It's four in the afternoon and you just got out of Anthropology class. As you head out of the anthropology building, you spot Emma taking care of her pent up need. Unable to resist, you open the door and go inside. She invites you to join her, but warns you that her voluptuous herm deer traits are contagious. Your transformation is incredible, but having Emma's giant cervine cock in your new snatch is indescribable. Your Cervine Hermification by Zmeydros (Edited by Tiliquain and Sheera Castellar) The cavernous Anthropology lecture hall, with its blonde wooden fold-down chairs and stadium seating, feels far too small today. That's because someone took Emma's seat and she ended up sitting right behind you. You've never actually met her, but everyone on campus knows her by name because she was the first victim of Shelein's contagious transformation magic. Unfortunately for you, that magic turned Emma into a curvy and very hung herm deer, the most gorgeous woman you've ever seen. Something about the hefty package between her thick thighs makes you blush every time you catch a glimpse of her. You doubt she even knows you exist because you're just a human guy and you can't imagine why she'd settle for you when there's so many hot anthros on campus. Like her roommate, who she accidentally turned into a herm deer like her. Ever since you spied them making out in the commons, you've been thinking about what it would be like to be stuck between their gigantic cervine erections...Honestly, Emma and her roommate give off the vibe that they'd be up for it if you found the courage to proposition them. Biting your lip, you try to concentrate on class, but your mind keeps wandering back to Emma as you wonder whether you should try to talk to her. She seems like a genuinely cool person and, even though you lust after her, there's a lot you like about her that has nothing to do with her body. For instance, the questions she asks in class often trip up your rather pompous professor. Maybe that's a way to start a conversation with her: compliment her on one of the cool observations she makes in class when the period ends. Actually, now that you're thinking of it, she's been unusually quiet today. As you try to think up ways to get up the courage to talk to her, the class drags on and you struggle to get any notes down. When the professor starts wrapping up, you feel a bit embarrassed by how empty your notebook page is. Emma lets out a deep, pent up groan. You forget whether you're packing or unpacking your backpack and just kinda freeze there, trying to hold back lusty thoughts. When your anthropology professor says, "Class Dismissed," a loud gasp from Emma makes blood rush to your crotch. Joining the other students in turning to gawk at her, you find a tapered, conical rise in her blouse that runs all the way into her bountiful furry cleavage. She seems used to this sort of attention and is focusing on getting her stuff together despite her titanic hard-on. The female skunk next to her is stuck in the middle of setting stuff in her backpack, staring at the evidence of Emma's arousal. Looking away as Emma struggles to get out of her seat, your knees go weak, forcing you to lean on the laminated wooden back of your auditorium seat. Further gasps and moans from Emma get your prick pressing down your pant leg within seconds. Finding her words, the skunk says, "Uhh, Emma, do you need a hand?" Emma speaks softly, but you're close enough to hear her say, "Yeah, you want to come to the student lounge and help me deal with this? It's being really stubborn today." "I barely even know you," the skunk scoffs. "I meant, do you want me to help you out of your seat." Emma says, "Sorry, I thought--" "Whatever. Maybe try asking me to lunch or something first, next time?" the skunk says as she walks toward the exit, her fluffy tail swishing behind her. "Wait, I'd still like help getting up," Emma says. "Damn this tight blouse." The skunk just keeps walking. "H-hey, could you help me up?" Emma says. Your eyes widen as you realize that you're the only other person near her and she, therefore, has to be talking to you. Trying to maintain your composure, you turn toward her and offer your hand. While you're helping her up, she bends forward and the pointy head of her prick pokes out of the cleavage window in her blouse, giving you an eyeful. When she's standing, there's some epic lewd outlines in her clothing. Her prick is thick even though it's tapered, and if her balls were any bigger, they'd be an impediment. Her stretchy girl jeans are making it look like she stuffed a couple big round plums in her panties. Once she's standing, she lets go of your hand saying, "Thanks!" Her eyes dart down to the rise in your pant leg and she gets this knowing smirk, like she knows how gorgeous she is. It's so damn sexy. You tell her it's no problem while stumbling over your words as her woody musk fills your nose. Seeming to think she's made you nervous, she says, "See you later," and heads toward the door. Now you're just standing there, trying to process what just happened. When you finally recover, you sigh about the fact that she didn't invite you to help her