Elara's invited you back to her hotel room to show you exactly what her heavily-modded herm laquine body can do. (This is a sci-fi version of Elara I made for Remiel's world. She's got some very special features. ^_^) A Laquine Masturbates for You by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and JourneymanIK) "Just one quick thing to prepare and then I'll work my way up to some fireworks for you." Walking over to the sink, I turn on the warm water and fill a gallon jug with it. Then I chug that gallon of water, like it's completely normal. While you're still wondering why that was necessary, I say, "If you'll follow me to the bedroom, I'll put on a little show." Motioning for you to follow, I trot off toward my bedroom. From the linen closet, I grab a large towel and a hand towel. Then I enter the bedroom and put the large towel down atop the bed, folded in half where my buttocks is gonna go and put the hand towel on the nightstand next to the bed. Out of the nightstand, I grab a bottle of cum-like lube and a big canine toy. A little video camera on top of the dresser flickers to life in the form of an amber light in the upper left corner. Its telephoto lens is following me as I move over to the bed. "It'll automatically shut off if you get in the frame. No worries if you stop the recording, I just figure I'll tape this to tease Ramda if you decide to be an audience the whole time." The light on the camera goes green. Grunting, I pull my blouse off, exposing ten inches of my black equine cock. My bra is holding a pair of B-cup breasts, and as I slowly pull it off, pre beads at the tip of my dick. I grab and stroke my shaft, moaning as it gains another two inches. Seeing your painfully-aroused expression, I giggle and hook my thumbs on the waist of my skirt. Then I tug it down and you can clearly see the dark black horseflesh of my sac through the thin cyan fabric of my panties, which are being stretched by my apricot-sized pair of balls. "You're in luck, dear, I got several pairs of these special panties just for occasions like this one." I grunt as my balls gain girth, stretching the panties more. You hear a soft snap, but they seem to be holding together for the time being. Laying back on the bed and spreading my thick legs, I expose my nethers to you. My full equine pussy is so wet that the fabric is see-through. Plump pussy lips surrounding a clit as big as your thumb shift under the fabric as I whinny in a very unbunnylike manner. Grabbing the bottle of lube, I lube up the dildo and then wrap my tail around the very base. There's a wet schlik as I pull my panties to the side, strings of my wetness connecting my panties to my snatch. Using my tail, I line up the dildo, and moan as I shove the canine tip in. My mare labia spread wider and wider as the tapered cock enters me. Meanwhile, I start lubing up my prick, stroking it and thrusting as it shoves its way farther and farther up my front. It's way past any size that would make sense for my stature, looking utterly humongous, but it's not done yet. Neither are my balls. They swell to the size of tangerines, then they're as big as limes, then lemons. My panties snap and pop as threads in the seams lose integrity. I moan, shoving the dildo in until the thick knot is the only part left outside. Gasping and panting, I stroke faster, my prick reaching up into my cleavage. Then my boobs swell as I start giving myself a tit job. Pre is streaming from my prick, making it so I don't have to add any lube. My balls reach the size of oranges just as my panties make a series of snaps, sounding almost like a stubborn zipper. They tear apart, my balls now draping the dildo as I fuck myself. Each moan is higher and more shrill until I lean forward and take the blunt end of my dick into my mouth. Curling in on myself and fucking my face, I finally push the dildo's knot in and whinny around my dick as it lurches against my front. As cum rushes up my cock, the dildo starts pumping cum lube into my waiting snatch. My cries of pleasure get drowned out by me having to swallow my ridiculous load. Soon I have to catch my breath and I pull my mouth off only to get my entire face coated by my translucent white mess. And the whole time, I'm making little thrusts with the dildo as my hips gyrate and I milk it for all its worth. Grabbing the hand towel and wiping the cum of my face so it doesn't get in my eyes, I pant and moan as tremors from my titanic release hit me. Then I'm laying on my back, a tiny stream of cum lube trailing down across my fur from my well-used snatch and my prick dribbling cum on my tits. THE END I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Skrime, UBA, Warialinth, Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!