Rachel: I gave my brother the bow tie!!

He’s been freaking out about losing his cock, but I see him slowly coming around…

Anyone else get a chance to change their brother yet?


I would love to see what those huge pants did to your brother!

Jessica: Wait Rachel!

U have to send a pic!!!

Must see what Bobby looks like now!

Rachel: Okay hold on…

He’s having a great time now!!

He wants more items to change with!!

Cindy: My brother LUVS his new ass!!

He can’t stop playing with and taking pics

Here it comes! 😍

Rachel: He looks beautiful!!

Weren’t the pants longer tho??

Cindy: nope 😂

U guys gotta see this ass in person!!

Monica: my brother refused to put on the eyeliner

But I was able to get him while he was napping before!

He woke up right away to yell at me

But now he’s all bubbly and cuuuute!!

He’s talking with this ditzy accent and everything!!

Do we know if the boys will ever change back??

Jessica: I hope so!

My brother won’t say a word unless it’s on TikTok

He does look amazing tho…

I told him I would post this to TikTok 🙊

Should I??

Rachel: He could probably get a bunch of followers…

Monica: YAS!!

He’s so sexy

Needs TikTok

Jessica: I need another pair of these leggings for my older brother!!!

alright, his new account is SchoolShy

Cuz he can’t talk

Sarah: I wish my brother couldn’t talk!

He ran out of the house as soon as I put the lipstick on him

We’re at the club now

He won’t stop blowing dudes!!!

That’s the only pic of him without another guy!!

He’s been out of control!!

I can’t stop him!

Nicki: At least you’re having fun!

My dumb brother turned into some nympho, and was masturbating nonstop for like an hour.

Now he’s just sitting here all horny

He loves the fake nails I gave him!!!

Brittany: that’s so sexy…

My brother just sent me this pic from comic con

He says thank you for the panties!!

Marcy: those legs are so long and sexy!!

Britany: ya he gave me a big hug before leaving

I think he picked out that costume on the way to the convention…

Alexis: guys I don’t know what to do…

My brothers been acting super weird ever since I put the wrist cuffs on him

My parents are gonna be home tomorrow

Will he b changed back???

I didn’t think he would get so dressed up…

He keeps bringing guys over and check out his newest outfit

I don’t know where he’s getting them from!!

He’s even trying to get me involved in his sex!!!

Jessica: that’s horrible!!!

I have more stuff in the suitcase…

Should we try giving him a crown?

There’s some high heels in here too…

Marcy: yeah I’m gonna come over soon and grab those

Jessica: I gave my dad the bra

He’s freaking out!!

And been trying to get one of my mom’s shirts over his giant bust!

Marcy: what about your mom??

Jessica: she’ll get some of this nail polish tonight

The bright pink makes me think it’ll b pretty awesome!

Monica: Hiiiii guyzzzzz

How do I look??

Jessica: o no…

Monica: some eyeliner fell onto my hand and I just feel totes awesome!!

Cindy: be careful girls!

I think the magic stuff affects us more than the boys!!!

Monica: Jessica I want those heels!!

I’m on my way nowzzz

Jessica: no Monica!!

Don’t come!!

Cindy: don’t let her in if she comes

She’ll definitely change you

And I don’t think you’ll be able to change back

Alexis: huh???

I can’t leave my brother like this!!

My parents won’t b able to deal with such a slut!!!

Jessica: give him the bracelet

It should change him to something else completely

Marcy: wait I don’t wanna change my brother forever!

I’m not spraying him with this perfume…

Jessica: cindy’s wrong guys

The bag says you’ll change back after twenty four hours

Cindy: it says guys

I don’t know if that’s specific or what…

Jessica: it’s fine!!

Do it Marcy

What happened with Monica?

Omg she’s at my house now!

And she’s still naked!!!

Marcy: the perfume fell and the bottle broke

It got all over me…

I feel a tingling running up my legs

O my boobies!!

My face isn’t changing!

I look so weird with this insane body and teenage face!!!

Jessica: I had to lock the door on Monica!

She’s outside my room with a golden choker!!!!

Alexis: the bracelet kinda worked

Wait Monica’s outside Jessica’s room???

Jessica: Jessica and I are totes gonna help you guys!!

This is Monica btw

Check out jess’s new body!!!

Alexis: I know this is the wrong time…

Jessica: so sexy!!

Alexis: my brother’s awesome now!!

He’s a smooth slut w a really fun attitude

And he’s lesbian

I’ve been making out with him

What a kisser!!

Jessica: come over here girlllll

We would love an orgy!!!

Alexis: omg!!

I don’t know why but the cuffs are on my wristsssss

My mind!!


Check out this dance!

I should put this up on TikTok!!

Jessica: omg Lexi!!

Bring your sister over her so we could fuck with Monicaaaa

I also texted a bunch of boyzzz 🥰

Cindy: I couldn’t resist!!

I put the green bra on!

Look at this reveallll

Jessica: cindyyyyyy

Rachel: what???

What’s happening?

U guys all changed??

Brittany: yeah…

I don’t think we shudve messed with this stuff…

These sleeves turned me into some cosplaying pirate

And I luvvvvv it!!!!

Rachel: Nicki!?!? Please tel me you havent changed

Nicki: Rachel you’ll change too

Rachel: no…

Nicki: there’s nothing u could do

Rachel: I’m throwing everything away!!!

Nicki: we shudve never opened that box

I didn’t wear anything and I still changed!!!

Rachel: o no

Everything’s floating out of the box!!


Marcy: I sprayed my face girlzzz

So pretty!!!

Rachel: let’s meet at Jessica’s house!!

Jessica: you have to send a pic rach!!

I can’t wait to see what you look like!

Rachel: I’m still changing hold on

These panties were wayyy bigger b4!

Nicki: u look gr8!!

Rachel: that was like… 5 mins ago or something!!

Jessica: wut??

Rachel: here’s what I look like now

Brittany: holy shit

U look sooo hawttt

Jessica: u guys better b otw!!!