Percy adjusted his bag. The air was humid and he had occumilated a bit of sweat from his walk. He was currently on a quest to find missing demigods who had ventured to find the golden apple. Percy took a swing of water from his canteen before hiking up the hill He was in New Hampshire's rolling hills and endless orchards. His map showing him the new gardens of Hesperides were around here somewhere. He looked at the map and then around. he saw the gates to the garden shimmer to life. Cautiously he walked towards the gates and snuck inside. He could feel Riptide humming in his pocket Beyond the gates, a grand villa stood, a sea of plants of varying colour and beauty lay around the villa rippling with the wind the ocean itself. Thw wind picking up the glowing sands of pollen that were kept withing each blossom beyond that he could see the villa courtyard where stood a single ancient tree that glowed a godly glow but bore no fruit Percy frowned. That was odd. Everyone knew what the tree looked like. But where were the apples? They were supposed to always be flourishing. He looked around, cautious of the dragon guardian as well as any other creatures that might show up the billowing pollen collected coalescing finally forming into the shape of three beautiful young nymphs Percy stepped back a little. He knew nymphs werent dangerous, but he's run into a few that held grudges against all of humanity rather than hungry for demigods. "Uh....hi there." "the thief returns?" they say in unison "W-what no. No, not a theif. Just looking for someone." Percy said quickly He quickly reached into his pocket to fish out a picture of his missing cousin. 'Have you ladies seen him?" he asked as he showed them a picture of jason Their threatening demeanour faded as they approached and looked at the photo, "It is Jason" one replies. Another looks at Percy "I know of those cerulean eyes! Child of Poseidon, Percy" "Uh, yeah. Yeah thats me. So you've seen him. Do you know where he went?" Percy asked "A plundering spawn of Echidna, charmed our guardian and took our many golden apples and ran into our sanctum. Jason gave chase but has not returned" they pointed at the main door to the great villa. Percy looked over at the villa. He felt his blood run cold slightly. "Uh thanks." he said before he took off towards the villa "gods be with you!" they say and disperse in a shower of glden dust He reached the front of the villa and opened the door, slipping inside. He looked around carefully, his eyes trying to zero in on any clues that might help him in finding Jason he ventured into the many chambers of the villa, it was as if Daedalus had designed it, almost labyrinth-like in the way there were dead ends He growled in frustration as he opened a door that led to nothing but a wall. "Come on!" he slammed the door and walked around, opening more doors "Jason!" he called out "Over here!" Percy heard in the distance. It sounded like Jason only without any emotion. It was coupled with afaint sound of a young man singing, it echoed against the stone walls. Percy's ears picked up the sound. He ventured down. He heard the voice of singing. He frowned. That was odd. He had delt with sirens and knew how they messed with your head. He stuck from ear plugs into his ears. The muffled the sound. He didn't hear the singing, but he heard Jason's muffled voice. HE followed. "Jason?" He found him standing in the middle of the room naked, his eyes seemed to look frantically as he noticed PErcy. He didn't move anything below his neck, "You came!" he said in a monotone voice his body was tied to a pillar "Dude, what happened to you?" he asked as he walked up to Jason see him naked.He didn't notice the monotone voice due to the ear plugs. He walked over "Put some clothes on and lets go." PErcy cut through the chains that bound JAson to the pillar, but he just stood there motionless for a moment before pulling Percy in to a bearhug and forcing his tongue down Percy's throat Jason's groin grinding against Percy's leg Percy's eyes shot open in surprise. "MMM!" he pushed Jason back. "Dude! What the hell?!" there was a weird taste in his mouth as Jason stood there, his eyes looking apologetically. The singing seemed clearer and Jason opened a hand revealing the earplugs that had been in Percy's ears. He let themtumble tothe ground Percy watched as the ear plugs hit the floor. The singing was giving him a headache. "What the hades? Jase?" "you'll need to do better than that old trick" said a heavenly voice behind him "but it's too late now, either my voice will get you or my venom" Percy turned around, Riptide shimmering into existance in his hand. "What?" "Jason, hold our guest please!" Jason quickly snatched Percy's wrist squeezing tightly Percy found himself being held by his cousin. "Jason what are you doing?! Let go!" He turned to fight his fellow demigod off, trying to push him off to make him let go "he cannot help himself!" the young man in modern clothing sang "his body is mine to command" His voice was like honey, the venomon Jason's lips weakening poor Percy Percy could feel himself getting weaker. He didn't understand how or why until he tasted his lips. It tasted funny. "You poisoned me. With Jason....Why? how?" "For my entertainment" he replied picking up a golden apple "you are just so adorable" he complimented Percy, "what is your name?" he asked singing. "Well thanks for the compliment but I'm already dating someone." he said. He suddenly blurted out, "Percy Jackson." He blinked. "W-how'd I...whyd I answer that?" The man smiled showing off a row of sharp teeth,his tanktop showed off his arms covered in faint tattoos of golden feathers. " is this lucky person?" "L-Luke Castellan, son of Hermes." he blurted out. His eyes grew wide. He'd never met a being that could force answers out of him. "How are you doing this?" "My voice, of course, it has a special charm" he said approaching Percy "I'm sure Luke won't mind me having fun, in fact why not let him join in?" he said looking through percy's bag finding a cellphone "hey! Hey no! get out of there!" he struggled harder against Jason. He kicked back and the cousins went down. Percy reached for his bag, swinging Riptide at the monster "that sword is useless in your hands" His hand shook and the sword fell out of his hand. "What the?" "time to get naked like nature intended!" he sang He looked confused before he realized he was taking off his shirt. He was balling it up and tossing it to the side before he even realize what was happening. "Wait a minute...No way...I can't-hey!" Jason was now helping him by pulling at his pants. THey tumbled to the floor and after a struggle, Percy was stark naked, his tone muscles shimmering with sweat. "Those muscles were a hidden treat" he said feeling them tracing his hand down to PErcy's cock which twitched to his touch "show them off with your best pose and stay like that" he commanded in song Percy obeyed without realizing it. THe effects of the voice really were great. These weren't strong mind control. he was being tricked into thinking all of this were his idea. He thought posing was his idea. He didn't even realize he posed with his hands on his hips, shoulder up and chest out, muscles flexed It was a pose he'd take to show off to luke before he did his morning swim Once posed he found that he couldn't get out of it. His lips were even stuck in his cocky smirk. "Can't....move..." he hissed "looking good!" he said feeling Percy's tight muscles he looked over at Jason, see his cousin's terrified eyes. This was why Jason was missing. This mosnter probably told him to stay and Jason's body was tricking into staying "stohp iht." Percy hissed he cursed the charmer speaker hawk talons burst out from the man's shoes, "damn, seems like I need another spritz of that potion"he sang Tyson was so helpful in letting me have it" "T-tyson?" Percy asked in confusion his eyes followed the monster "mmm...yes he's staying here as part of my collection" he took out a spritzer and sprayed his feet with it, they turned back into human feet. "so what....we're some collectables to you?" Percy asked. Now that he knew posing wasn't his idea, he struggled to move, his muscles flexing and unflexing "Now Jason, let's get PErcy's a bit more relaxed, and suck upon his member!" he sang "And PErcy, you know how to grind that crotch don't you?" Jason was moving and Percy took a second to realize what was going on. his mind said that he asked Jason for a blow job and he thought he heard Jason agree. But as Jasontook his cock into his mouth, he realized he and Jason were tricked again. But their bodies were moving. Percy let out as Jason started to suck. Percy started to grind "bastard..." he moaned. "oooh....oh im going to ki-iiiiiillyou. Oh gods Jase sorry man, but god you're good." he thought he heard Jason muffle a thank you. "excellent" he said Percy felt himself relax. He stopped flexing, but didn't get out of his pose. "you're sick." he said, now able to move his mouth his words were audible and