“I and many others think the program’s been a smashing success, but we need more funds if we want to expand; I’m sure you can understand why…” The warden trails off, looking around your office as he awaits your response.

“You can’t just waltz into the county commissioner’s office and expect cash, I need some studies and facts if I’m to provide funding. Is it cheaper than our standard program? Are prisoner rehabilitations on the rise??” You ask expectantly, knowing the warden would answer yes to everything.

You demand proof, and the warden snickers as he pulls out a laptop, and you both sit in silence as it starts up. He opens the file explorer, and turns the screen toward you as he opens a folder titled ‘New Program’.

He scrolls through a bunch of files with female names, stopping on one named ‘Alice’. The warden opens the video file and begins to explain, “Alvin was a serial burglar, taking equipment from every gym in the county. After enough goods were taken the owners got together and figured out he was the one stealing most of their stuff, then informed the police and had his home searched. A jury full of daily gym goers convicted him to five years, after which he negotiated to join our program for two.

We then let the gym owners consult with our team of specialists, and turned Alvin into someone that everyone agreed could walk as a free ma- err person… It hurts her brain to think of herself as anything but a big booty gym girl, and we let her feel orgasmic whenever she works out her buttocks and back muscles. Now she works out at every gym in town throughout the day, her bubble butt and slutty workout bring more business than any ad ever could!” The warden chuckles, lighting up a cigar as a curvy gym girl poses on screen.

“When is this from… How did you…” You trail off as fear shortens your breaths, not thinking technology like this ever existed.

“This was… seven years ago? Alice refused to change back to a man after the two years ran out, and I think she’s gotten implants since we took that photo!” The warden laughs, taking large hits of his cigar before closing out the suggestive video.

“O! You know Ben and Jerry’s, right?” The warden asks, a sinister look in his eye.

“The ice cream? Of course, what does i-” You cut yourself off mid-word as the warden opens a file named Benny/Jeri, and it doesn’t take much thinking to figure out what you’re looking at.

“After defrauding investors and trying to run away with the cash, a civil court charged these two with more than enough crimes to put them in jail for life. We promised to let them walk free if they joined our program, and all we would get in return was their brand…” The warden trails off, taking another hit of his cigar as you look at the computer.

A beautiful girl on screen pulls down her mini shorts several inches, revealing panties that she tugs at before ripping open a half pint of ice cream. Her plump boobs and lips mesmerize you as she scoops chocolate ice cream onto a spoon, and her eyes glaze over as she sticks her tongue out.

“We turned them into a pair of twins that just love sweets! Any sugar that hits their tongue gives them immense pleasure…” The warden trails off, skipping through the video, “Aha! And here’s the second one, Jeri. Ends up Jerry never liked ice cream, so she gets her sugar through more concentrated sources. It really makes her horny, like several times hornier than Benny gets from all her ice cream!”

The woman on screen has a more vacant look in her eyes then the last one, her plump lips coated in sugar as she sucks on a heart shaped lollipop. She drools pink saliva onto her shirt, and you hear her moan as she strokes her extended tongue with the arousing candy.

“I know I’ve only showed you people that tried to steal, but that is how most of our prisoners come to be… Also, since we let most girls live freely it’s hard to get a court to let us do this with violent offenders, so thieves are the bulk of our subjects…” The warden explains, opening a file titled ‘Kimmy’.

“Jim had just been fired from his job a week earlier, and was desperately hungry with no money. He begged several grocers to let him shop on credit, but they all refused. He was then forced to sneak a chocolate bar from his closest 7-11, triggering the alarm as he walked through the door.

I don’t think any other judge would’ve been so harsh, but Judge Paydfor likes to make examples out of people like that… He gave him the maximum sentence, and Jim was even more desperate facing three years in prison. We happily offered to let him join our program for just a few months, but requested he try the ‘Busty Bimbo’ option.

He wasn’t happy about that, but ultimately agreed when we offered him a cash reward at the end. Kimmy lived life as a bimbo for over a year before she let us unbimbofy her mind, and that’s when she demanded we change her back for good! Now she eats all the chocolate she wants, funded by lucrative stripping and prostitution jobs.” The warden concludes, smiling at your silence as you watch the woman on screen.

