-Bridal Starlight - mini story by Colonist!- You: Nice! I can still score a par on this course! *It’s been a while since you’ve been to your local hotel/convention center. Normally there would have to be some sort of event for you even be here, but you just had to check it out when you heard that the attached pub installed a certain golfing arcade game in the corner. “PAR4THECOURSE” was a childhood favorite of yours, and you remembered throwing so many coins at it over a decade ago.* You: Glad to see that my muscle memory’s just as good as always. *You smile as the game gives you a five-minute break before moving on to the next stage and challenger: Lion Shrubs. That guy - the programmed version of that guy - always hit a couple more birdies than you were able to score as a kid. As such, you never really made it past that stage of the game. Maybe this will be the time that you do? You’ve noticed that about certain games that you’ve revisited years down the road: impossible to beat as a kid, but somehow doable in the present day.* ???: Yeah, good luck, kid. I’ve given that game a half-day’s worth of my attention, and Lion Shrubs is the unbeatable computer…I think. *You turn your head over to the source of the gruff and lazy voice. A chubby dude in a white stained sleeveless shirt nurses his beer without even looking at you.* You: Thanks for the heads-up, sir. I used to play this game all the time when I was younger, and I wanted to see if I still got it. Have we met before, Mister - Sludge: Sludge. Heh, I get that a lot. Mostly people asking me to pay them back though. Hope you’re not one of them. Anyway, I’d like to get back to my free beer. You: Free? Sludge: I don’t drink and tell, kid. You: How did you pay to play this game for half a day then? Sludge: Heh heh, I don’t play and tell either, kid…don’t tell the bartender, though. You: Noted. Starlight?: Hey bartender, I could use a rum and coke over here… *You’re about to turn your attention back to the game when you recognize a familiar voice coming from the other end of the bar. Starlight? Wow, what’s she doing dressed up like she’s about to get married?* Starlight: Shit, I forgot my I.D. What, can’t you make an exception for a bride-to-be!? Fine, a rum and coke without the rum, then! Don’t expect a tip for that one, dick.? You: Starlight? *The woman in question now turns to you. Upon seeing her face contort to an expression of dreaded recognition, you immediately get the vibe that this is not the Starlight that you know.* Starlight: You! You: Um, yes! Hi! How have things been in Equestria lately? Did this side’s Trixie need you for something? Starlight: What? Oh. You’re probably talking about that other me. You: So…you know about the portal? Starlight: Yeah. You’re not that guy who beat me in that game of strip volleyball on the cruise months ago then, huh? You: No, sorry. You have no idea how close to the mark you’d be if you called him my doppelgänger. Starlight: Sounds fun. You: Trust me; it’s a less fun than it sounds. Starlight: Hmm, guess I won’t hurry in meeting this horse version of myself. That’d be entirely up to her. You: She a pony. Starlight: They’re all freakin’ equines to me. You: Holy hell, don’t let them hear that! Starlight: It’s the drink talking. You: But you ordered a coke. Starlight: I meant what I said, boy. You: I’m a grown man! Starlight: *sigh* I’m sorry. Today’s not really my day. *You eye this world’s Starlight with skepticism. She’s certainly dressed as if it was her day!* You: Really? Judging by the way you’re dressed, I feel as though I should be asking you who the lucky guy is! Starlight: Oh he’s lucky, all right - if he knew what was right in front of him! Sludge: This is getting real juicy. Heh heh, if this guy ain’t giving you the satisfaction you’re looking for…then… *You and Starlight look behind to see a slightly tipsy Sludge earnestly listening in on the conversation.* You: … Starlight: Wow, now I remember why I never visit a pub and not drink. Let’s go, boy. *Starlight takes you by the wrist and tugs you behind her as the two of you leave the pub. Sludge glances at Starlight’s half-sipped drink and shrugs. He gulps most of it one mouthful before frowning.* Sludge: Man. She might as well have ordered water! *You’d normally think twice about following a strange woman toward a less populated corner of the hotel’s convention center, but your familiarity with her other self is enough to reassure you that she’s not going to harm you. She eventually brings you both inside an unoccupied convention before taking a seat on one of the side tables. This Starlight seems to have a lot on her mind, and you’re about to find out exactly what.* You: So, this guy… Starlight: We’re not even close to being what I’m dressed for. Sad to say that I’ve exchanged many more words with his mother than I have with him. You: You know his mom? Starlight: Anyone who knows him would know his mom. The lady’s al ways inserting herself in his activities and conversations: planning this, and planning that! “Brilliance always needs a plan or it falls flat,” she says! That said, however, the woman is sharp. I’ll give her that. You: How so? Starlight: I knew him by name as far back as high school, but I never really talked to him. He always seemed so…bookish. No surprise when I find out that he’s already got his physics Ph.D. You: And I take it that he has a thing for you? Starlight: Aside from our chance meeting at that café last month - with his mom obviously in tow - yeah. She told me. That’s why he’s still stammering and awkward whenever I come into his sphere: talking, phone calls, texting - You: He makes texting awkward? Starlight: Yeah! I tried to drop a hint once when it got chilly the other night by texting “Stay warm, okay? You don’t need my help for that, do you?” Know what he texts back? “No thanks. I’ve got this really nice cloak that warms me faster when I flip it inside out!” Man!? You: What did you do next? I’m assuming that you upped the boldness and dropped the subtlety. Starlight: Unfortunately, I decided to listen to his mom on that one. “My Sunburst is such a dense one! Why don’t you dress up for him? Communicate the obvious with obvious communication! You have my blessing, dear!” You: Word for word? Starlight: Verbatim from what I can recall. So I got the idea to rent this wedding dress from the Carousel Boutique and meet up with him at the front of this hotel. Know what he asks me? “Who’s the lucky guy?” Unbelievable!? *You come up with an idea that might help Starlight…and be a real pleasure for your eyes.* You: Miss Starlight…I think there are more steps that you could take to get him to take the hint. Starlight: And what may they be? What doesn’t scream “I like you” more than a freakin’ wedding dress!? You: Maybe you don’t need the dress? Starlight: …oh…I get it! *Starlight yanks the top of her dress down. Wow, she’s got nice tits!* Starlight: So I got to show some of the goods, huh? You: Guys can be incredibly dense, sometimes. You might need to show it all to get the whole message across. You know, saying what you mean, by showing what you mean. Starlight: I might as well show it all off then. *Starlight wordlessly steps out of her dress and removes all the peripheral accessories that complemented the bridal ensemble. Now she’s completely nude and looks to you for feedback.* Starlight: This enough of an obvious hint? You: …message fully received, ma’am! *Starlight chuckles and opens the door to leave. You give her a quizzical look as you hold up her dress.* Starlight: There’s a certain lucky guy that I need to “have a conversation with”. “Clear the air,” you know? You: What about your dress? Starlight: I’ve got a couple more hours left on the dress rental. Would you be kind enough to return it? You: S-sure! Starlight: Thanks for listening to me, Mister kinder version of your other self! *Starlight steps halfway out the doors before she turns back to address you one last time.* Starlight: I look forward to watching you play some more video game golf. *You watch her ass as she walks away and disappears around the corner. You can’t help but to wonder what kind of dynamic the Equestrian Starlight and Sunburst have with each other. It certainly can’t be any more obvious than what you’ve just seen and heard!*