Brett awoke with a start, how long had he been out for?? The now familiar pounding at the door forced him out of bed, and he sat through the hundredth rendition of his girlfriend yelling at him.

Ok, he cheated. So what?

Here comes her spell…

Suddenly Samantha froze, and a slightly older looking Samantha came from outside the apartment. “Long time no see, dumb ass!”

Brett was speechless, was this his original girlfriend?

“It’s Groundhog Day in the real world, so I figured I would check out what was going on with you.”

“What do you think’s going on!?

Every day’s started the same and ended worse than the last! Does everyone in this universe have powers besides me!?”

“Pretty much…” Samantha filed her nails absentmindedly, “This is the hell you deserve. Maybe you'll learn to love it; probably not. Whatever happens, I don't care…

You figure out a way to turn back yet, or?...”

Brett wanted to keep the bar he had found a secret, but couldn’t help himself from spilling the beans.

“I think this bar I found in a magazine might be the solution, check it out!” Brett showed Samantha the magainaze ad, grimacing as his body fought against his desires and will.

“O my… We can’t have you going there!”

“What do you mean you ca-”


Samantha snapped and Brett’s mouth hung open.

“What was I saying?”

“I don’t know honey…” Samantha casually took the magazine from Brett and slipped it into her purse. “I haven’t had any fun in a while, so excuse me while I go all out on you…”

“All out?”

Brett didn’t even notice his voice had feminized, his legs were almost twice as long and his torso had shrunk and slimmed down. His chin lifted up as fat filled his chest, pushing his shirt away from his body as the neckline plunged down his expansive cleavage. Brett giggled as his puffing sensitive nipples rubbed against the rough fabric of his shirt, moaning as the shirt tore into two different parts.

A smooth bra formed cups around his breasts, lifting and supporting his boobs even more than just his shirt had before. The now sheer fabric of his shirt wrapped perfectly around his new body, and sensations Brett had never felt before rushed through him.

Arousal began pulsating in his crotch and he felt down below, surprised to find an open slit instead of a penis. This shock only lasted a moment though, as orgasmic pleasure exploded in Brett’s core.

He couldn’t stop gyrating his hips and giggling, feeling the wet panties pressed against his leaking pussy as he danced.

Samantha just stood there, smiling wickedly as her ex boyfriend orgasmed in an awe struck dance routine.

“And that’s just the beginning.

Usually I would leave now, but because today’s a special day…”

Samantha breathed in deeply then exhaled, her curves inflating as she continued breathing in and out. Each breath in plumped up her body, and the breath out sharpened her features.

Soon Brett was drooling at the beauty staring him down, and his body zombie-walked to grab the boobs on display in his living room.

Magic froze Brett’s body, and he could only watch as Samantha became curvier and sexier. Devil horns grew from the top of her head, and her clothes became even more provocative as her bust and behind grew. Brett could only drool as Samantha danced seductively for him.


“Not your average Groundhog Day, huh Brett?”


Suddenly Samantha took off, and flew into Brett’s mouth. Her body disappeared in a vapor, and slipped into his lungs.

“What did you just…

Ooo…” Brett’s body began pulsating, growing larger and thicker with each moan he let out.

His shirt began to strain against his growing bosom, and then tore to shreds while his boobs just continued their ballooning.

Brett moaned in ecstasy, groping his inflating tits while he leaked through his panties.

Samantha reappeared before him, smugly looking over her work.

“I had to get under the hood to make some real change, what do you think?”

Brett couldn’t talk, his body too turned on to do anything but bask in the intense horniness it was experiencing.

“A little old for my taste though…

And you should definitely be talking more”


This time when Samantha snapped, Brett began talking instead of stopping.

“...o and these wonderful boobies, I like, totally can’t thank you enough for these.

I’m gonna like, give so many tit jobs with these! I totes can’t wait!!”

As Brett spoke, his body tightened up; becoming thinner, perkier and darker. His pants traveled up to cover his bosom, and entwined itself into a lacy, red dress.

“I feel like a princess or something!

Samantha, you gotta take a pic of me like this!”

Samantha held her camera up, recording the beauty as he posed.

“You better send that to me, girl!

I’ll be totes pissed if it didn’t come out perfect!”

Samantha wasn’t even listening, she was too busy focusing on her own body. While she filmed Brett, her vagina was slowly becoming an erect cock. By the time her crotch was bulging, all the fat in her chest had disappeared.

“Come to the bedroom.”

Brett looked up to Samantha, surprised by the voice and having to look up at the now taller man.

“O my god… You’re such a hunk!” Brett skipped happily to the bedroom, ready to do whatever Samantha commanded.

He heard a snap from behind him as he sexily skipped, not noticing his clothes disappear and his breasts bounce freely with each hop and skip.

Samantha was already lying in bed when Brett got there, he quickly deduced that she had used magic to do that and make him nude.

Brett felt a magnetic force guide him to the bed, and he shuddered as he put the first knee down between Samantha’s legs.

“Here goes nothing…”

Brett leaned over the bulging crotch beneath his face, smiling grimly as he slowly reached to pull down the closed zipper.

“You’re not enjoying this enough…” Samantha was starting to lose her hard on, and thought that maybe it would help if Brett was more into it…


Brett hurried his pace now, desperate to get cock he smelled into his craving mouth. He licked the head as he swallowed the shaft, letting it graze his throat while he stroked the bottom half of the shaft.

“Now you seem excited!

Why not hop on?”

Brett’s bimbo brain didn’t think twice, and he jumped into Samtha’s lap. After a few tense moments, Brett’s cock almost too tight and small for Samantha’s girth; Brett was riding Samantha and loving it.

He moaned and squealed as his breasts swung from his chest, his nipples tingling in the cold air while cum flowed into Samantha’s lap. The juices lubed him up, and Samantha picked up the pace, forcing the helpless Brett to take an even harder pounding.

No complaints came from Brett though, and even after Samantha came in him, he just begged for more.

“You still haven’t gotten off??

Shit… Ok, face the other wall.”

Brett could do nothing but oblige, giggling from the odd feeling of his pussy being full while turning around.

“This actually feels totally awesome!”

“That’s cool Brett, you enjoy being a bimbo?”

“Huh? I mean… that’s kinda mean, to like, call me a bimbo… But yeah, it's pretty awesome!”

“Part of the feminizing spell I cast on you was to sluttify your brain, but I’m switching you back… now!” Samantha began intensely thrusting into Brett as she finished talking,

“Whoa! What the fuck!!” Brent was bent over being fucked, but in an instant Samantha stopped.

“I can’t stop!!” Brett’s body continued humping Samantha, even as he tried with both hands to stop it.

“Don’t get up Brett, I don’t want you to get off yet”


Brett tried getting up, but this moved Samtah’s cock right into his g-spot.


He froze as pleasure filled him, pulsating through his body and increasing with each wave. This was like no orgasm or sexual encounter he had ever experienced.

Time stopped as his body overflowed in erotic ecstasy, and for a second he completely forgot his old life. For the first time since he got his mind back, Brett moaned sensually. Purring as he rested on Samantha’s cock before passing out in a blissful pile of hormones.