me three hours in advance with some bullshit excuse and you asked me to do it? I had to make my mother take a cab from the airport so you could get a mani-pedi, you lazy bitch.” The room grumbled disapproval – but again, not at Wendy’s rudeness, but at Erika herself. “Kenneth! Are you going to stand for this?” “Don’t you raise your voice to me, Miss Edwards,” he said in a gruff tone. More grumbling. “Raise my…! What’s wrong with you people?” “All right, that is enough. You’re removed from this committee – why don’t you get out. In fact, might I recommend you not let me catch sight of you for the rest of the afternoon. I have had just about enough of you, Miss Edwards.” “I… But…” No one spoke up on her behalf. In fact, the whole room was glaring daggers at her. Mortified, she gathered up her things and hustled out of the room. Behind her, someone fake-coughed the word “slut” into their hand. She whirled to see who it had been, but everyone was laughing at it. What the hell was happening? The afternoon was a parade of more bad news. Lew Dobson swung by to tell her he wouldn’t be able to do her the favor he’d promised. Donna emailed her to say she was taking her biggest case and re-assigning it to someone else; her request for reconsideration was met with a response that she wouldn’t be put off by any more pity dates from Erika’s fuck buddies. While she was in the ladies’ room, she overheard two women having a conversation about how they heard she’d fucked all three of the partners to get hired here. Erika, who had never done anything more than bat her eyelashes, wanted to insist upon her innocence, but then one of them made eye contact through the slit in the stall door, and she realized she’d been meant to overhear every scatching work. Exhausted from the day’s negativity, she shut her office door and stopped answering her phone. She couldn’t handle walking out there again, and waited for everyone else to clear out. Instead, there was a knock at the door. It was Watkins. “Heya, Greg,” she said wearily. “If you’re mad at me, can we please talk about it tomorrow?” “Overwhelming day, huh?” “You can’t even imagine.” “Oh, I can imagine,” he said. “In fact, I’m the cause of it.” “You’re what?” She made a face. “I’m the one who’s doing it. I used a spell to make everyone dislike you.” “Wait, a spell? As in magic? Like Disney or something?” He nodded. “That’s insane.” “Is it any more insane than the notion that everyone in the firm spontaneously chose today to turn on you in the middle of a meeting?” That gave her a pause to reconsider. “Fine. So say I did believe you. Why would you do this, make everyone believe all these horrible lies about me?” “That’s not what I did. I just made everyone less… enamored of you. Everything they said was already in their heads. Or at least, once they stopped liking you it’s the first thing they thought of.” “So why are you telling me this?” “To give you the chance to convince me to pull the plug. Turn it off.” “How…?” she asked guardedly. “A blowjob. Right here, right now.” “A blow… why, you little twerp! How dare you come into my office and ask me to do something like that! I absolutely will not – you make this right, or I’ll… I’ll…” “You’ll what? Call in some favors, get me fired, make my life hell? How do you imagine you’re going to do that? You’d have to be a damn sight better lawyer to escape the level of dislike you’ve got aimed at you.” “Get the fuck out of my office!” He shrugged. “Suit yourself. But, for what it’s worth, you brought this on yourself. If you hadn’t given everyone so many reasons to dislike you, maybe–” “GET OUT!” she shrieked. “Watkins, get in here!” she hissed, grabbing him by his shirt collar and dragging him into her office. Erika had lasted 48 hours. Almost. Two whole work days of everyone in the office treating her like garbage. People snickered at jokes she couldn’t quite overhear as she passed; her secretary Jenny glared sullenly at her every time they spoke; Kenneth warned her that if she didn’t make some improvements, he didn’t see much future for her at Granger Sauvage & Knight. This had gotten serious. If sucking some loser’s cock was what it took to secure her future here, then so be it. She locked the door behind Watkins as he stumbled in. “Fine, you win OK? Let’s do this.” Erika sunk to her knees and practically ripped his pants off. She didn’t waste an instant in taking his semi-flaccid dick into her mouth and bobbing with a vengeance. The sooner this whole mess was over with, the better. “Hey, if you’re gonna suck my cock, you have to do better than that,” her hefty colleague interjected. She let his prick slide out from between her lips. “Do better? It’s a blowjob. Do you have any idea how far out of your