Loud sirens, smoke and the smell of burnt gas surrounded Mark as he stumbled out of his car into the wreckage.

“What the hell is wrong with you lady??? You didn’t see me coming in hot?? Why would you make that left??” Mark screamed at a horror stricken woman.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you behind the bus!” She replied, almost crying.

“Didn’t see?? Ha!! Great excuse!! I guess we’ll just wait for the cops to show- Hey where are you going!!?” Mark yelled to the woman as she ran to her car.

“I have the solution to all our problems! She exclaimed happily.

“Are you crazy?? You look like a nut! What are you holding, a magic remote?? What a psycho!!!” Mark laughed and pointed at the woman, making her mad as she played with the buttons.

“How are you gonna fix anything?? I don’t think…” Mark trailed off as he felt a strong gust of wind, and then both their cars were back to normal. No smoke, no broken glass; just two drivers and their cars.

“Whoa!! What did you?? How did… I’m calling the police!!!” Mark yelled.

“No please, don’t do that!!” The woman cried out as she ran for her car.

“Not today perp.” Mark said frankly, grabbing the collar of her shirt.

“Get off!!! You son of a bitch!!!” She yelled as she struggled.

“Can’t expect more from a woman driver I guess…” Mark yawned as he dialed 9-11.

“What??? You sexist pig!!!!” The woman freed herself from his grasp, and pointed the remote at him. “Now you’ve done it, mister. You’re about to learn a very potent lesson!”

Mark opened his mouth to speak, but all the air rushed out of him as his eyes dimmed and he blacked out. He was still standing when he came to, but was now in a school?

“Welcome to the first day of Ms. Bee’s class!

I’m Ms Bee, and I’ll be teaching you your lesson!!” Ms Bee cheerfully told Mark.

He took a couple of steps back, scared shitless at the power he was up against.

“I’m sorry Ms Bee, I was just mad in the moment and didn’t mean to be sexist!” Mark pleaded. “Please take us back to the road, I’ll pay whatever damage you like!”

Ms Bee laughed, “Don’t worry your pretty little head, that accident never happened! We’ve been in the classroom all day enjoying some mother/daughter study time!”

Mark’s heart skipped a beat; mother/daughter? Suddenly the room began to grow around him, and a rosy scent went through his nostrils.

“What’s happening I-” Mark stopped talking as soon as he heard his voice feminizing.

“What were you saying, Marci?”

Mark felt a click in his brain when Ms Bee said Marci, and he knew this was now his name. He couldn’t even remember what his old name was, his old life quickly becoming a fading memory.

“You know the school dress code explicitly prevents tank tops Marci, why do you insist on making trouble??” Ms Bee questioned, hiding a sexy smile as she disciplined her student.

“Tank top? No… I was… I was wearing a suit!! My banking job! I-” Mark stopped when Ms Bee put a seductive finger up to his lips.

“Hush girl, you’re worrying for nothing.” Ms Bee grabbed Mark’s flat chest as she said this, and pulled. He moaned loudly as fat and muscle tissue from other parts of his body got sucked into his growing chest, which would soon be too big for a C cup bra.

“Perfect.” Ms Bee said, pinching the expanding nipples under Marci’s shirt. “The harder your nipples get during the process, the more pert your boobies will be!

Now take off your shirt for me!”

Marci felt a little embarrassed to take off her shirt in front of Ms Bee, but that was overpowered by a lustful need to be nude after Ms Bee hit a couple of buttons on her remote.

Marci couldn’t hold back moans as she exposed her large breasts, smiling embarrassed at Ms Bee’s reaction.

“Wow!! Those tits are wonderful!!

I wish mine looked like that!

In fact…” Ms Bee trailed off while she played with her remote, and soon her boobs were growing as well.

She pinched and played with them, keeping them inflating against gravity and not with it. When she had completely transformed, Ms Bee immediately ripped all her clothes off.

Lost in her arousal, Ms Bee didn’t notice she had selected ‘Unlimited horniness’ for herself.

“I feel bad Marci, my boobs are like, bigger than yours now! How do we fix this??”

