“Why are you sitting in my lap?”

“It’s three o’clock! You said we would play at three, big brother!”

Max picked his little sister up off his lap and placed her on the floor, “I forgot I had plans, June. I’ll play whatever game you want when I get home later…”

Max turned his back to his little sister and began walking toward the door, searching for his keys on the way to his car. Suddenly his shirt was off his back and on the floor, so Max bent over to pick it up.


His sister then quickly put some type of vest over his shoulders, and he looked down to see a weird, bra looking shirt.

“Stop June! What are you doing??” Max was facing his sister, and his body froze as she squeezed the pumps attached to tubes coming out of the shirt.

With each pump Max could feel his body grow slightly bigger, then shrink as the air was let out. He gasped for air as his torso shrunk inward, and was soon almost eye to eye with his little sister.

“You’re just not gonna answer… me…?” Max trailed off as he realized his voice had feminized.

He could feel a weight on his chest now, and screamed out in shock when he looked down.

The shirt hanging off his chest was now supporting two boobs, and they were still being pumped to grow larger. Max could see his cleavage increase with each pump, but was frozen in what he assumed was fear.

His sister stopped pumping when he had a modest size bust, and he gulped as his hands ran down his shirtless, hourglass shaped figure.

“Alright big sis, time to play!”

What?? No!! Change me back! I’m not playing with you!”

“You won’t play? Guess I just won’t change you back then…”

“Alright, what do you wanna play?”

“Dress up, of course!”

Max rolled his eyes, but followed his skipping little sister to her room.

He didn’t know what to expect, but was surprised to see his sister’s closet full of slutty clothes that looked like they were made for his oddly proportioned body.

Sadly for his sister though, none of the tops fit Max’s giant boobs.

“I must’ve pumped too much...

Let me measure your chest, I wanna know if I have any tops for you I should look for…”

“Could we stop this please? It’s humiliating…”

Max couldn’t stop his body from taking on a sexy posture while he stood bent at the knee, the white bikini squeezing his breasts together tight enough to choke Max on his own cleavage.

“Well I’m not gonna change you back til I feel you’ve satisfied my play-time needs, and definitely not til after I measure you!”

Max sighed, giving in to his sister’s demands and letting her check his cup size.

He winced as the tape measure wrapped around his boobs, and he could feel his sister’s little hands squeeze the two ends together behind him.

“Well, looks like you’ve got… huge titties!” She threw the tape measure down and grabbed Max’s boobs, surprising him and eliciting a sexual moan from his throat as she played with the massive mammaries.

“Ahhhh!!! Stop! Stop! Stooop!”

Max jumped away from his sister, blushing as his jiggling boobs tingled from being handled.

                                           *Ding Dong*

“Oh man, you gotta answer that, little sis!”

June ran to the window, looking out to see who was at the door.

“She’s here!!!!”


“I knew you were going to your girlfriend’s house, so I invited Sammy over to come hangout!”

“You what!? Tell her to go home; that you pranked her or something!”

“No can do, sis. You wanna change back? Go answer that door…”

Max knew this was gonna get out of hand soon, but went along with his sister’s games hoping she would get bored and change him back quicker if he listened to her.

He quickly brainstormed a story, and had it ready to go when he opened the door for his girlfriend.

“Whoa… who are you? Why did Max’s sister-”

“I’m Max’s cousin… Maxine! You could call me Max though…”

“Huh… Named after the same relative?”

“Something like that…”

June had been watching from around the corner, and now came running into the foyer where the two girls stood. “Sammy!!! You met my cousin, Max? She’s visiting for the day and had nothing to do, so I figured you two could hang out!”

“June… you’re like six, how are you planning playdates for adults?

So cuuuute!” Samantha gave June a hug, then gave Max one too; much to his surprise.

“Well what do you like doing, Max?

I’m up for anything! Let me show you around town!”

“Max was actually just telling me how bad she wanted to find a pool, she loves swimming!

Right Max?”

Max just went along with his sister, hoping she would have mercy on him if he followed her plan.

“Yeah, swimming is like my favorite activity!” Max giggled, not noticing his sister’s evil grin as she watched him.

“Well I have a swimsuit in Max’s room, do you have one here?”

“She actually left it in my room, hold on”, June grabbed Max’s wrist and dragged him to her room. She brought him in, then slammed the door shut behind her.

“Don’t talk, just listen.

That machine not only changed your body, it’s slowly changing your mind. You’ve been behaving so I’ll change you back when I’ve had my fun, but by that time you’ll completely forget your old self.

Just warning you…

Now be a good girl and put on this top.”

Max stood frozen in shock; now that he thought about it, he was feeling more… feminine, but he had never heard his sister talk in such an authoritative and evil way before.