league I am? Just shut the fuck up and enjoy it.” “Fine, be the way,” he said, and didn’t interrupt further as the sexy blonde resumed her blowjob. She knew she wasn’t great at sucking dick – she didn’t love giving head, and she’d never needed to develop a skill for it – and she didn’t want to swell Watkins’ ego to match his swollen gut by giving him the satisfaction of seeing her ham it up. Besides, she was a babe, and she was sucking his dick. Sure enough, a few minutes later the jerk came. She wasn’t experienced enough to anticipate the warning signs, and it went right into the back of her throat. She coughed up a big wad of cum all over her black skirt, and some just got swallowed. Oh, gross! Watkins just grinned down at her as she sputtered and slowly regained her composure. “That was one of the best moments of my life,” he said. “I’ll fucking bet. Now undo this bullshit and let me get on with my life.” She dabbed at the jizz with some tissue from her desk. “You know, it feels like you haven’t learned your lesson yet. I gave you a chance to stop being such a bitch, and instead you had to be pushy and selfish and lazy.” “What, you’re blackmailing me into a blowjob and you’re going to give me a lecture on professional ethics? The nerve!” “Ethics nothing. You used and manipulated people, and now you’re being used and manipulated. You gotta do better, Erika. It’s that simple.” “Fuck you, Greg! Get the fuck out of my office!” “Greggy? Would you come down to my office? Pleeeease?” “What’s this about, Erika? I’m busy.” “I, um, I neeeed you. I feel just awful about the other day, and I was hoping you’d let me make it up to you.” She heard his chuckle over the phone speaker. “I’ll be there in a bit. I have some work to finish up first.” “Thanks, hon – you’re the best.” She tried not to sound too sarcastic. Erika had hoped the weekend would give her time to come up with a plan to get out of this, a way to undo his spell herself or that it might wear off. The only thing she could find online that was even remotely like this was from dork-ass Dungeons & Dipshits game or whatever. Instead, Monday was yet another day in her new hell as an utter pariah. People ignored her emails. Her boss suggested it might be time he moved her out of the corner office and back into a cubicle with the new hires, said she had a week to change his mind. When she got to her car, she found someone had not only let the air out of her tires, but had keyed the word “CUNT” onto the hood. The buxom lawyer hadn’t even noticed Watkins hop onto the same train as her, but once the other passengers started glaring at her for no reason, she noticed him smirking at her. When she let her anger get the better of her and began screaming at him, two of her fellow passengers restrained her, and another called the transit police, who picked her up at the next stop. She spent the evening in jail before she was released with a warning not to let it happen again. So on Tuesday, she wore some of her sexiest underwear underneath her clothes and came in ready to give Watkins his thrill. The insult wasn’t lost on her that it took him almost two hours before he got around to her. She’d told Jenny not to let anyone else in, and when he came in, she got a kick out of the way his eyes bulged out of his pudgy face at the sight of her. She was stripped to her underwear and kneeling in front of her desk, a sultry smile forced onto her face. Erika held the pose as he took her in, the black lace bra and panties, the matching stockings and garter belt – and of course, the acres of smooth tanned flesh in between. “Well, aren’t you a sight,” he said. “I’m more than just a sight,” she purred, crawling across the floor of her office to his feet, enhancing the line of her cleavage with her arms as she gazed up at him. She nuzzled at the expanding bulge in his crotch as she undid his pants. “I’m a damn good feeling, too.” As she slowly took him into her mouth, one delicate centimeter at a time, he didn’t disagree. Erika had looked up a few blowjob techniques on the internet, and she did her best to implement them. Blowjobs should be visual. The star lawyer kept her eyes locked on his, channeling all the relief she’d feel at being popular again into a look of divine gratitude. She fondled her breasts with abandon, even if he could barely see them through her head. He would like knowing she was overwhelmed by her desire for his prick. To his credit, he was a grower not a shower, but still. She could taste his shower gel on it at first, but she soon sucked that off. Blowjobs should use as much tongue as possible. This one was trickier – it was the kind of thing that took practice. Erika had performed a little on her vibrator that morning, but