“I’m done listening to you!” Harley responded to The Joker’s most recent command.

She ran to her living quarters, something she tended to do when she was mad. The Joker laughed while he waited for his assistant, finding her sudden outburst and lack of subservience amusing.

His laughter stopped when she came back, a strap on dildo wrapped around her waist.  Harley approached The Joker, presenting the dildo for him to see. He not only stood silently, but just stared at the plastic cock as it swung back and forth.

“You’ll be under my control as long as I wear this strap-on. Now bend over that couch.

I want you to be silent when I do this, babe…” Harley commanded, licking her lips with excitement.

The Joker listened without hesitation, just a murmur of protest coming from him as he looked down at the leather cushion. He wanted to beg for mercy, but couldn’t disobey whatever Harley commanded of him.

“I wish there was another way to make us more compatible…” Harley said, giggling in her evil way as she parted her boss’s cheeks with her new extension.

She pulled back for force, then thrust forward. She felt resistance the first time, but built up a little path as she continued.

“Ahhh!!!” The Joker screamed in pain as he was penetrated for the first time.

“Oh hush babe, it’ll all be over soon”, Harley calmly said, trying to reassure her boss.

She intensified her thrusting as she continued, clearly hurting her boss as she fucked his ass.

She could see his face begin to change, and giggled as she felt strength start to flow into her legs. The strap on’s powers showing as male and female essence swapped between the two, slowly building up before it would ultimately be amplified to the max.

“You feel your muscles shrinking? My body feels so powerful!!” Harley exclaimed, picking up the pace of her thrusting.

The Joker still couldn’t speak, his slimming neck choking on screams. Harley just laughed as the strap on around her waist transformed into a real penis, merging with her body and slowly making her a man.

She slipped out of her boss when hints of feminine sounds slipped out of his lips.

“How does that feel, kitty? You ready for round two?” Harley asked in her slim, male body.

The petite girl sitting in front of her couldn’t speak, pinching her nipples as overwhelming arousal coursed through her body. She bent over, presenting her folds to the erect Harley.

Without a word from either of them, Harley went back inside her old boss. Her muscles receiving more strength as she thrusted, giving her more power over the hourglass-shaping body of the giggling joker.

After a few minutes though, it seemed like the horniness and ditziness had subsided for him. The Magic had worn off, as it always eventually does.

“Sounds like you're not having fun anymore…

This load should help you out though!” Harley said the last few words with more emphasis as she shot her load into her boss.

The far away look and quiet demeanor disappeared in an instant, and The Joker could feel every drop of cum in his new pussy. It tingled as he absorbed the load, and new erotic feelings began to build up inside him.

Harley felt his lips quiver and let up, knowing what was to come. Suddenly The Joker was propped up against the wall, unable to stop his hand from mauling the gushing waterfall between his legs. Screams involuntarily escaped his mouth, somehow embarrassing the feminized crime lord as his body changed while non stop orgasms rocked him.


Harley threw a black onesie to him, snickering as she watched him put it on. Even his movements began to change when he touched the onesie, his posture was changing as well.

He shuddered as soon as the materiel passed over his head, and new erotic feelings of naughtiness played through his mind. Wide glossy eyes opened as the silky material passed his nose, plumping up his lips as he rested it around his shoulders.  The Joker couldn’t help but play with his pert, sensitive breast, getting lost in the moment as he pinched his puffing nipples.

“All the way darling, you’ll feel like a million bucks!!” Harley shouted.

The Joker didn’t realize it, but the costume he was putting on was gonna have a profound effect on his mind and body. It was already at work, turning his brain to a mush of orgasms and girly thoughts. Every inch of skin the smooth outfit passed over morphed The Joker’s mind and body into the beauty that Harley had commissioned; a mindless bimbo with curves for days!

His petite torso slimmed down even more, cinching his waist in as soon as it passed by his hips.

As he slipped the onesie down, a tingling sensation followed whatever he touched, pulsating through his crotch and legs when he clasped the bottom together.

A new feeling began to build up in The Joker’s body, and suddenly fat began to explode out from behind him. He felt the onesie begin to slowly wedgie, then screamed as it began pushing the fabric right to the ripping point.

At first he was shocked, trying to stop the inflating mass as it rounded up and shaped into a bubble, but then something snapped in his mind.

“Bouncy!!” He cried out, giggling.

Harley’s eyes followed The Joker’s new ass, not realizing how hard her new member was becoming.

“Let me help you out with that, daddy!” The Joker said, giggling.

As soon as he touched the erection a flash of light exploded out, blasting the horny bimbo several feet back.

“Ohhhhh Shiiiiit!!!!” He cried out orgasmically.

Massive boobs instantly grew out from his chest, and a powerful orgasm took over his body. The joker tried all he could to keep it together, but Harley’s muscular body made it hard.

“I know what you need”, she said coyly, leading her new member into the throbbing folds of The Joker’s exploding womanhood.

Silence rang through as the new bimbo choked on each orgasmic moan, trying to stop the overwhelming sensations to no avail.

He threw his head back, “Please stop!! This is… too much!! I can’t think anymore!!”

Harley grabbed The Joker’s neck, continuing her pace as she thrust inside him.

“Less thinking, more cumming”, she said into his ear as she twisted his grappling arm in hers.

“No!!” The Joker screamed, massaging his pussy as he lost all control. His body could do nothing more than listen to its new master’s commands, and cum flowed into a puddle on the floor.

“You’re mine now, Joline. My evil helper, you’ll help me rule Gotham with an iron fist you could never handle as your former self!!” Harley finished as she shot her load into Joline, keeping her a horny bimbo with no hopes of thinking about anything but sex for the next few days.