”Your video game addiction is becoming too much, young man! I spoke to a specialist, and we had a special virus installed into the router. Pretty soon you’ll be too distracted by your new body to play video games, and we’ve been assured the only permanent change will be to your video game playing habits…” Your mom trails off, eyes lighting up as your screen goes dark.

A oddly familiar logo displays on your screen, and you suddenly realize what virus your mom is talking about.

“What specialist did you speak to??

This hack gives an admin total power over anyone with a phone connected to the router, how do you give someone access like that??? What did they say was supposed to happen?” You ask worriedly, beginning to pant as your heart rate goes up.

“Ummm, uhh… Are you serious?? I’m so flustered!” Your mom fans herself with her hand, “He said you would just become a girl for a week, and-”

“You let him do what???

Fuck!!” You cry, now understanding why your body feels like it’s shrinking.

You quickly use your controller to open the router settings on your computer, desperate to do a clean reset and get rid of the virus. You’re too late though, and are unable to gain admin access to the settings after the password was remotely changed. By now you can feel the fat in your stomach begin to relocate, your inflating thighs press closer and closer together as your manhood fades away.

You’re too engrossed in the computer terminal to pay attention to your changing body, attempting to disconnect all your devices from the router as weights begin to get heavy on your chest. You feel a breeze on your stomach as your shirt creeps up your torso, and a cool wetness between your legs as your pants morph into a mini skirt.

Suddenly your mom grabs the controller from behind you, complaining about how you’re still too addicted to games! You try to ignore her and enter more commands even as your mind begins to forget computer terms, and you’re unable to focus on anything but the jiggling of your new breasts as you give the computer screen one last confused look.

Your eyelashes flutter as your old life of playing games all day disappears, your knowledge of gaming and computers turning into makeup skills and fashion sense as your mom’s voice begins to lose age. Suddenly her outfit tightens, and her grip on you loosens. A new look appears in her eye, and you recognize her new speech patterns as she inspects her inflating body.

“Dad!? What are you- how… fuck…” You trail off, realizing whoever had tricked your mom and hacked your router just swapped your dad into her body.

“Who are you? Why am I- am I my wife?? Her boobs were never this bi-iiiiiighhhh… Ooooo… do jiggly!” Your dad giggles, bouncing your mom’s swelling breasts as her figure slims down.

You try to focus as your mind becomes enamored with your dad’s bust, but the giant boobs in her tiny bra have your mouth watering.

Suddenly the door bursts open, and your dad’s jaw drops as someone that looks like they could be your dad’s male body’s sister sashays into the house. Her hourglass figure is wrapped in a fishnet onesie, leaving nothing to the imagination as her wide hips sway to either side. You can see her fighting against some invisible force, her mouth trying to force her to just smile as her lips quiver in retaliation.

The struggle is clear in her eyes as she torturously walks toward you, nobody saying a word as she caresses your body with a far off look in her eye. You even start to feel an attraction to her, and lean into the soft woman as she plays with your nipples. Your controller drops to the ground as the strange woman strokes her fingers above your panties, and your dad’s eyes glaze over before she joins in the fun.

“I’m trying not to move my body… What’s happening… Why am bending over, I- hrgmmm…” Her vacant voice is suddenly muffled as her lips part your folds, and you inhale deeply as she begins to eat you out.

It only takes a few minutes for your arousal to go over the edge, and your dad drinks as much gushing viscous fluid as he can as the leftovers spill into the stranger’s now open hand. She moans orgasmically as she drinks your juices from her palm, smiling even more intensely as her curves swell to exaggerate her figure. Her voice sweetens as she collapses to the ground, staining the carpet as the invisible force in her mind tries to get her body’s composure back together. She holds her body back as it smiles and reaches to caress you again, pressing her boobs together to distract her body with arousal.

You hear your dad moaning on the floor, her voice seeming to change as she writhes in pleasurable discomfort. Slowly her English accent turns eastern, soon leaving a Japanese bimbo squealing in the dining room. You look around frantically as the same happens to the woman kneeling in the living room, her fishnet outfit warping into a loose white tee shirt to match your mom’s.

“What is happening?!?” You cry, trying not to look as the two Japanese twins begin to make out.

Suddenly a text from a random number comes in on your phone; explaining that the second woman is your dad, and your house is about to become the best sex parlor in town.

You plea aloud to nobody, begging for your life to be changed back to normal. You receive another text, this time telling you it’s nothing personal and to just accept fate as a hacked family. Your skin suddenly burns, and looking down you could see your entire body is losing color. Your boobs actually deflate a bit as you run to the mirror, but your entire life is changed by the time you get there. You try to focus as you look in the mirror, your mind graciously accepting every minor detail of your new beauty. You can only remember the two Japanese porn stars downstairs as your parents, two lesbians that decided to adopt and support you as a little kid.

The idea of not taking a selfie suddenly seems ridiculous, you look totes sexy in this bikini!! You giggle as you pull your phone out, your plush breasts jiggling a bit as you pose in the mirror. You snap a pic and feel pressure in your chest, but ignore it and snap another one. This time you see your bikini top move slightly, and decide to take another pic out of horny curiosity.

A few pics later your chest is bigger than before, and you feel a lot sexier as your hips extend far to either side of you. Your life changes in the ways it would with your new body, intelligence draining from your mind as it becomes easier to live life without a thought. Your brain soon becomes a mushy pile of sex and lust, exclusively focused on pleasuring whatever man comes before you. Your bra disappears before one twice the size suddenly wraps around your heaving chest, giving you immense cleavage as your nipples rub into the silky pads.

The front door opens again and a petite girl with a mean look storms in, walking right past your parents as their tongues dance. She grabs your face and laughs, commenting about all the money she’ll make off you idiots. Even in your ditzy state, fear is not something this girl conjures deep within you… You try not to smile, but a giggle escapes your lips and angers the short hacker.

“Maybe I don’t illicit fear, but you’ll do whatever I want anyway; right babe?” She asks condescendingly, a smile forming on her face as you try to fight and say no.

“Like, my boobies are yours, mistress! My pussy’s wet, and ready for some like, total beefcake to fill me up!!” You giggle, shaking your jiggling breasts from side to side and moaning with pleasure as they bounce.

“I don’t think your moms saw your new body, I think they’ll love checking it out! O, and look at that… We have five guys looking for some fries; you ready take all these cocks, Amber??” Mistress asks you, making you shiver as your mind accepts your new name for the first time.

“You see her trembling with desire? I’ve never seen her so turned on…” Mistress trails off, instantly making you hornier than you’ve ever been before.