she’d realized that her tongue could tire out like any other muscle and she didn’t want to wear it out before Watkins. She didn’t really know how to control it precisely – yet – but he seemed just fine with it flicking and slathering at random. Blowjobs should be thorough. This was the hardest one of all. She was sure she could just wrap her lips up snugly around him and bob like crazy and make him cum, but he wanted theatricality. He wanted her to do it like she loved it. The blonde took her time about it, moaning and slurping and licking and sucking for so long she thought her jaw was going to fall off. “I’m getting close,” he said at last. Thank god. Out loud, however, she just smiled and licked up each side of his shaft. “Oh goody!” “C’mon, stand up.” Curiously, she did so. As she bent at the waist to put her mouth to the task of finishing him off, he stopped her. “No, not like that. Bend over your desk.” It took a moment, but she realized what he meant. “No! Absolutely not. I’m not a whore, Watkins.” She caught her tone, then softened it. “Come on, baby, let me finish sucking you off. You liked it when I did that, didn’t you? Let me finish.” She knelt down again, but he stopped her with a slap to each cheek with his cock. “It was a nice gesture, but you had your chance to blow me right, and you blew it – pun intended. Now I want more. Get up on that desk.” “No. My pussy is NOT negotiable. If that’s what you want, then you need to leave.” He shrugged, and his apathy was the most maddening part of it all. How could he not want her to finish him off? She was so fucking hot! Then he opened the office door, where Jenny got a nice long look at her boss kneeling in sexy lingerie. Watkins zipped up his fly as he strode out. Erika rushed over to the door to close it – treating another handful of her co-workers to the sight of her mostly naked body in the process. Erika Edwards, attorney at law, endured the snide comments, thinly veiled innuendos, and outright accusations of sluthood with all the dignity she could muster. She made it a point to dress more conservatively the next few days, though this only seemed to fan the flames of the rumors, make it look like she had something to hide. Since she’d been caught blowing (or in some rumors, fucking) Watkins, everyone knew it wasn’t an affair; whatever they now thought of Erika, they didn’t think she was attracted to that fat-ass. So instead, the rumors became that she was granting him sexual favors in exchange for work, which in turn only made everyone analyze all the other favors they’d done for her as having sold themselves short. Some of the guys even made up stories about how they’d gotten her to put out for this or that. She even got accidentally copied on an email that made it clear that there was an office pool growing to see who could guess how many men in the office she’d fucked. It was the meeting with Kenneth, in which he told her he had been hearing disconcerting rumors about her sexual conduct around the office and that she was “on thin ice” that she broke down and sought out Watkins again. She tried not to think of it as prostitution. And if it was, it was to keep a six-figure salary with a Cadillac benefits package, which was one hell of a slut fee. This time she went to his office, no longer trusting Jenny not to spread rumors. When he heard the door close behind him, she was treated to a look of genuine amazement when he turned to see her wearing her tiniest miniskirt and a blouse sheer enough to notify him that she was braless. He wanted her to be a slut, so she’d dressed the part. “Well look at you,” he said. He didn’t ask permission, just reached out and took a couple handfuls of her tits. She made herself not scowl, and after a few moments, even urged a smile. “You like?” Then he pulled her blouse off, which would have to do for a response. As Watkins became mesmerized by the sight of her bare boobs, she pressed the attack. “So hey, I was hoping you’d give me another shot at sucking you off? You can finish in my pussy this time, if you want. I brought a condom, just for you.” “Yeah, no thanks.” She’d been prepared for him to refuse. Still, she was on the pill, and couldn’t imagine a guy like Watkins slept around enough to pick up anything. “That’s fine, just this once maybe I could let you ride me bareback. A little secret, between us.” Erika winked. “That’s swell, but I actually meant no to the whole offer.” “What! You’re turning me down?!” “Looks like. Would you close the door behind you? I have a lot of work to do, and I don’t want to be distracted again.” “Fat chance of that – why don’t you want to fuck me? I’m crazy hot. I know you want my body. Every guy wants my body.” “Sure – and to hear the talk around