“I’m not following…” Sean trails off, giving you a perplexed look as you try to explain your ability.

“It’s not that complicated, I thought I explained it pretty well!” You chuckle, “It’s called object continuance, and it basically means I can use objects I touch to turn anything into whatever I want. I just have to think about what it should be, and anything feeling force from my hand will transform and morph with the object.”

“You think I’m some type of idiot?” Sean laughs, “You’re basically saying you’re god now? When did you get this power?”

“Why would I lie about this?

Yesterday, on my birthday I woke up with the power. My father explained everything, and that everyone in my family has the power. We’re not supposed to use it too much, cuz it’ll alert some type of hunter or something…” You trail off semi-knowledgeably, having gotten bored by the time your father had gotten up to that part of the explanation.

“I don’t believe you. I don’t know why you’re lying, or maybe this is a joke? Either way, I’m not falling for it…”

“My power isn’t fueled by belief, Sean…” You smirk, stepping behind your friend as he continues to doubt you.

“Fuel? I don’t know what you’re- what the!?” Sean shouts, interrupting himself as you press a throw pillow against his ass.

It instantly morphs and sinks below his pants, shaping around his ass and quickly encasing it. The cotton stuffing thickens as you hold it, turning into muscle and fat as Sean is forced to bend at the hip.

“Does this prove anything?” You chuckle, giving Sean’s inflating ass a squeeze as his sweatpants stretch from the widening of his forming curves.

“What did you just do??” He exclaims, voice shaking as his waist reveals itself.

“I was just demonstrating my powers, you don’t like it?” You ask your whimpering friend, slapping the juicy booty hanging off his backside.

“Change me back!! What the fuck!” He shouts, ass jiggling and bouncing as he blushes.

“O calm down, you baby!” You laugh as you pull out a maroon bikini, “Too insecure to try something new?”

You give your friend a wink as you take your shirt off, heart racing with excitement as you slide your arms through the bra straps. It takes a moment for your power to take effect, making you giggle as your voice feminizes.

Your rugged chin melts into smooth cuteness, neck slimming down as your shoulders turn slender. Sean watches with mouth agape as the mass in your torso gathers under your bikini top, leaving you with a thin waist atop your manly hips.

A toned belly creates a V shape leading down to your crotch, hip bones showing above your jeans as plush breasts fill the triangle cups of your bikini. All body hair and pimples fade as your skin becomes silky smooth, perfectly tanning as your hair gains volume and sheen.

“See?? Fun!” You laugh, letting your soft boobies bounce as your nipples grow tender against the soft lining of your top.

“No it’s not!” Sean yells, still pretty much the same aside for an inflated rear end.

“You’re just not having fun yet!” You laugh, grabbing your new shirt as Sean begs you to stop.

“You may as well learn to love this power, dude…” You trail off with your sweet voice, “I’m never gonna stop, so unless you wanna just stop hanging out…”

You trail off as you battle Sean, trying to pull his shirt off as he tries to keep it on. It’s a lot harder than you expected though, being that you’ve a dainty girl he’s a lot stronger than you. So you set your mind to a plan, and quickly come up with one.

You’re still new to how your powers work mostly, but decide to try something out. You reach for Sean’s face, surprising him as you grab at either side of his mouth. You pull it into a smile, instantly freezing Sean and relaxing him.

“How do you feel now?” You ask, smiling with Sean as his eyes gloss over.

“Huh? I didn’t hear you, I’m just feeling so happy right now…” He trails off, delirious from the sudden deluge of joyous hormones racing through his body.

You take the opportunity to force him into the tee shirt, a tight graphic crop top depicting deep cleavage and toned abs. Your magic works quickly, slimming Sean down to a petite blonde with the giant pillow ass. His confused moans turn into laughter as fat piles up on his chest, letting out a girly yelp as a belly ring pierces into his naval.

Sean is forced to arch his back as nipples poke through the suggestive top, making him blush as makeup coats his warping face. Long eyelashes flutter as blonde locks cascade down the beauties back, eliciting the sweet sound of perfect laughter.

“Okay, let’s go find some guys to fuck!” Sean giggles, “This body like, needs to be filled asap!”

Your friend laughs as you think back to when your dad revealed your powers to you:

“Our family once ruled the entire world, but living comfortably is so much more valuable. Do not bring any attention to your abilities, the hunters are always in wait.

Now take this.” Your dad said as he handed you the graphic crop top, “This should make finding a wife pretty easy, I made it for you myself!”

He left without further explanation, leaving you to ponder what the shirt could possibly do…

You only really ever wanted one thing, something that’s always been a fantasy of yours. And from what your dad had just said, it sounded like the dream was actually now in reach!

You locked your door and put the shirt on, smiling proudly as your body transformed into the same toned blonde Sean is now. Your erect nipples sang with pleasure, triggering an unfamiliar deep craving that made you bite your lip as your body begged for penetration.

The desire to be held and overpowered was the only thing on your mind, quickly getting you out of the shirt to explore your new breasts. But that just changed you back instantly, leaving you choking for the sweet impulses of femininity.

This led you to experiment, trying on various articles of clothes in an attempt to have breasts with no top on.

“What’s with that shirt you gave me, that it changes the whole body? Anything I try is localized to what I’m actually touching… Like a pair of pants only changes between my ankles and waist, what can I do?” You ask your dad, hoping he can teach you how to give yourself a full body with just pants or even socks...

“Oh, that’s just from years of practice, you’ll figure it out eventually. It’s actually kinda hard to explain, so just keep practicing!” Your dad replied, leaving your maroon bikini the best solution after just a day.

You’re excited to see your mouth widening trick worked, leaving Sean happy no matter what you do to him. He just giggles as you stuff his curves with more throw pillows, ripping open the shirt that your dad gave you as Sean turns into a busty beauty.

Just a few months later, you’re already more proficient with your powers than your dad ever was. You started a weight loss program out of your house, using your powers quietly as you profit off your ‘magic slimming diet treatment’. Shauna no longer remembers her old life, mind destroyed by the seratonin you flooded it with.

“Another day, another dollar, right sweetie?” You chuckle, kissing your assistant on the forehead as you run another credit card through your processor.

“Like, whatever you say mistress!” Shauna giggles, plush bosom bouncing as you turn around to stick the card into her cleavage.

“You’re not wrong about that!” You laugh, making Shauna smile shyly as the cold card is inserted into her chest.


“Payment complete.” 

The familiar sound of the machine always makes Shauna’s nipples perk up, just another feature of her being constantly blissful.