get off. You hope it was just how nervous you were and not something else. Consoling yourself, you think about the other one fourth of the student body that got transformed by Shelein's magic. Among them are a lot more herms. Maybe you'd feel a bit less nervous around girls who aren't as famous. Your footsteps echo in the hallway as you walk out of the lecture hall and take a right to head to the building's main exit. Since you just got out of the last period of the day, the hallway is deserted. Movement catches your eye as you pass the window that looks in on the Anthropology club lounge. Inside, Emma's stroking her cock while reaching under her huge balls to finger her pussy. She's got her muzzle around the tapered tip, trying to make sure she doesn't make a mess of the lounge's dark brownish-yellow couch. You walk up closer, caught in indecision as to whether you should ask Emma if she wants help. Catching sight of you, she waves you in. Your prick throbs in time with your thundering heartbeat as you open the door. A joint-aching nervousness grips you as you let the door swing closed behind you. A string of pre connecting Emma's lips to her cock sags and then breaks as she says, "Thanks for the help back there, Mr. Timely Hottie. I assume you know who I am?" You say you do as you blush at her compliment. "Ah, that's good. I don't like having to constantly apologize for making scenes like this one." She chuckles. "Normally, I'd go for longer introductions, but I gotta get back to work or I'm gonna be fighting this stiffy all the way to my dorm room. I wouldn't mind an audience, or some help, though." She goes back to sucking her cock as she adds a third finger to her pussy. Your cheeks burn and you bite your lower lip as you put your backpack down and let yourself get a bit closer. You clear your throat to cover your moan when the hot, heady rosy scent of her needy pussy mixed with the robust sun-baked wood aroma of her cock hits your nose. Her voice takes you out of your lusty reverie. "You're looking pretty thirsty. Wanna help me?" You nod. "How about you get that face under my balls and make out with my pussy? I've been thinking about getting licked all day." She rubs at her wet, full figured snatch while biting her lip. Riding a swell of shamelessness, you undo your belt and look around the room before tossing it over your shoulder. It knocks over a couple wooden idols sitting on the bookshelf on its way to the floor. As you start pulling your pants down, Emma holds up a finger. "Oh! I almost forgot: before you dive into my down under, I need you to know that there's a chance I'm still contagious. They say I'm fine, but I've learned not to underestimate Shelein." You ogle at her sizable sac and glittering wet pussy longingly for a few moments before shaking yourself out of your wave of horniness so you can respond to her warning. You tell her you've never been particularly attached to your body and you're happy to give her all the licks she needs. Then you apologize for being awkward as you strip off your clothes and add them to the pile. The cool air makes your nipples harden. You've never been naked in semi-public and feel a bit like hiding behind something. As you kneel in front of her and put your hands on her velvety thighs, she says, "I don't think you're awkward, before I got all these new additions, I was a lot more shy about sex. Now I don't really have a choice. I gotta take initiative. Like this!" She lifts her balls with her left hand and grabs your hair with her right, getting some pre in your hair as she mashes your face against her pussy. Your loud moan sends vibrations across her labia and you start to thrust your tongue in and out with loud, hungry grunts. Her balls are resting on the bridge of your nose as the tip rubs against her thick clit. You stroke your right nipple idly, letting out loud, rhythmic moans as you feel yourself getting pulled deeper and deeper into the sensations, scents and the rose-hip-like taste of her warm nectar. Your cock throbs and leaks a drop of pre onto her calf as you lick her hot wet snatch. "Wow, you're as hard as a steel girder, hon. If you're good, I'll let you shove inside me." She starts rolling her hips, grinding her pussy against your face, covering you in her scent. You're getting mad tingles all across your face and it's not long before your tongue is reaching further into her. Meanwhile, your nipples are aching along with your hips. Your gasps and moans are muffled by her plump snatch as you go to town on it and get deep tingles in your balls and sac. While you continue to worship her muff and you tilt your head back so you can enjoy the sight of her grithy sheath and hefty balls, your nostrils flare and feel like they're getting wider. She moans and thrashes and drenches your face with her wetness. Putting her leg between yours, she lets her digitigrade ankle rub against your rock hard length. Grunting and moaning, you start tweaking your nipples, feeling them swell and grow more sensitive. Your prick brushes more and more against her ankle until she pulls her ankle away so your cock flicks backwards and smacks your tummy. Now your prick is going