the office, I wouldn’t be the first to get it.” “Those are lies and you damn well know it!” “Do I? You sure seem eager to suck and fuck me to get what you want. Why would I assume I’m the first?” “Only because you turned my world upside-down!” “Really? Being unpopular is this new to you?” “Of course it is!” she thundered. “I was prom queen AND homecoming queen! They didn’t even let you run for both – I was a write-in!” “I love that that’s the most impressive part of your resumé. Would you leave now?” “Not until you tell me why you’re not interested in me all of the sudden.” He sighed irritably. “Fine. Look… it’s not that you’re not attractive. You are. You so are. But it’s just that, ever since this thing started, I just… well, I can’t really be seen with you.” Her jaw dropped. She’d given some permutation of this speech a hundred times, how she liked someone so well but they were just from two different worlds – her polite way of saying she was out of someone’s league. On the receiving end, it felt very different. “So undo the spell!” “Think it through, Erika. You’re suggesting I undo the spell so you won’t be a pariah any more, so that I can fuck you, so that I’ll undo the spell…?” “So you’re just going to leave me like this? One of these days they’re going to get spiteful enough to just up and fire me!” “Yeah, I suppose I could fuck you then.” “That’s not what I… Damnit, Greg, there has to be something we can work out! You’re one of the smartest guys we have. Can’t you think of anything?” “Erika, you made it!” Donna said, smiling brightly. It was the 4th of July, the day of Granger Sauvage & Knight’s company beach picnic. “Wow, that’s quite a swimsuit. You have real guts, wearing that – not that you’re not rocking it.” “Thanks, D,” Erika said, kissing her on the cheek. “Quite a swimsuit” was putting it mildly – it was a string bikini that she normally wouldn’t wear on a vacation, much less in front of coworkers. Most her ass was on display, and she had to keep tugging it into place to keep her nipples from popping out. “I brought the cupcakes – was up half the night frosting them, but I wanted them to look just so for everybody.” Donna showed her over to the dessert table to set them down with the rest. “So is Greg coming separately?” “Oh no, he’s just waiting on me to help him put lotion on.” “Some guys get all the luck, eh?” Kenneth joked as he walked up. “I’m the lucky one. Though I guess you could say he’s been getting plenty lucky lately.” Her few co-workers in earshot chortled at her brazen joke. None were surprised; this was common fare from Erika Edwards lately, ever since she’d fallen head over heels for Greg Watkins. “Luck? I thought you said it was skill,” came the man’s voice over her shoulder as he entered the tent. The group welcomed Greg with smiles and handshakes, hugs from some of the ladies. He’d certainly never been this popular before they started dating, but ever since it got out that he was regularly sticking it to none other than Erika Edwards, the hottest woman in the office, he’d become a legend. Sure, it was tawdry at first, as everyone assumed the skank was just fucking him for help with her case load, but once they saw how she doted on him, how she hung on his every word, how she clung to his arm like he was the one serving as decoration for her… well, public opinion began to turn. Knowing full well he could reinstate the spell whenever he chose, she continued playing along. What choice did she have? Her reputation had taken some lasting damage. With a little extra elbow grease, and a whole lot of time spent with the newly-minted most popular guy in the office, it was recovering. She immediately pulled Greg into a deep kiss, giggling as she felt his hand cop a feel of her ass. Every guy in the room was fixed on the couple with a mix of envy and lust. Some of the women had been flirting with Watkins of late, no doubt thanks to the rumors she’d been spreading about how enormous his cock was, and how – regardless of his bulk – he was the most generous and gifted lover she’d ever had. “I’ve never gotten off so hard or so often!” she’d said, over and over, as she went down the checklist of women he’d made of women she should talk him up to. “So, ready for me to get your lotion on, baby?” she asked him. She couldn’t even tell if her voice was higher-pitched these days, or if it just felt that way from constantly playing the part of Watkins’ bimbo girlfriend. “You know it, baby,” he said. Every eye followed the young, seemingly in-love couple, the source of all the best gossip in the office, as they made their way down to the sand. She spread out a towel for him, and when he laid down, she readied the suntan lotion. “I’d like it as a full body