clear. "when we break out of this charm..and we will, we'll....aaah" Percy maoned. "Oh jase not the tongue dude." "I doubt it! You won't want to break out of it!" he said bring the golden apple to PErcy's lips "take a bite and become immortal!" "Son of Poseidon. Got a little salt water in my ears so your voice charm doesn't have a strong a hold on me as..." Percy took a bite out of the apple. He bit and chewed "as you thing got it? It's only going to take me a little...bit...of time." realization dawned on him as he realized he not only bit into the golden apple but swallowed it. "Oh gods. That didn't just happen." Jason kept Percy on edge "stop Jason" Percy let out a sigh. But man did his lower region start to hurt. "Oh come on. Seriously...I was so close." he panted "what are you going to do? Just keep us here for sex?" he panted. He was twitching. Gods he needed to cum "both of you are now immortal," he smirked in tune, "cum and your body will be mine just like Jason's!" he sang touching Percy's rock hard member Percy gasped as he came into Jason's mouth. As he did, he felt soemthing weird happening. It was like a small electrical shock running up his spine. His muscles were felt feeling cold. "W-what just happened?" he asked after he came. He panted. Jason disengaged Percy felt his knees buckle but did not fall. "W-why did that feel weird? "pirouette for me Percy!" he commanded his body obeyed. But unlike before, Percy was aware from the start that he wasn't in control. Before he had thought he was doing this things and not following suggestions. This time he knew had no control. His body was acting on its own. "Hey! Hey stop!" he shouted as he spun around on his toes "you are a dog Percy!" Percy sat on his hands and knees and barked twice before panting with his tongue out. "Rey! Rhy ram ri rarking?!" "excellent" he was happy with his two latest additions "back to being a boy Percy" Percy growlled He lunched, but he was commanded to going back to a boy, he stumbled and fell, tripping and landing on his back. "Oh that hurt." "I need to prepare for my next guest!" he said "so if you two stand on those pedestals and be statues, I'll can play with you later!" he commanded pointing at the row of demigods standing stone still, and two empty pedestals at the very end The two cousins walked over. Percy went to shout something, but he froze, stiff as a statue he couldn't even move his eyes anyone looking at him would have assumed he was a wax statue, just like everyone standing here. He couldn't even make a sound despite the insult sitting at the tip of his tongue he could only wait for the mosnter's return and the thought of a guest feared him Percy stood there with his demigod brethren for hours in the chamber. The sound of singing still ringing through the halls of the villa keeping the immortal boys in check, but now the sinister sound of hissing came through as a couple of serpent heads poke through the doorways It seemed Ladon had been stalking the halls and some of the heads had their sights on Percy Percy was struggling. He hadn't ben joking when he said he had salt water in his ears. It prevented him from taking the full effects of the monster's charm speak. He wasn't as likely to be completely controlled but sadly that didn't mean he had control oer his body. He was almost insane by the lack over movement for the past couple of hours. As he finally got his muscles to relax and break out of his statue pose, he saw snake heads. He froze, not due to a spell, but out of worry. Uh oh. Now what? he thought The heads slithered around his body, flicking their tongues on his slick skin He tried to move his legs, but they wouldn't budge off the pedastal. "Hey, get off me!" three of the heads rose up to Percy's head and pulled back to strike, their jaws wide open dripping serpentine salva Percy threw his head back. the momentum cause him to fall of the pedastal Percy couldn't control his landing and didn't land well on his shoulder he grunt, gasping in pain and put a hand on his shoulder "Son of a Minatour that hurts." he hissed as he stood up weakly The singing got louder again causing Ladon to sway like a cobra being charmed Percy heard the singing and covered his ears with his hands, keeping an eye on Ladon "You really are reslient to my charms" sang the charming man as he flew in on hawk wings that burst from his butt "looks like you get to see my true form" he smirked, looking down at Percy Percy looked up at the monster, taking in his form in confusion. "What