“Why’d you make my ass bigger?? I tore right through these jeans I was trying on!!” Stacy yelled at her boyfriend, but he simply laughed it off.

“Relax I’m just joking around”, Greg said, “Besides, those. Jeans already had rips in them.”

“No they didn't you piece of shit!! I’m not leaving a torn pair here, you're paying for these.” Stacy demanded.

“Ok, fine. Change into your other pants and let's get going.” Greg replied.

Stacy stood silently glaring at Greg, furiously tapping her foot “I wish I could….” she said angrily.

“No way…”

“I wasn’t even done putting them on”, Stacy said while turning around to present her ass to Greg, “I can’t pull them up anymore or take them off, they’re stuck frozen there.”

Doug watched his girlfriend’s ass bounce, forgetting to close his jaw before she turned back around.

“You suck, you know that!?! This onesie’s buried so deep in my ass!!! And it won't budge either!! Change me now, or I’ll change you!!” Stacy warned.

“How would you even do that?! HA!!” Greg laughed as he started towards the register, stopping when he realized Stacy had gone the other way.

“Where are you going??” He shouted after her.

“I wanted to see the bras here” Stacy replied frankly, grabbing Greg’s hand and leading him deep into the woman’s department.

“Look at this one!!” Stacy brought Greg a plain beige bra.

“Why are you showing this to me? I never- Hey!!” Greg interrupted himself, shouting when Stacy ripped his shirt off. “In the middle of the store, Stace? Wow, that bra must really turn you- What the-???” Greg tried fighting off Stacy, but felt weaker than usual and was unable to stop Stacy from wrapping the beige bra around his chest and clasping it shut behind him.

“What are you doing? What’s happening??” Greg asked while trying to undo the tight clips being him.

His mouth then sealed shut, his lips plumping up firmly pressed together while the rest of his face shrank. He was soon eye level with Stacey, and let out a sigh of relief when the bra finally began loosening up as his torso slimmed down. This made Stacey smirk, and she just stared on waiting for the next transformation.

“This might sound crazy, but I feel pretty comfor- whoa, I thought my boobs stopped grow- Ahh!!!!” Greg held his inflating boobs down as he screamed in shock, but it quickly turned to an aroused squeal.

Greg was soon bouncing his F cup boobs in the C cup bra, giggling from the erotic tightness of the straps and cups.

“I didn’t realize having tits could be so fun!” He exclaimed while giggling and jiggling his bosom.

“This isn’t so bad, I don’t know what you women are complain- Ahhh!!!” Greg was interrupted by a stretching in his torso, and soon he was much slimmer and longer.

All the fat in his body collected either in his breasts or behind, and more fat was being created to fill those areas out even more.

“Ok, I’m beginning to see what women complain about!” Greg said as his hips popped out and his waist cinched in.

He began bending at the hip involuntarily, his large ass forcing his inflating chest forward.

“I feel like such a bimbo- and I love it!!” Greg said, clapping his hands while hopping up and down excitedly. “I need to try on some sexy outfits! This bra is waaaaay too small on me!!”

“You’re right!  Go find the sexiest outfit you could, and put it on. Your body and mind will change with it, so make sure it’s something you won’t feel comfortable in!” Stacy yelled to Greg as his body carried him toward the lingerie section.

But before he could get out of the athleisure section, his hands grabbed a large sports bra and yoga pants. He put the outfit on in the dressing room, moaning as his body changed with each article he adorned.

His boobs quickly swelled to fill the large bra, and he could feel his nipples settle into the deep cups. The yoga pants were small, but only in height. The ass and waist portion were twice that of Hreg’s current size, making his body bubble up and thicken. It didn’t stop til his pants and bra were stretched to their max.

Just then he got a text on his phone, Stacy wanted him to send her a video of himself.

This happened as his mind began to change, matching the ditzy milf his body had become.

He giggled as he hit record in the camera app, immediately flashing his new boobs before sending the 5 second video.

He strutted through the store looking for Stacy, not able to walk ten steps without a guy hitting on him. He wanted to feel bad knowing that Stacy probably went through this all the time, but his ditzy mind and body loved the attention. He couldn’t stop himself from waving and blowing kisses, gasping sexily when a daring guy would slap his ass.

Stacy laughed for way too long when she saw Greg, “I found this sexy outfit in the ‘Learn to Salsa’ Aisle, see it over there?” Stacy pointed to the display she spoke of. “I want you to put this on for me. Do it now, in the middle of the store.”

Greg’s body complied while he fought for any type of control from deep inside, unable to even make his body so much as stutter.

Soon he could feel his hips begin to shake rhythmically, and he could hear faint salsa music playing in his head.

“Wow! So sexy!!!

But I think you know where I’m going with this!” Stacy snapped as she said this, and Greg felt his body inflate as he dissapeared in a cloud of smoke.

When it dissipated, Greg felt a new emotion wash over him. Lust-filled confidence.

His hips were wider, and he felt much more aroused in the revealing red dress.

“That’s so pretty! Now I’m gonna give you the same mission, just like before. Go find the sexiest outfit you can, and bring it back here.” Stacy commanded.

Greg minced around the store like he owned it, passionately making out with any guy that made eye contact with him. He gathered the tightest clothes he could find, and brought it all back to Stacy.

“What the hell?? Why are you so into workout clothes?? This stuff won’t even change your body!” Stacy yelled

Greg ignored her and put on the clothes he had picked out, making sure to pull the pants up as high as he could before putting on his corset.

“You couldn’t find panties?” Stacy asked.

“I think this outfit looks better without them”, Greg teased as he posed for his girlfriend.

“No!! Go through this entire store, and I don’t want you stopping til you know you’re holding the sexiest possible outfit!! No workout stuff!” Stacy yelled.

Greg complained, but couldn’t stop his body from walking around the department store for two hours before coming back with a single garment.

Stacy made him put it on and laughed maniacally as he began inflating, straining the leather onesie to its max. He moaned in erotic pain as his nipples grew even more, getting aroused and stiffening erect against the soft leather.

As much as Greg begged, Stacy just ignored him and had him wear the outfit while she paid for it at the register.

She told him to keep the zipper closed, forcing the orgasming bimbo into the passenger seat of her car.

“Like, please change me back!!! I totally hate this! And my- Mmmmm” Greg was interrupted by Stacy grabbing his large boob, making him cum into the leather rubbing against his pussy.

“You could put the zipper down when we get home, sweetie.”

Greg sighed as he closed the apartmentdoor behind him, relieved from the intense pressure he has experienced. He tried taking the onesie off, but Stacy commanded he keep it on.

“I think you’ll wear that little number til you lose your virginity. Then I’ll allow you to slip out of it for a little bit…”