“This one’s good to go!” You laugh, “I mean, more than good…

I might consider picking up something like this!

Are these extra, or are all these adjustments included in the standard package??”

“These?” The designer asks as you shake your chest, blushing as your nipples scrape against the coarse fabric of your sweatshirt.

“Don’t play dumb, Stew…” You trail off and unzip your sweater, trying not to smile as the designer’s jaw drops.

You’re not ready for your skin’s sensitivity as the warm sweater opens up, cold air of the lab hardening your nipples and flaring the heat of arousal within you. The suit’s facial technology naturally warps your smile, and you can’t help but flick your tongue as your seductive look triggers a mating pheromone response.

You’re straight, why is Stew turning you on so much??

“Could it be the lust settings are a little high, what did the customer ask for?” You ask, practically panting as your folds begin to leak.

“I didn’t design this body, but it says here the customer requested every sexual trait and desire maxed out...” Stew trails off, but you can’t hear him over the intense ringing of your ears.

This body is attracted to a man!!

That’s disgusting!!!


His face isn’t that ugly though…


You panic as erotic thoughts enter your mind, breaking through your deepest inner monologue and reverberating like an absolute truth.

And if Stew held you, those strong arms would squeeze you and hurt so good, and he would get all hard, and you could hold onto his-

“What the hell???” You shout, ripping the bodysuit off in the fluid motion you’ve learnt from years of practice. “That was intense, huh?

I’ve never had a woman lust for me like that…” Stew says breathlessly, bulge almost ripping through his pants as he takes a turn to blush.

“It’s fine, crazy shit happens when you test random bodies. Lay the next one on me, and please tell me it’s not a bimbo…” You laugh sheepishly, pretending to not actually be scared of another bout with femininity.

“Uhhh… It, ummmm…

Well, I designed it, and I promise I didn’t change any mental settings!” Stew assures you, passing you the packaged bodysuit as he laughs uncomfortably.

You take it with a smile, playing confident and unpacking it like you would any other suit. The rubbery smell hits your nostrils as you open the stiff cardboard flap, and you’re relaxed by the familiarity of your job- or do they put some type of chemical in these to relax clients?

You remember something about that, but maybe that was just the higher end models…

You slip a foot into the taut synthetic skin, wishing you were less sweaty as the friction makes the suit adhere to your toes and shin. A less skilled person would have a lot more difficulty, and getting this thing off would be close to impossible without your unique skill.

You tug on the small suit, pulling it up past your waist as the indestructible fabric stretches to encase you. You reach behind you and bring the face up your back, then take a deep breath before you forcefully nestle your head into the little opening beneath the chin.

Your dick goes numb instantly, and your eyes glaze over as the suit squeezes you intensely. This part is extremely uncomfortable, and can be unbearably painful for some. Luckily your experience affords you an easy time compared to most, and you shrink down with a wince as your hips are bent over femininely.

Big butt on this one…

Your thighs swivel from below the bubble hanging off your rear, cheeks jiggling as you try to fix the thong intensely wedgied between them. Your fingers are hindered by the long nails glued to them, making it hard to pull out your thong as a blonde ponytail tickles the back of your neck.

“Is this thing supposed to be so big?” You ask in an extremely high pitched voice, “And I feel so petite, what did the customer ask for?”

“Ah damn, I kinda fucked up…

It was supposed to be a bigger chest and smaller butt, I guess put it in the edit pile…” Stew gestures to an empty bin, “And that was the last one, so just wait here for me to make this one proper spec for you to try on again.”

You’re not exactly excited to try getting out of the petite suit, and if this is the last one anyway….

“Wouldn't it be quicker for me to just jump in the machine like this?” You ask, still a bit taken aback by your sweet voice.

“You’re probably right…

Okay, so just jump in the press, and let’s get home already!” Stew chuckles, opening the door for you as your body’s natural grace lithfully escorts you into the humming metal cylinder.

Stew closes the door behind you, leaving just a thick pane of glass for your eyes to see out of. This isn’t your first time in the press, so you’re prepared for the intense heat that comes with editing a suit. There’s no moving parts in the cylinder, the air just becomes pressurized and hot enough to precisely squeeze the suit fabrics.

Suddenly your back is arched past straight, spine curving femininely as your body is forced into an awkward stance by the pressurized air. You feel the heat squeeze your chest, and then suddenly it sucks on your sensible nipples. The extreme vacuum force pulls on your breast, pulling mass from behind you and pressing it into tight cleavage.  

More modest clothes drape across your still petite body, barely taller than before as your hair quickly changes to black. Then an oddly harsh prick stings inside your brain, and you feel the suit change posture and muscle memory a bit to accommodate for the weight now in front of you.

“I always liked the feeling of large breasts…” You giggle as the chamber decompresses, bosom bouncing with each step as you walk out of the machine.

“Anything feel off?” Stew asks with a pen in hand, ready to take any notes as your tired mind gets a little giddy.

“This is like, the most perfect body ever!” You joke ditzily, playing into the girly sweetness of your voice as you hop in place and let your boobs jiggle.  

“Are you okay?” Stew laughs uncomfortably, thinking he may have altered your mind unintentionally.

“I’m just kidding around!

This body just makes me feel so silly!!” You laugh, palming each breast and squeezing lovingly as a soft moan escapes your plump lips.

Suddenly your ears ring, and you feel your top crawl up your belly.

Is that a draft?

Wait, what’s that… weight??

You look down through your blurred vision, barely able to settle on a thought as your chest balloons. Soon your shirt is more like a bra, barely containing your luscious breasts as tingling arousal pulsates throughout your body.

“Shit, shit, shit!!” You hear Stew curse, strong hands gripping your waist as he pulls you back to the machine.

“Like, what’s happening?” You ask meekly, floating in a sexual haze as Stew tries pulling at your suit.

“I fucked up bad, dude!

We gotta get you out of this thing quick, or it’s gonna fuse to your body like this!!

You’re way too sweaty, I can’t get you out. You gotta do it yourself!” Stew cries out, strapping you into the emergency harness to help you get out of the suit.

“I… I’m… I can’t really follow what you’re saying, cutie. Is it important? You look stressed…” You trail off, smile drifting across your cheeks as slumber calls for your consciousness.

Suddenly Stew presses the emergency override button in your armpit, temporarily jolting you from your lack of clarity. He quickly explains the circumstance, but you’re too exhausted to get the suit off.

“If we get you in the machine right now, I can try to force you out of the suit. It might do some damage to your mind; but if you don’t get in the machine now, you’re probably gonna fuse to the suit in a few minutes. The original mental settings will revert once you fuse; so you won’t be so horny, but those boobs will not shrink at all.”

Try to get out of the suit

Jump in the machine