massage,” he said once they were alone. “Make it a good one.” “Yeah yeah, whatever, asshole,” she replied, but her smile told any lookers-on that she was delighted by the opportunity to touch him. She began with his legs, then the back. When the time for his front came – as if he couldn’t put lotion on his own chest – she gamely obeyed him and climed aboard his groin, rocking her hips on him as she oiled him up. Nearby, a group of company guys were practically drooling as she all but dry-humped him in full view of the public. “You know, if you don’t say ‘when’ soon, we’re going to run out of lotion, and/or you’re going to cum in your swim trunks.” “Don’t worry, I made sure we have enough for you, sugar tits.” Did he ever. For the next twenty minutes, Watkins lathered her up from head to toe. He spent a gratuitious amount of time on her thighs and her butt, enough that whatever her actual interest in him, she couldn’t help but lube up a bit. “Roll over, Erika. I never get tired of your ass, but I do miss your tits eventually.” “You do realize I’m more than capable of putting lotion on my own chest and stomach.” “Sweety puss, you know I know better than anyone that you’re flexible enough to get your whole body. But I think our friends deserve to see how passionate we are for one another. Don’t you? Unless you’re bored of being popular again.” “Oh no,” she said, “you know I can’t get enough of your thick meaty hands. Darling.” She rolled over and Watkins dove in, smearing the slick goo on her stomach, then across her breasts. He slid his hands right underneath her top and squished around her bare titties. To her undying embarrassment, one of the partners walked by as he did so; Watkins didn’t even have the grace to look chagrined at being caught. “Mr. Knight, good to see you!” he said as he slipped his hands out from under her top. Both of her nipples were at least partially exposed, and she bashfully tugged the little triangles back into place. “Oh, don’t let me interrupt… Watkins, right?” “Yes sir, Greg Watkins.” “I’ve been hearing good things about you, Watkins. Glad to see you’ve got this little filly to take care of you. Important that our best people stay happy, I always say.” “I, um, actually work for you too, sir,” Erika interjected. “Good, good,” he said dismissively. “Well you two have fun today, Watkins – remind me of myself at your age,” the old man chuckled. “Will do,” Watkins said as their employer departed. “C’mon, Erika, you’ve made yourself a sensation… let’s go make you a legend.” There was no missing what happened then. In the fading late afternoon light, Greg took his hot new girlfriend out into belly-deep water and fucked the hell out of her. They couldn’t have been more than a hundred feet from the shore, where a few dozen employees were spreading out blankets, chairs and towels as they picked at their potluck lunches. “You’re a real pig, ya know that?” she said as Greg tugged her bikini patches aside. With the sun behind her, intuitively she knew she’d just be a silhouette and nobody would know she was exposing her tits, but it didn’t feel that way. “Yeah, well what does that make you?” Watkins pulled down his trunks. Between waves, the water went just low enough to show his pale white ass to lookers-on. “Now, why don’t you be a good girl and show me how long you can hold your breath.” With one last look at her co-workers on the shore, she bent over and took his prick into her mouth. It was strange to think that just a few weeks ago, she’d been so inexperienced at this, but by now she’d sucked him off so many times that having his fat sparkplug of a cock in her mouth felt perfectly normal. Doing it underwater was an added challenge, but Watkins had his wits about him enough to hold steady her during the big waves. During one pause for air he held her above the water. “That’s good. Now, show everyone how badly you need me.” With a sigh, she pulled her bikini bottoms aside. “Like I need a hole in the head.” “I’m done with the hole in your head – now I want the hole in your crotch.” Using her buoyancy to help lift her, Erika wrapped her arms around his shoulders and carefully guided her pussy onto his cock. It was cold, but she was warming it up quickly. “Just glad it’s this hole you’re interested in this time.” “Hey, I thought you liked getting your butt fucked,” Watkins said, somehow managing to sound like she’d wounded his pride even as the most beautiful girl the fat prick ever touched wriggled her hips around his dick. “That’s because you told me I had to be as convincing as possible. I’m pretty sure every tenant in your building thinks I like getting my butt fucked now, too.” She groaned in spite of herself as he gave her a particularly hard thrust. The sound obviously carried to shore; she could see some of her colleagues pointing now. Within moments, half the company was watching her get her cunt stuffed. