- New FFB tweaks extension, with more accurate gyro implementation by Stereo; - New app replacing original Photo Mode app: - Simple CPL simulation for screenshots; - Saving and loading camera positions; - Preview shot before saving; - In replays: - Adjust shutter speed for accumulation motion blur; - Switch lights, brake lights, damage, dirt or driver on and off in replays; - Change time of day or spin whole track around to get light where it needs to be; - Trees receiving shadows are optional now, disabled by default; - Also, trees receiving shadows should be smoother now, a couple of bugs were fixed as well; - Trees A2C dithering, to reduce banding with MSAA; - Volume adjustments for cars audio fixed; - Dynamic flags are also optional now; - Broken UV mapping for flags is fixed; - IMGUI apps won’t break mouse interacting with the rest of AC anymore; - Simpler dynamic lights in reflection cubemap to speed things up (skipping car lights or very small lights); - Option to turn down G-forces in AC telemetry if car is slower than 6 km/h (for D-BOX); - Weather FX: - Option to force headlights for bots; - New option for clouds, to render them as horizontal; - A couple of fixes for default weather script; - Refracting glass: refraction masking based on alpha-channel in txDiffuse, for headlights with partially flat glass; - Option to cache generated grids and payloads for AI splines, to speed up loading by a couple of seconds; - New Python functions to get length of AI splines, get spline position from world coordinates and vice versa; - Few smaller bug fixes. Tags: untested Chunk: v55