There’s clearly a person in the room with her, directing her to shake and dance. Her glazed over eyes just stare into the camera as she does what she’s told, swinging her hips and jiggling her breasts as she munches on her chocolate bar. You could swear you recognize the male background voice, but who…

“I’ve been onto you for years, commish…” That same voice says menacingly, making you jump in your seat as you remember who it is.

The governor chuckles as you inhale and exhale nervously, the sound of his wood sole shoes hitting the floor echoing through the office as your quickening heartbeat fills your ears. The governor rests his hand on your shoulder, and you feel him signal the warden with his other hand.

“I know you’ve been working your way up the ranks, and I assume you plan on taking me on in next year’s election?” The governor asks rhetorically, “Well I’ve had a state agent spying on your campaign, and we have recorded proof of a lot of your corruption!” The governor chuckles, lighting up his own cigar as the warden pulls out a small metal ball.

“You’ll definitely lose at trial, and be guilty of our new corruption bill; fifteen years in prison, minimum. We had the bill crafted to specifically attack her style of crime, so you won’t really have much of a defense. Though thinking about it now, I’m sure there’s a way to convince the governor to grant you a pardon…” The warden chuckles, tossing the palm sized device in the air and catching it a few times.

“Corruption?? What are you talking about??? I never broke any laws here, and I’ll have my lawyer defend me to the grave!! Is this some type of prank? I was scared before, but this is all starting to seem a bit over the top…” You laugh, half in terror and half expecting a reveal to the prank.

“We just really wanted to work within legal boundaries, but if you refuse to compromise…” The ball in the warden’s hand lights up, and you feel your pupils attract to it like a magnet.

You’re unable to look away from the bright ball, and follow it as the warden’s hands move up and down. You feel a dryness in your eyes, and lose focus as they take on a glassy look. Your neck begins to move so that year eyes can remain still and continue following the ball, and you feel an off tingling in your throat. Your shoulder follow suit, and soon your hips sway whichever way the warden moves the ball.

Your entire body pulsates with pleasure as the warden approaches you, a dumb smile on your face as he presses the ball into your forehead. You suddenly hear a feminine moan erupt from within you, forced to whimper as your lips pout and plump up. Hair tumbles down your back as your clothes disappear, and the world turns black as you feel the fat in your shoulder rush downward.

You feel the awkward heft of developing breasts, and begin to caress your slimming stomach as fat from it goes to both your breasts and ass. Your hips crack into a more slender form as fat begins to pool behind you, and you feel something wrap around your hanging breasts as the smell of the ocean fills your nostrils.

The warden presses even harder into your forehead, and you feel your skull open as your manhood gets sucked into your waist. Suddenly the room goes silent, and you struggle to produce a thought as the ball clicks into place in your skull. The warden then pulls his hand out of your closing skull, and you feel a new hole replace that one.

You’re forced to moan again as folds moisten and puff up, forming a tight womanhood that begs to be stimulated. Your brain is slowly inhaled by the metal ball in your head, and you feel your prior life shrink into the background. A tight strap digs into your waist, and you suddenly open your eyes to see yourself alone on the beach with the governor.

“You’ll be testing our new Trophy Wife setting for a few months, but if I like it enough I might just make the trial permanent! Now let’s record something for the logs, the warden says to just do the first movement that comes to mind…” The governor laughs, holding his phone up and recording your reaction to your new life.

Your first instinct is to dance for the camera, mouthing the words to your new favorite song as your hubby gets hard. You know exactly what he’s talking about with the warden, but find yourself not caring about your old life at all as you look into the governor's eyes and lick your lips.

“I’m so lucky to be the First Lady! I hope you never change me back!!” You giggle, almost surprising yourself with your sweet voice for the first time.

The governor, who you just call daddy now, loved you so much he renewed his vows for your first anniversary! When the warden asked what you wanted as a gift you jokingly said a sexier bod, but when he asked if you were serious you took him up in the offer.

Another metal ball into your head gave you giant boobs, turned your butt into a round bubble, and the warden even made your mind sluttier! He lengthens your slender legs, making you much taller and more graceful. You still remember your old life, but thank daddy everyday for giving you this new one. Thank him how? I think you know exactly how…

The governor’s corruption keeps him wealthy enough to let you shop without a budget, so you buy the sexiest bras, panties, lingerie, dresses, and tight clothes to make him lust after you. He’s a busy man, but he knows that waiting at the mansion is his most loyal, horny supporter.