────────────── 片思いのあの子がモブ生徒に喰われました ────────────── 「よ、元気か?相変わらず非モテなオーラ出してるのな!」 「うっせぇ!お前のほうこそ!」 「は~?アタシはこう見えてモテるんですけどぉ?」 「どうせ女子相手だろ、今年もチョコもらったって聞いたぞ」 「ぐぬぬ…あ、そうだ!お前が言ってたあのアニメ面白かったぞ!」 「え?この前はオタク向けっぽいから興味無いって言ってなかったっけ」 「…いやぁ、最近できた"トモダチ"にスゴい勧められてさぁ。見てみたら面白くてさ食わず嫌いだったよ。オタク向けなんて言ってごめんな?」 「それは事実だからいいんだけど…ああいうアニメを勧めるような女友達いたんだな。そっちのほうが驚きだ。」 「ん?いやいや男友達だよ、後ろの席のやつな。」 「えっ!?あいつが!?…言っちゃ悪いけど、よくお前と友達になれたな。てか、あいつの名前とか知らんわ。」 「クラスメイトの名前くらい覚えろよ。…まあうん、最初はアタシも気が乗らなかったけどさ。その、あれだけ必死だとこっちもその気になっちゃったっていうか…想像よりもずっと気持ちよかったし。そっちのほうも食わず嫌いだったっていうか…」 「ん?気持ちいい?そっち?何の話してんだ?」 「あ!?…えっと、そう!ゲーム!ゲームの話な!…全くお前もあれぐらい押しが強ければ今頃はなぁ…はぁ、やれやれ。」 「なにごにょごにょ言ってんだよ」 「ふんっ、ナイショだよ!」 (…お?なんかSNSに通知がきてる…なんだこれ?動画?) ────────────── "Yo, how are you? You're still giving off that unpopular aura!" "Whoa! It's your fault!" "Huh? I look like this and I'm popular, right?" "You're dealing with a girl anyway, I heard you got chocolates this year too." "Gununu...Ah, that's right! That anime you mentioned was interesting!" "Huh? Didn't you say the other day that you weren't interested because it seemed like it was for nerds?" "...Well, I was recommended to me by a friend I recently met. When I saw it, it was so funny that I didn't like it at all. I'm sorry for saying it's for otakus, isn't" "That's fine because it's true, but... I guess he had a female friend who recommended anime like that. That's more surprising." "Huh? No, no, it's my male friend, the one in the back seat." "Eh!? That guy!?...I hate to say this, but I think we've become good friends. I don't even know his name." ``You should at least remember the names of your classmates...Well, at first I wasn't into it either.Well, being that desperate, I started to feel like it too...It felt a lot better than " "Hmm? Does it feel good? That? What are you talking about?" "Ah!?...Um, yeah! Games! We're talking about games!...If you were that pushy, you'd be by now..." “What are you talking about?” "Hmph, it's a secret!" (…Oh? I got a notification on SNS… What is this? A video?) ────────────── I'm using Google Translate ──────────────