up past your belly button. Your balls hang lower and lower as a tickling sensation spreads across your chest, face, and groin. When you grope your chest, you find plush, B-cup tits. Gasping with shock, you pull your agile cervine tongue from Emma's wet snatch and look down to see your cock. It's almost ten inches long, tapered, and bright pink. Your balls are approaching the size of apricots. She looks at your forming muzzle, then your cock, and says, "Seems you're gonna be a super hung girl like me in no time. Nothing can be done at this point, so you might as well just stick that cock in me so we can both feel it grow. It feels fucking amazing, trust me." Hearing her say that makes you let out an uncharacteristically feminine moan. Squeezing your breasts, you lose track of everything else in the room. They're so sensitive and love having pressure on them and your nipples are so hard they're digging into your palms. Moving your hand to investigate a twinge behind your balls, you find a sensitive cleft that makes your whole body throb with ecstasy when you touch it. You've never been this horny in your life and don't know what to do with yourself. And you're also biting your lip because you're deeply confused. How could this all be happening to you? What will your life be like after you've fully transformed? "Are you okay?" she asks. You nod, having no idea what to say. "Good, because I really want deer dick and now you've got one." She grins. You get between her legs as she lifts her balls helpfully out of the way. Then you put both hands on your growing breasts as you slide your length into her, feeling her hot satin walls surround your tapered cock tip. A hot ring of tension builds at the midpoint of your swelling cock as your medial ring comes in. Seeing her beautiful thick deer dick bobbing in front of you, you can't resist the urge to grab it. As you stroke it, you marvel at how it takes both hands to fully manipulate its fourteen inches of length. She cries out and pulls on her nipples, causing milk to bead on them. "Unf, go easy on my cock, girl, you're gonna need it soon," she says as she bucks her hips, trying to get all of you buried inside her. Between thrusts, you gasp and groan, shivering as short smooth deer fur spreads across you, protecting you from the chill of the room. Shooing Emma's hands away from her breasts, you press your lips to her right nipple and start sucking hard. The moment you start drinking her rich caramelly milk, you feel a surge of magic course through you like a pressure wave. Fur sprouts on every inch of you, your toes burn as they fuse into deer hooves, your ears lengthen along with your cock and muzzle. A tail presses out from your tailbone as your tailhole starts tingling and moving back a bit. As a mound forms just behind your balls, there's a twinge of pleasure deep in your prick as a sensitive nub grows in at the front of your pussy. Your breasts swell bigger and bigger as your hips and ass do the same, you're becoming voluptuous like her and soon you'll have all the deer herminess that you could ever want. Your balls are the size of plums, bludgeoning her backside as your cute deer tail fully forms. Your prick gets nice and big, nearing hers in size. Milk beads at your nipples as she squeezes them and gropes your breasts. Suddenly, her pussy convulses, tugging at your prick, which is reaching deep into her. "Cum in me now, girl!" she yells just before her cries of orgasm steal her capacity for language. You blush when you realize what she just said and you feel your eyes squeeze shut as bliss crashes through you. Pressure builds at the base of your thick deer length every time your heavy sac smacks into her buttocks. You pull off her thick milky nipple and throw your head back, bellowing her name. Spurt after thick spurt of silky deer spunk jets out from your tapered prick as your medial ring flares. Then you're shivering and letting out loud girly yelps every time she squeezes your sensitive double D's. "You make such a hot deer herm!" she cries out as her pussy ripples around your shaft. Your muzzle completes its march forward, your ears reach their full length, your ankles and feet crack as they take on a more digitigrade shape, your breasts, cock, and balls are now as hefty as hers. As you cum, as that pleasure explodes inside you, a pressure behind your balls builds. Invisible fingers tug and pull, jostling your prostate, then they reach into you as your flesh opens. Deeper and deeper, the magic reaches, spreading you open as if by an unseen cock. The pleasure is unforgiving and immense, but it leaves you feeling empty. There's a pang of want deep inside you as you stare at a dollop of pre that's falling from the tip of her prick. You desperately need her huge throbbing dick and massive balls. While you're still spasming inside her, she grabs your muzzle and makes out with you fiercely, showing you what long cervine tongues can do. You explore every bit of each other's mouths while rubbing your cute wet deer noses against each other. After you shoot your last jet of cum, she growls and playfully pushes you back so your cock slides out, your jizz falling to the