"Yeah, Sheila, let Bob know that I secured the contract with MegaPhone Corporation. They're totally on board. " Lucas said, confidently as he closed his briefcase with a nice, sturdy click. He glanced down the conference table, at the scowling tiger who stared daggers at him. "Uh huh," he said, loud enough for the feline to hear, "Jameson couldn't compete with our interest rates and retention initiatives. They just didn't bring the meat." Lucas stood up, grinning wider at the representative of the opposing marketing company, leaning forward so that the table pressed in against his thighs. He felt the fabric of his sleek black trousers tighten around his groin, and smirked with delight as the tiger's scowl turned to surprise, the feline catching sight of what Lucas was packing. They always looked surprised, and then they blushed. The tiger blushed in the ears, looking down at his phone in embarassment. "Yeah, I'm staying one more night, heading back to the office tomorrow," Lucas said, as he strode through the convention hallways. "I have a few more loose ends to tie off. Hey, that's another call coming in, I gotta go Sheila." He cut her off mid sentence, ending the call and turning towards the room he had been waiting the entire convention to visit. The Rumpus Room. Two bunny girls, wearing exaggerated bunny ears on their heads, giggled and gestured to him to enter. He flashed them his convention badge, and they ushered him in. Furs of all kinds chatted and sipped champagne, in the room strongly illuminated with a rich, rosy pink lighting scheme. The air was thick with a syrup of sugars, pheromones, and alcohols. There were dancers, there were rent-me girls, and in the back of the room, there were the Holes. Lucas sidled his way towards them, grinning idiotically. He had heard so many stories about the holes from his sales bros, from the previous years. Holes in the wall, behind which were domesticated predators, trained to be subservient, fawning, obedient. With so many predators using their fangs and claws to intimidate prey into acquiescing to unfair contracts and unfair partnerships, it was only *fair* that prey has an incentive to push back. This was that incentive. He stepped into the first stall, closing the curtains behind him. He could hear a bull on the other side of him, grunting and lowing appreciatively. He knew it was a bull because of the horns he could see peeking up over the curtain as the large male hunched against his pleasurer. Lucas looked in front of him, and saw the whole, a smooth, chrome capped hole about a foot wide, at about waist height. Yellow, feline eyes peered back up at him. Feline. Perfect. Lucas imagined that smug tiger being forced back behind the wall, punishment for failing at his contract making, and his hands moved to unzip his pants. His dick had been straining, painfully bent down and around his swollen ram nuts, and he gasped in relief as he fished it out through the fly of his silk briefs. The eyes of the feline glanced down to his meat, and Lucas swore he caught the hint of a dark tongue brushing across gleaming fangs, though the feline was in darkness, and he couldn't be sure. He stepped close, waggling his veined shaft at the feline as he approached the hole. There was a purr of appreciation on the other side. "Give me your dick," the voice purled submissively, breedably, but Lucas paused. "Lemme see your paw, first," he demanded. He wanted to know what kind of feline he was going to let suck him off. There was a pause, a scuffle on the other side of the wall. "Show me your paw, or I'm leaving and you aren't gonna taste any of this," he demanded. His heart pounded in his chest as those yellow eyes narrowed, then rolled. A sleek, shadowy-furred paw lifted through the hole, gesturing to the rabbit with a 'come hither' motion. Lucas let out his breath. Damn. He had been hoping for a tiger, honestly. A panther was almost as good, though. Slinky and soft pelted. He grinned, then stepped forward, hips pulling him towards that promise of seductive satisfaction. The hand remained outside of the hole, and as he got close enough to stuff all ten inches of his ram dick inside, he felt the slender fingers wrap around the bulge of his testicles, still stuffed, painfully, inside his underwear. "Damn," he heard muttered from the other side of the wall, and Lucas grinned. "You like those?" He said. He hadn't wanted to come to this damn convention, since it was taking place during his rut season. All he wanted to do right now was lay on his couch, watch porn, and jerk off. Repeatedly. For days. And instead he'd been in this forsaken place, eating chicken salad sandwiches and watching powerpoint presentations about "Millennial Retention in a crypto-based marketplace" and all that bullshit. Lucas shoved his hips against the wall, jamming the bulk of his testicles into the hole with his cock, and immediately he felt the pressure of the feline's muzzle pressing against his swollen, aching ram nuggets, pushing them against the wall that they were resting on the other side of. "They smell soooo good," he heard murmured, as the feline stroked his cheeks against Lucas's balls, the pressure making the ram's head spin and his heart pound. He made them *ache*, more than they already were. "Okay get them out of my undies and.... suck on them," Lucas said. His breath caught in his throat. He had just asked a predator to suck on his nuts. He had never done such a thing before. He hadn't even thought about it. But that tiger had him so riled up, he wanted to dominate that feline with the sheer power of his