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you love getting fucked by me.” She locked eyes. “Oh, I just can’t get enough of your big hard cock,” she cooed in a tone so earnest it was unmistakeably sarcastic, then lowered her voice and hissed, “you fat prick.” He drove up harder, and she moaned again. “Tell me I’m the best lay you ever had.” “Oh yeah, baby, you’re totes the bestest cock my pussy’s ever had!” That was a little louder than she meant it to be, sarcasm or no. The way he was picking up intensity was making it difficult to keep quiet. “Beg me to fuck you harder.” She eyed him. “Se-her-riously?” She winced at how her voice broke when he pulled her hips down hard onto his cock mid-sentence. She wished she could sound less like she was enjoyed this. More, she wished she wasn’t enjoying this. When he just grinned smugly back at her, she had little choice but to comply, though couldn’t resist inserting a few jabs at him under her breath. “Oh yeah, Greggy (you fucking asshole)! Plow my steamy little pussy harder (before I fall asleep)! I’m so fucking WET for you baby (or maybe it’s the ocean) – just DRILL me HARDER (so we can get this oh-oh-oh-hover WIIIIIIIIIIIITH FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK FUCK FUCK MEEEEEEEE!” She never really ended the jab; her orgasm smashed into her like a tidal wave and she couldn’t keep quiet. For his part, Watkins complied, and fucked her as hard as a man had ever dared, pistoning in and out of her steaming box, his firm grip on her hips handling her like a plaything. Which was basically what she was right now, a little fuck doll being used like a little fuck doll. He gradually lost his footing, but neither of them even noticed as the water dragged them more and more in shore until he was sitting on his ass in the shallows as she bounced and writhed on his cock, panting and moaning. It was like fireworks were exploding in her cunt, brilliant blossoms of beauty pounding through her entire body, light cascading over her naked tits and replacing the night sky with stars of pleasure. Wait, no. Those were real fireworks. The display had begun on the shore, and now, only a few dozen feet away, her co-workers took in the sight of Erika Edward’s naked body fucking the hell out of that toad Greg Watkins. In any sane universe, she would have just committed social suicide. Instead, she was met with the thunderous applause of her co-workers. “You go girl!” “Ride that cowboy!” “Damn, what I wouldn’t give to be in his shoes…” “She’s so lucky!” She stood then, waving to her throngs of admirers. She was so overwhelmed by being the center of everyone’s appreciation again that she didn’t even notice that her tits were still exposed, that her pussy was on display, that along with the water cascading down her mostly naked body there was a slow drip of Watkins’ cum. So it was that a girl who’d been considered an outcast and a pariah had climbed to the top of the social ladder – and all it took was hooking up with the most popular guy in the company. One challenge any DM of veteran players must always contend with is that of risking becoming unoriginal. There are those players who are endlessly content to press into a cave, slay the trolls, apply flasks of alchemist’s fire to keep them down, loot their lair and use it to upgrade that +2 to a +3. For many, however, this becomes tedious; this can be as much the case with well-worn plots as it can be with combats. Rescuing the gnomish peasant girl kidnapped by goblins, deciding the appropriate course for handling the evil orcs tribe’s women and children, realizing that their NPC ally who has suddenly been acting funny is, once again, a doppelganger. One technique for avoiding this pitfall is to address these clichés head-on, but turn them on their head. The peasant girl is in fact in love with one of the goblins and fled to avoid persecution, finding solace only among her beaux’s people. The orcs are lead by a priestess of Luthic who drives generation after generation of males into unwilling aggression to appease her notions of male duty. The doppelganger has been impersonating the noble for years, but recently, it has had a crisis of faith in its dark masters that has been causing it to act out of sorts. Time-worn tropes, however, need not incur guilt on the part of DMs who make use of them – after all, they have gained their place in player’s hearts and memories through generations of exposure. Yet some of the most memorable tales come from turning them on their heads. Sometimes, the dragon must be rescued from the princess.