in Hades are you supposed to be?" "When your family lineage is made up of sirens and sea witches!" he sang "but now is not the time to talk of family!" "Why not uncover your ears?" he hovered down towards Percy THis time he was visibly struggling to keep his hands over his ears. The sound was muffled, but it was still getting to him slightly. "Sorry, but I prefer Pop Rock than what ever you think is music "still I have some effect on you" he landed behind Percy grabbing his wrists "and you aren't very strong right now, you could barely hold a pebble!" Percy struggled, fighting the monster off, trying to push him off. "Get off, Harpie Butt!" He felt the effects of the voice. His body felt weak, his struggles weakened. he effortlessly pulled PErcy's hands to his side so his ears were clear, "playing with you is more fun than I expected, all this struggling gives me that buzz of challenge" he whispered into PErcy's ears "Yeah well, the feeling's not mutual." Percy hissed back. He tried to struggle, but the weaking effects of the voice were still in effect. He felt like a helpless child "Well we can change that soon!" he smirked Percy didn't like the sound of that. he kicked back at the monster The monster laughed at the defiance, "you need a little lesson I think" he said as he commanded Ladon to rest one of its huge heads and open it huge sanke jaw wide. It was big enough to accommodate a young man. "Walk towards that huge jaw Percy, slowly!" he commanded Ladon's breath was hot and reeked of decay It was just like before. In his head he thought that walking into Ladon's mouth was a good idea. And he did. It was only when the smell hit his nose that he stopped. "Oh gross!" He gagged. his feet squished against the monster's tongue "Keep walking PErcy! Let LAdon swallow you!" Percy kept going. He kept stoping. "No!" "you are immortal Percy, you will enjoy it! Don't stop!" Percy found himself walking into the monster's mouth until he was right in munching range and unable to walk away a tongue lashed forward and wrapped around Percy's waist pulling himcloser he was deep in Ladon's jaw "ah!" Percy struggled as he was lifted up. "no! Let go!" He shut his eyes as prepared himself to feel teeth sink into him the black saliva dripped over him "stop!" the manster commanded Ladon released Percy, who was slick with Ladon's black oozing spit Percy fell to the ground. "Ugh this is gross." he moaned as he sat up. He ran his fingers through the black drool. Oh this was gross. "I think it looks sexy!" he said "don't you think so too Luke!" he said calling out to the doorway Percy looked up in confusion before turning around to the doorway A tall young man marched in slowly, as naked as Percy and looked at PErcy before nodding to the monster Percy tood up. "Luke!" he shouted before running towards his boyfriend "Percy! you won't be able to touch him" he stated tunefully as PErcy ran to his unresponsive boyfriend Percy found himself stopping an inch from Luke, as if he hit an invisible wall. "Hey! Luke! Luke say something!" Percy shouted as he tried to touch luke, only to be blocked by an invisible force. "dammit!" "Having trouble PErcy?" he mocked He turned at the monster. "You son of bitch!" he circled around and lay his hands on Luke's shoulders who seemed to respond with a sigh "don't touch him!" Percy said as he charged at the mosnter "Luke, protect me!" he commanded Percy stumbled as Luke blocked his way. and since he couldn't touch Luke, Percy just ran into the invisible wall The monster chuckled loudly "Percy you can touch Luke now, doesn't that long juicy phallus look tempting to you Percy?" hemerely touched Luke's junk and it instantly became a solid pillar of flesh "your mouth must be some dry and aching for it!" Percy felt the force field vanish. He touched Luke's pecs. His eyes wandered down to Luke's hard cock. "Yeah." he answered. "Then suck upon it, pleasure your boyfriend with that slick tongue of yours!" he commanded it was bigger and fuller than he ever remembered Percy fell to his knees and took Luke's cock into his mouth. He started to suck on it, licking the tip with his tongue he bobbed his head back and forth Luke moaned loudly The monster hunched down next to PErcy who could't stop what he was doing. He whispered int oPercy's ear "you two are quite strong willed! I think I will make you similar to me, once we rid you two offthat demigod essence, and fill it with monstrous essence!" both demigods glared at the monster. Luke managed to flip the monster