-Sonata cosplay! - Mini story by Colonist!- *It’s been a while since you swung by the beach, so it seemed natural for you to choose to do so during one of your dedicated “go for a walk so that you get exercise and don’t develop a gamer-type body” days. You swear that even though it’s a quick under-hour train ride there, it’s just far enough to convince you that you’ve left Canterlot City entirely. Then again, that’s what they’d call a day trip, right?* You: (One side benefit I keep forgetting about the getting out of the city is the decreased likelihood of running into anyone who’d - ???: Help, help, save me! *Oh gosh. Just when you were going to sit down on a nearby bench for a quick break from your brisk walking, a strangely familiar cutesy voice calls out in the distance. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end when you realize that it’s coming from that dreadfully familiar isolated portion of the beach.* You: I’m just going to catch my breath here from my brisk walk and pretend that I didn’t hear that. Yeah, I’ll do just that! Besides, I’m sure some other bystander would jump right in and help out, right? *The plausibly deniability self-talk only relieves you for a few seconds before the apparently distressed individual calls out again.* ???: Oh no! Why did I have to go swimming on an isolated stretch of beach with no lifeguard? You: (thinking) Okay, this is getting ridiculous! If someone was drowning, how could they have time to say that many words - ???: Help, help! Snap out of your self-doubt, whoever’s within earshot! You: (thinking) Damn you to hell, fate. Fine! *You run in the direction of the distressed individual, and to no surprise it’s exactly who you suspected. A familiar-looking ex-siren flails in the water…only a few feet from shore?* Sonata: Save me! Save me! You: All right, Sonata, cut the bull crud! You know that water doesn’t get any deeper until way farther out. Just stand up! Sonata: I can’t! Umm…rip current? Something’s got a hold of my swimsuit, and I can’t get free! *Unbelievable! Literally. A quick scan of your surrounds shows no signs of the other sirens using her as potential bait, and you step into the water. You wade toward Sonata with the most deadpanned and annoyed demeanor that you can muster and pull her up by the arms. Almost immediately, she stops flailing.* Sonata: Hehe, thank you. I’m amazed at your bravery, Rainboom Boy Toy! There was that expression about drowning people taking down those who try and save them, wasn’t there? *Boy toy…if this wasn’t a trap, then this was going to be one heck of a nuisance encounter.* You: It’s only up water up to your thighs. No one’s drowning today and…just what are you…interesting swimsuit? *Sonata looks down at it at the same time that you do. She grins.* Sonata: Oh! You like? You: S-sure. It’s an interesting style, but that doesn’t look like swimsuit material. It’s sopping wet, and a fraction of what an actual sweater would be like. Sonata: Hmph, it’s my punishment! You: The style or the…? Sonata: Celestia accursed, my sleeves are getting all itchy from the water and fabric! You don’t mind, do you? *Sonata doesn’t wait for a response before she rolls the sleeves off and tosses them onto the shore.* Sonata: So this one time last week - one time - I open the good old van wardrobe and find this unbelievably nice-looking sweater. It’s starting to warm up for the spring, there weren’t going to be any more cool sweater-weather days, and you know, I just had to try it on! You: Sounds reasonable. Whose did it turn out to be? Sonata: I’m getting there! So I put it on, and I step out of the van. I remember to close the door behind me like a good girl, and… *The pause gives you enough information to make an educated guess.* You: The sweater got caught in the door. Sonata: Yep. *Her sweater swimsuit was beginning to sag and disintegrate.* Sonata: I get a call from our little studio sound engineer, and I lean against the van door as I pull out my phone, see? I don’t even get beyond a “hello” before the van takes off! Aria thought it’d be funny to see what would happen. If anything, this whole thing’s her fault! You: Adagio didn’t see it that way, huh? Sonata: “You put on MY sweater!” she says. “Aria wouldn’t have thought of driving off if it wasn’t for your tendencies to touch things that aren’t yours! Ugh, and I had bought this one for the next cold season. It was a Suri exclusive! You: That aspiring fashion designer from Crystal Prep? Sonata: She seems to be kind of a manipulative meanie…hmph….kind of like we were, huh? You: Well, even if it’s lifted from Rarity’s catalogue and sopping wet, it…um…still looks great? *You gesture at the rest of the swimsuit, now having completely sagged into the water. Sonata looks down, giggles, and scoops up the fabric in her arms to throw into a pile with her sleeves.* Sonata: Nothing you haven’t seen before, right? You: So, punishment? Sonata: Yeah, Adagio had it in her mind to let me have the sweater…just not the way I imagined it. “If you love this sweater so much, you can have it!” she says. A few handmade tears and alterations later, she and Aria drop me off today at the boardwalk in it - tells me to spend the rest of the afternoon thinking about how not to touch other people’s things. “We’ll be back in the afternoon to pick you up. Enjoy the attention!” Aria called out before driving off. Gosh, talk about dangling meat before the sharks, amirite? You: Sorry to hear. Sonata: It’s cool. I got a lot of compliments on the boardwalk, but wearing a sweater in warmer weather gets you all sweaty, you know? So I thought I’d go for a dip. You: And I just happen to be walking by. Sonata: I dunno, I think a crab might’ve gotten a hold of the bottom portion and I panicked maybe? You: …yeah, let’s go with that one. Sonata: Say, those two should be coming back for me soon. About an hour-ish or so? You: Is that my cue to run? Sonata: Only if you want it to be… *Sonata’s giving you that cat-like mischievous curl of her lips.* Sonata: I kinda want to get them back. Wanna get in on my scheme? You: Whelp, what’s in it for me? Sonata: You get to enjoy looking at a naked girl for a little longer while she talks? Hehe, I don’t really care if my eyes are up here, you know? I get the feeling that Mr. Rainboom Boy Toy never gets that from his handlers, does he? *Wow, you’d never hear that coming from said “handlers!”* You: Well, let’s hear it - *You’re rudely splashed by a sudden kick of water from the siren. You quickly recover, and you’re relieved to see that she’s laughing in jest.* Sonata: You’ll have to squeeze out the plan from me, Mr. Rainboom Boy Toy! Try and wrestle me for it. *You strip down to your boxer shorts and chase Sonata in the thigh-deep water.* Sonata: Be forewarned, though. I know how to move in the water! Thousands of years’ experience! You: Less than a years’ experience with all that body chub, you walrus! *You mimic walrus barking, and a semi-insulted Sonata pauses just long enough to give you time to tackle her.* Sonata: Hey, I’ve cutting down on the regular tacos since last year! Fish tacos are my jam now. You: Makes sense. Fish is a major part of a walrus’ diet! Sonata: Why you, meanie! I’m going to eat you! You: Sounds like a good time! Sonata: Haha! *Whoever wins this wrestling match, it’s not going to matter. You get the feeling that the air-headed siren’s already got a plan in motion for her sisters, and for some strange reason, you look forward to being in on it…*