masculinity. Fingers fussed, gently guiding one palmful of ram testicle up through the fly of his pants, and then the other. The air on the other side of the hole was cooler than on his side, and he felt his scrotum tighten at the feel of it. Fingers wrapped around his scrotum, up high, and pulled down, trussing his nuts and keeping them from... escaping. His cock throbbed at the thought. "Go on," he said, fingers on the wall, "Get your mouth on em. I want to feel you worshiping my big prey balls." A single rough lick, scraping up between his eggs. Then another, along the left side. A third rough lick against the right. A kiss, between them. A playful nip at the underside of his sack, just a pinch but enough to make him jump and pull. Only the pull just stretched his cords, making his belly ache as the feline chuckled. "Whoa, calm down boy, we're just getting started." A hand wrapped around the root of his maleness, giving it a squeeze, but just the root, not the head. He could feel his precum drooling down the length of his maleness, into the palm of the hand. A kiss, against the underside of his nuts, and then that kiss... widened, spreading out around his nuts, drawing both of his large, prized testicles into that warm maw. He closed his eyes, imagining it was that tiger whose mouth was wrapping itself around his nuts. "Yeah, that's right, you fucking cat. You lost the deal." He muttered. The tiger didn't respond, only looking up at him with those emerald eyes, as the panther's teeth pressed softly against the middle of his scrotum, where his egg-shaped balls were at their widest. Lucas shuddered, and stroked his palms against the wall, wishing he could take the feline's head and pull it into his groin. "Come on, get them in your mouth. I want to feel you sucking on them." There was a pause, and then a gagging sound, teeth pressing against the flesh of his scrotum again. Then, the hand not holding his dick in place, holding it up and out of the way, and the hand around his scrotal neck slides down, pushing against his left testicle, stretching it away from his body, and- -and into the throat of the feline. Lucas gasped, feeling that muscular esophagus sheath around his testicle, the broad egg slotting down into it, filling that carnivore's throat. "Yeessssss.... choke on it, you barbed-dick bitch," he muttered, eyes closed, grinning. "Suck on it like you sucked at negotiating that deal, ass hole," he said, to himself of course. The throat gagged, struggled, slowly wrapping itself more firmly, around more of his egg. It was hotter than the mouth, hot like only a feline's throat can be. Lucas melted against the wall as it swallowed, pulling down along his egg, stroking it in a pleasant massage. He didn't even care that his cock wasn't being played with at this point. He knew he was going to get off from this heavenly rub down on his rut-swollen nuts. When the second testicle was guided into that hungry gullet as well, he almost came. Just feeling it wrapping around, swallowing his testicles down into that hot, *hungry* predator throat, made his dick twitch and spit blindly into the dark. He only vaguely heard the people talking on the other side of the curtain, waiting in line. "So is it true?" The mouth tugged on his eggs, the throat drawing them down deeper, away from him and towards the belly of the panther that suckled on them. "Is what true?" The hand holding his dick angled it to the left, to the side, as if the predator didn't want Lucas to squirt his load on him directly. Insufferably arrogant for a submissive, breedable feline. "I heard that the holes go both ways now." Lucas's ear twitched, his dick throbbing in that grasp, the ram trying to push his hips firmer into the wall. "Oh, I heard that too. Like, the predators are allowed to vent, now, too. I'm kind of hoping to get the chance to suck some wolf dick, myself." Lucas's eyes opened, as the predator's maw closed, teeth prickling against the neck of his tautly stretched scrotum. His testicles ached, stretched too far now, the feline's throat so hot against his prized jewels. He thought back to the conference, to the tiger who had scowled at him as he had packed up... and to the tiger's assistance. A panther. "Yeah, no kidding, it's two o'clock in the afternoon, there's no way I'd be letting a pred blow me right now." Lucas pushed against the wall, trying to pull his hips back, but his limbs had lost their strength. He felt the teeth pressing, pinching inwards, felt intimately as the tips of the fangs pierced through his skin, felt the proud heritage he had carried between his legs for thirty years was casually sheared into. He imagined his huge balls, so close to unloading, so dangerously close to the predator's stomach. "Wait..." he muttered, weakly, as he heard the click of teeth against teeth, felt the tension on his scrotum disappear, and *heard* the gulping sound of a predator finishing their meal. Lucas came, his dick throbbing, spurting hard, heavy gouts of his cream splashing out into the air on the other side of the hole, and he almost wished that that predator's maw had been there to taste it. It was the last chance he was going to have to have babies, and it was spilling out onto the convention hall carpeting. But he felt nothing, and he couldn't even grab his dick, to milk out the last of it, and his last orgasm left him unsatisfied, itching for more, and dreading seeing the evidence that there would never BE more. He heard the chuckle on the other side of the wall, as the hand left his cock, letting it throb and spurt, and the wether collapsed against the wall.