off despite all his panting "Now now Luke!" he said calmly "I spent much of our time making yo ucum out most of your godly energy, one last cum and you will be a hollow shell ready to become just like me!" he grinned Percy paused. What? No, no he couldn't do that to Luke. His body shook as he stilled himself. His long arms stretched out and his long taloned fingers slipped into both Percy's and Luke's hole "Bastard." Luke managed to hiss out Percy whimpered and shook. Oh gods! "stop!" Luke grunted "You can feel it yes Luke! Your essence building up in your groin ready to spurt out?" "Yyes...ugh..." Luke shivered. He could feel the building pressure in his loins. he squirmed, not wanting to cum He pushed his talon further into Luke's butt "then cum it out! let out all your essence" "be sure to swallow it all Percy!" " dont make me." Luke quivered. He was fighting valantly, but his cum was dripping out. The salty taste splashing bit by bit onto Percy's tongue. The demigod looked up at hisboyfriend. "We're not gunna....ah....Uhh." But try as he might, it took all of five minutes before Luke cave and came. He let out a strangled cry as he shot into Percy's mouth and PErcy sucked and swallowed every last drop. When he was done, Luke fell to the floor. Percy wiped his lips before going to his boyfriend. "Luke! Luke!" he shook Luke, but the blond was unmoving, trapped in a body that was as useless as a rag doll "wait your turn" he said pushing Percy away and picking the limp boy up Luke let out a groan as he was picked up and Percy could only watch, waiting "I can create monsters like my mother" he explained as his monstrous shaft grew out from his groin, it was segments and bright red with pulsating appendages on each segment, Luke was unable to structure. he could only lay limp. "No..." he wheezed He held luke up aloft aiming his shaft at Luke's hole and brough him down quickly, impaling the boy and began spurting his corrupt seed into Luke it glowed a sickly yellow green as some dripped out of Luke's ass "ARgh! Stop! Please! no!" Percy had never heard Luke beg before and it made him shake with fear as he could do nothing but wait and watch "No please!" Luke shouted as he felt the cum not only enter his ass, but his very being The moinster panted hard, a sulphurous steam came from his mouth as he savoured the enjoyment Luke felt the cum snake into his muscles. "urgh no." The monster watched with glee at Luke's back as it took on a shiny orange hue, "Percy why not feel your boyfriend's new skin hardening" Percy stood up and felt it. The monster finally pulled out "he is full now!" and he retracted his demonic shaft to watch the demigod's transforamtion Luke felt himself changing, hardening. Percy watched his skin hardened become shiny black, thickening into a smooth carapace that glistened and irridesced like a puddle of oil Luke's insides were churning as new muscles formed under the hard shell Luke moaned the carapace then split at his noints giving Luke his movement back, he loked like some kind of medieval knight mixed with a beetle Luke fell to his knees, panting. Luke?" Percy called out worriedly Luke called out to PErcy but only a growl came out Percy took a step back Luke's fingers on his left hand fused into two fingers and a long thumb, it looked like a claw in a prize catching amusement game Percy was torn between helping his boyfriend and keeping away his right hand though lengthened and the figers all merged to become a crablike claw Percy watched all of this in horror Luke spasmed painful as his body made painful cracking noises "luke!" percy rushed forward "Stay!" the monster commanded "Watch the show!" Luke's eyes stared in fear at PErcy, almost telling him to keep his distance Percy did. he stayed back and watched "dok..kang..angggee..kosah! Luke said with his alien mouth now full of razor sharp teeth and two mandibles on his snaking segmented tongue his shaft greweven longer curling up as more segments formed over it, a vicious stinger forming at the tip "W-what did you do to him?!" his body arched backwrds as his joints popped backwards, his head twisting around so that his back was now his front, the vicious penis now a scorpionlike tail on his new back Percy felt like he was going to be sick as his boyfriend turned into a scorpion "I made him perfect" The monster said IT still had Luke's face like some evil reminder of what he once was his eyes were the last to go becoming orbs of boold red "No you didn't! Chance him back!" "Pur..seeeeey!" Luke