“Don’t worry big sister, I’ll help you out…” June snapped her little fingers, and light shot out of Max’s top. Slowly it disappeared, along with the pants he still had on from when was a boy.

“Wha…” Max stood in disbelief now, only snapping out of it as a new top shimmered into reality on his boobs. It was bright blue with white stripes, and had no straps for his shoulders.

“You’re sure to make a splash at the pool, Maxine! And I’m sure Samantha will appreciate the suit I left her in the spot with all her stuff…”

Soon June was saying bye to the two girls, giving Max a wink when he turned around to beg one last time with his eyes.

“You like this bikini, Max? I never saw it before, but it looked so awesome I had to try it out!”

Max was too distracted by his thoughts to respond, and Samantha let the question die in the air as they got in her car.

“So strange… Where’s Max? His car’s here…”

“I don’t know, but it sounds like he’s got a lot of questions to answer later. I haven’t seen him once since I got here!” Max winced as Ruby backed out of the driveway, he was starting to think of his old male said as a different person!

The changes continued at the pool, and Max noticed his eyes wandering toward guys’ crotches instead of the usual girl’s asses and cleavage.

Coming out of the pool after some laps, Max’s bikini had gotten out of place. He reached into the bra, cupping his sensitive boobs as he fixed them in place.

“Excuse me, Miss America!”

“Hmm?” Max hadn’t spoken to anyone besides Ruby; who was this now?

“Try to keep those implants in that slutkini, you whore!” The girl yelling at him quickly turned around and grabbed her boyfriend's hand, and Max could see the guy staring at his cleavage as his girlfriend pulled him away.

 He knew that whole episode was from jealousy, but couldn’t help but feel hurt after being called a whore. Samantha saw this and sat Max down with her, hoping to cheer the beautiful sad girl up.

Only after sitting next to her did Max notice something was off about Samantha, but he couldn’t put his finger on it… Had she always sat with her legs so spread apart? And wasn’t her hair longer before? That bikini had definitely changed, and Max was pretty sure her boobs were bigger when they left his house.

At first Samantha was telling Max about how girls tended to be jealous of beautiful girls, but soon it transformed into how Sam was better than all the other guys at the pool.

Max wondered what was going on, but found herself agreeing with everything Sam said.

In the back of her mind she watched Sam’s bust shrink, but found herself unable to say anything about it. A bulge began developing in Sam’s panties, and Max looked on as they morphed into men’s swim trunks.

“Your boobs are awesome…” Sam trailed off as he began poking Max’s bikini cup.

“Don’t do that please, Sam!” Max pulled back as Sam sat sheepishly.

“Sorry, Max” Sam was still staring intently into Max’s cleavage, but she was starting to not mind.

The bulge in Sam’s trunks was now a full on tent, and Max’s mouth started watering. She was unable to take her eyes off the now throbbing bulge, and missed Sam’s bikini top fading into nothingness on his masculine chest.

Max began feeling a flutter in her womanhood, and the one thing she cared about now was Sam’s body. She grabbed his hand and led him to a side room, locking the door behind them.

Sam immediately ripped Max’s top off, sucking on her nipples as she cried out in ecstasy.

The couple kissed and licked each other in the dark, relishing in their own pornographic noises as they fondled each other’s bodies. One of their backs rolled over a light switch, and the two lovebirds paused their lovemaking when they noticed a bed in middle of the room.

Sam quickly made his way over, arms still wrapped around Max as the two got up on the bed.

Sam shimmied out of his swim trunks while Max slid her panties down her smooth legs, and let them drop to the floor. She climbed into Max’s lap and plunged her tight pussy down onto his erection, grabbing his head as he sucked on her lactating nipples.

Max ground her lower half into Sam’s, filling herself with his cock with each thrust of her hips. Soon the two realized deeper penetration was necessary, and decided to switch positions.

They didn’t know why there would be a bed would be in the side room of a public pool, but were thankful for it nonetheless. Sam lay back straight on the bed, and watched as Max’s amazing body slowly straddled him. Each swing and jiggle of her boobs made his cock twitch, and he waited for Max to pick herself up onto it.

When she finally did, the two of them almost instantly orgasmed. They were ready for penetration like before, but Sam’s new massive cock had only been getting half way in. The fullness Max now felt was too much, and Sam lay silently as Max slid up and down the entirety of his shaft.

She choked on her moans, unable to handle the intense orgasms racking her petite, curvy body. Sam was able to hold out for a bit, but the way Max blushed after squirting onto his crotch made him explode on the spot.

The hot rush of pleasure forced Max to cry out, and the euphoric scream of a happy woman could be heard from miles away.

Meanwhile, June sat at her desk, hoping the room and bed she made appear at the pool helped the new couple get closer to their first kiss 🥰