Marci tried to think, knowing she wanted to transform, but couldn’t remember anything about her old life. The only thoughts running through her head were about boys and sex, her mom showing off her huge tits wasn’t helping either…

Ms Bee decided to take action into her own hands, changing Marci’s hair to blonde as her boobs grew out more.

The horniness button was still engaged, and that quickly took over Marci.

Soon teacher and student were passionately making out, sitting in each other’s laps naked.

Marci needed a phallic object to play with, and could only find the remote. She began to massage Ms Bee’s pussy with it, not noticing the buttons she was pressing while this happened.

Soon enough the two could feel their bodies begin to change, but were too horny to do anything about it.

Ms Bee’s clitoris came out of her folds, and Marci had to pull the remote out. She began to giggle as Ms Bee’s clitoris grew a head, and then her lips closed up behind it. Marci put her mouth around the tip, making Ms Bee shudder as her breasts shrunk into her chest.

Muscular arms wrapped around Marci, squeezing her boobs while she sucked off Mr Bee.

The two quickly changed positions, allowing Mr Bee to sink his saliva-covered cock deep into Marci’s shrinking folds. The remote was left on the floor, the ‘Sluttify’ button being pressed against it.

Marci’s shirt disappeared, and her skirt shrunk while her ass lifted into a bubble butt. This just made Mr Bee’s erection dig deeper, making Marci cry out in a slutty teenage voice.

“Let’s go back to my house, my mom loves meeting my boyfriends…” Marci let out between moans.

They grabbed the remote and made their way to Mark’s old house, walking in on his wife while she prepared dinner.

“Who are you two?? Are you robbing me!?

I need my husband!! He’s never out this late!!”

Marci laughed at her mom’s joke, “Mom! We’re like, going out now! I wanted to show you my new boyfriend!!”

Lisa was speechless, who were these people? She didn’t have any kids!! Did this have something to do with why Mark is so late!?

“Ahhh!!!” Lisa screamed when she saw Marci pointing the remote at her, thinking it was a gun.

Marci pressed a few buttons, and the couple waited while Lisa changed. Her ass grew behind her, and the rest of the fat in her body traveled up to her bosom.

Brunette hair turned blonde, and soon Lisa looked like a sexy, funner version of her younger self.

“So you two are going out now?” Lisa asked, seductively running her arm down Mr Bee’s arms, giggling, “I wonder what you two do when I’m not around…”

Suddenly she grabbed Marci by the back, and bent her over the kitchen counter. “Show me!” She said to Me Bee excitedly.

He calmly walked over, and moved Lisa’s panties to the side.

“Stop! This is so embarrassi- Mmmmm…”

Mr Bee pumped into Lisa while he made out with her mom, making both girls moan in unison.

Marci tried stopping her boyfriend and mom, but could barely move her arm as Mr Bee thrust in and out of her.

Marci began playing with the remote, hoping she could gain back control of the situation. Mr Bee saw this and slapped it out of her hand, causing it to crash to the floor in a flash of light.

Suddenly all three of them were in a bedroom naked. Marci tried running out, but her mom grabbed her and brought her down to her knees.

“Come Mr Bee, I’ll help you relieve yourself”, Lisa said as she grabbed his throbbing cock and brought him over to Marci.

She began stroking furiously, directing the tip of Mr Bee’s member directly into Marci’s face.

“I’ve never gotten a facial before! I really don’t wanna do it now, in front of my mom!!” Marci yelled, powerless under her mom’s profound strength.

Mr Bee simply grunted, feeling an orgasm build up when he saw Marci began to play with her leaking pussy. His knees buckled as cum shot of his cock, slapping Marci square in the face and rebounding onto her and her mom’s chests. More cum covered her face completely, and Lisa decided to point a couple of shots into her own face.

She orgasmed from the blast, coating the back of  Marci’s neck in cum while Mr Bee finished in her mouth.

With the two stronger adults exhausted, Marci was finally able to crawl over and grab the remote. To her dismay, it was broken and out of power, condemning her to this new life of sex lust and milfs.