hissed "But you find this form attractive" the monster said convincingly But Percy shook his head. "sorry, but you may control my body, but not what im attracted to. Why do you think I still think of you as an ugly harpie butt?" Percy snarked. For once Aphrodite's meddling worked out for him "defiant to the last!" he said folding his hands "Why do you think monsters hate me so much?" Percy smirked "They will change their tune when you become one" he replied "Not gunna happen." Percy snarled defiantly "That little venom Jason kissed you with, should make your essence extractable as you've seen Percy! Now why not play with yourself and cum it all out! Be thorough and deep" he commanded darting behind Percy Percy grabbed his dick and started to stroke himse;f "Why are you doing this?" the monster's member was already beginning to extend, rubbing playfully on Percy's buttcheek "To make new monsters, especially from demigod heroes like you, it is even sweeter!" "you're sick." Percy grunted. "I'm not going down easy you know." "looks to me like you are a fast one!" he said seeing the cum spurting already "What?" he looked down to see him cumming. "HOW?!" He was cummming without even realizing it there was no pleasure, no pain, just cum! "keep it cumming boy! all those unnecessary thoughts and all those fighting skills they need to be ejected!" he licked Percy's face picking up some of Ladon's drool that still covered PErcy "No...No im not!" He cursed as he came. his knees weak He tried to hold onto as much as his bodily fluids as he could His jizz splattered on the stone floor, his essence trickling away into the earth he moaned weakly " can stop now! Perhaps it will be fun to have a bit of demigod mixed in with the monster!" "and I cannot wait any longer" his member was pulsing and forced its way into Percy's butthole "AGH!" Percy clenched his butt as it was invaded no sooner had it invadedPercy's gut when it forced the monstrous seed in "relax" he commanded He did he filled Percy as he did Luke, letting it insinuate into Percy's flesh and bones "No. Stop it." he moaned "you've been a bad boy" he chided, slapping Percy on his buttcheekwhich took on a shiny glossy blue hue "Agh! Stop!" he wiggled and struggled his skin felt tight, rubber "W-whats happening to me?" he moaned as his skin felt tight his blue rubbery fingers and toes lengthened as the ends bulged out and rubbery webbing formed between them Percy moaned as he looked at his fingers. "No. Please stop it!" his arms and legs thinned as did his cock. which pulled up merging into his groin forming a tight bulge his insides were on fire, churning away his teeth sharpened as his rubbery tongue stretched out, his saliva now globby and sticky "AGH!" his mouth widened slightly, he found himself breathing deeply more than normal as his rubbery pecs inflated then deflated each breath accompanied by a chirpy croak "ragh!" his cerulean eyes grew and bulged out a little, the whites turing yellow, a rubbery membrane blinking over his new eyes like a second pair of eyelids "Whats....happening?" "Why not look in the mirror?" he said his legs bent outwards, making his gait comedic He looked at the mirror to see his form his head ached as a glowing orb burst though hanging on stalk from his forehead He looked at him he still had his face only it was rubbery blue, two long curved teeth jutted from his lower jaw, he looked like a cross between a frog and a deep sea fish with some of his own features "What am I?" he asked as he looked at himself It was like some kind of pokemon "some kind of sea monster!" he said looking Percy over he hissed at the monster Luke hissed and growled unintelligably behind Percy he no longer seemed to be able to speak Percy growled and attacked the monster "sit!"he commanded He sat down like a frog and rippited "looks like the monster seed has taken away human speech!" he sang Percy growled and ribbited a "screw you!" "well it's been nice while it lasted, but time you two helped bring me more heores to convert" He eyed Jason still standing proudly on his pedestal Jason quivered and let out a whimper unlike Luke and Percy, he wasn't as strong and his body was completely under the monster's control he was trapped in his body he couldn't even fight back "and Percy, try to not get killed by the heroes" end? Percy grumbled and flipped his fingers. He couldn't believe this was what he had become He kinda envied Jason because unlike him, Luke and Percy were now going to be the end of the demigods