tiled floor. "Your pussy's scent is driving me crazy. " You try to speak, but all that comes out is a long moan as your snatch clenches. Chuckling, she grabs you and pushes you onto the couch so you're on your knees and grabbing the back of it. With your tongue lolling out the side of your muzzle, you pant in heated desperation. Just her looking at you with that confident smirk, like she knows you're going to enjoy what she's about to do to you, is making hot juices from your desperate muff trickle down the back of your plump sac. She puts her prick at your entrance, saying, "Ready for your first dick, Ms. Brand New Cervine Herm?" New instincts are taking over: your long rounded ears fold back against your head as your little deer tail sticks straight up to signal your readiness. Your prick hardens, unable to resist the feverish arousal coursing through you as you ask her to be gentle with your virgin snatch. "Sure, to start things off, at least." Grasping your hip with one hand, she steps forward, parting your passage with her taper. Then she thrusts slowly and patiently as she works her way into your brand new cunt. You growl and bite the back of the couch, as your cheeks burn with a blush. The gentle motions of her cock are only making your need worse. Coming to your rescue, your slutty herm body presses back against her, making multiple inches disappear into you. A girly delighted squeal escapes your lips at the glorious friction as your walls stretch for her. Leaning over you, she brushes her abundant bosom against your back and pinches one of your fat nipples. "I think you don't want me to be gentle. Deep down, you know your pussy was built to take my cock and I think you want me to rut you like a buck in heat." You scream into the upholstered back of the couch, trembling with desire as itchy spots on the top of your head produce antlers. She snarls as she jams her medial ring into you. Bleating like a doe in heat, you ram your hips back, craving the feeling of her hips slamming into your round, squeezable buttocks. Being stretched to your limit sends pleasure shooting up your dick, putting you right on the edge. Clouded by lust as your antlers come in, you grunt and start thrusting your thick deer dick forward, right between the couch cushions. Before you even realize what you're doing, you're bellowing and squirting your hot sticky cervine load in between them. Your shaft doesn't soften at all after you finish and you put it between your breasts, squeezing them around it, needing to get off again already. Combined with the sensations from your pussy, thrusting your length between your supple tits is pure heaven. Emma grabs hold of your fully formed antlers and completely ignores the meekness of her species by growling like a wolf. Then she repeatedly slams forward, clapping her balls against yours over and over. "I wanna watch your face when you cum for the first time from your cunt!" She pulls out, lays you on your back on the couch, hops onto it with you, lifts up your legs, and shoves back in. Then she smacks you with balls far too big for the rest of her frame as she ruts you right into the couch. Her cock is stretching you ridiculously at the base and that medial ring is dragging across your insides, giving you unbelievable sensations of fullness. As her tits flail and she rocks the couch with her furious fucking, she sucks on your nipples until you start producing milk. You grab your head and wail in ecstasy, feeling pleasure from so many places at once. When her prick starts twitching and she's gasping heavily, you feel every inch of your fur-clad skin tingle with anticipation. "CUM YOU FUCKING DOE BITCH!" she cries out as her prick starts to spasm inside you. A tidal wave crashes over you as your limbs go limp, your ecstatic peak utterly destroying you. You grunt and squeal and yelp and shiver as you have a longer, deeper orgasm than you've ever felt before. Your pussy twitches, convulses, clenches, and spasms. She shoves every last inch into you so hard that the arm rest your back is up against, creaks and the upholstery tears. Then, she growls as her cock floods your virgin depths. The spurts are so voluminous, you feel the contractions stretch your passage. Eyes squeezed tight and muzzle wide open, you taste the spurts of cum from your cock before you even even notice it's going off. With every throb of her massive cock, you feel another burst of warmth filling you and slowly, mercifully, the fiery desperation in your needy cunt gets sated. The sharp edge of your release softens to velvet as you wrap your arms and legs around her, pulling her closer. She makes out with your muzzle as her prick delivers a seemingly endless supply of thick hot spooge. The taste of your milk is fresh on her tongue and she's tasting the cum you've just slurped down from your own deer dick. The flavors are wonderful together, much like the afterglow that settles upon you as her last spurt finally splashes in your depths. Eventually, she ends the kiss to say, "Welcome to the herm deer herd, girl." THE END I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, UBA, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!