“You sluts are all the same!” You shout at the group of girls ignoring you, “I just complimented your looks, you can’t smile at least??”

“Are you serious?” You hear one of them ask, “You call that gross comment a compliment??

“Hey! If I take the time out of my day to say something nice about your clothes-”

“You said girls with tits like ours, we should smile more!! What the fuck is wrong with you??” The short girl demands, now walking toward you with fury in her eyes.

Before you can respond she snaps, and the sound echoes in your head as the world around you freezes. Then everything goes black, and the sounds of the street slowly fade.

“Wakey, wakey…” You hear a husky voice whisper into your ear as you slowly awake, feeling an odd tightness around your waist.

You open your eyes to the beautiful girl from earlier, her hands somewhere below your belt as you groggily come to. She’s not wearing the schoolgirl outfit from earlier though, now she’s dressed in some sort of slutty witch costume.

“I gave you my favorite pair of underwear…” She whispers, adjusting something on your waist as your brow furrows quizzically.

“That’s very nice of you, but where am I and why are my hands tied up? And what’s around my waist? It’s not very comfortable… Where’s my shirt and pants?

Is this some type of kink??” You suddenly ask with profound excitement as she backs away from you, the idea only occurring to you now but making the most sense!

“Ummm… Yeah, you could say that; some type of kink…” The slutty witch trails off as she readjust her hat, letting out a little giggle before slowly coming back toward you, “Now I’ll just push this in…”

Everything stops as the tip of her finger touches the crotch of your underwear, and you take a deep breath as she slowly presses down on your already throbbing erection. It’s an odd technique, but you’re ready to go along with whatever fetish this beautiful woman has.

“This is hot!” You say in a faltering tone, “Wait, what’s wrong with m- My voice!”

You try to silence yourself, but even your breathing sounds feminine. The witch ignores you completely, just smiling as she continues pushing downward.

“Okay, this is starting to feel- Whoa, hey! What's happening to my dick??” You cry out and crane your neck, lower abdomen feeling oddly sensitive as the witch pushes her finger into your crotch.

Your boner inverts on itself, blood pumping rapidly within as the head of your manhood is pushed further down the shaft. You can feel the sensitive foreskin wrap around her finger, tightening as it reshapes into a slit.

“But I don’t wanna be a girl!”

“U only want what your hormones dictate, sweetie!” The witch giggles, pulling her finger out of your virgin pussy and licking the wet nail.

Dizziness slowly builds in your head, making the room spin as the witch wipes the saliva from her finger onto your cheek. You blink in confusion, breathing deeply as building pressure courses throughout your body. Desire builds in your throat as pleasure tingles every single one of your brain cells, arteries throbbing as the witch silently slips a tight shirt over your head and guides your limp arms through the short sleeves.

You convulse as the shirt constricts around your torso, forcing the air out of your lungs as your ribs cave in. A flutter in your stomach alerts you to the rapidly slimming beer belly now barely hanging over your waist, slowly brought in and flattened as your nipples ring with profound sensitivity.

“Are you okay, honey? You look worried…” The witch trails off, stroking your hair as it grows past your ears and turns silky smooth.

“Worried?? You’re literally transforming my body! Why wouldn't I be worried???” You ask in an unexpectedly high pitch, sounding like a ditzy school girl as you try to tone down the litheness of your speech.

The witch just laughs as your lips purse, constant sparks of arousal emanating from your tingling nipples. And your shirt rubbing them up and down, it’s getting hard to pay attention to anything else…

“Shitttt…” You moan hesitantly, fighting the euphoria as you lose yourself in it.

Without another thought, you pull your shirt up in the hope that it could cease the stimulation of your nipples. But the cool air on your exposed areolas is even more intense, making your pussy hum as your nipples grow erect. You quickly cover them with your hand in another attempt to save yourself from arousal, but that excites you even more!

“Hnnnnghh- fuck!” You gasp lustfully, surprised by the placement of your other hand.  

Caught up in the heat of building orgasm, your hand instinctively begins to paw at the front of your panties. You’re unable to focus on anything besides the frothing euphoria, arm moving autonomously as your pleasure becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Each pang of arousal pushes you further, quickening the pace of your masturbation and turning you on even more!

“What’s with the shyness and covering up? Show off your goods, sugar!” The witch laughs, rubbing your chin condescendingly as you whimper helplessly.

You feel an immediate reaction to her command, ready to reject anything she says. That’s when a sudden flood of warmth overwhelms your mind, drowning it in confusion as your eyes glaze over.

Show off your goods

Show off your goods

Show off your goods!

You slowly give in to the command now echoing nonstop in your mind, all other thoughts numbed by a deluge of submissive hormones. You can feel the arousal flare up again between your legs, nipples screaming with pleasure as you expose them to the cool air.

“Don’t be afraid to rub your pussy, babygirl. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you’re a horny little slut.” The witch says with a giggle, an evil twinkle in her eye as you feel another wave of submission glaze your eyes over.

Don’t be scared, horny little slut

Don’t be scared, horny little slut

Don’t be scared, horny little slut

A smile slowly crawls across your face, back straightening as your posture becomes gracefully lithe. Your moans become louder and more breathy as you dig deep into your panties, almost forgetting about the witch as a growing wet spot forms.

“And you’re not gonna get into school without this! I got the smallest size, so this is gonna be a lot of fun!” The witch laughs, holding up a plaid schoolgirl miniskirt that looks much too thin for anyone’s waist.

She hands it to you and snarls menacingly, letting you know she’ll just transform you more if you don’t put on the skirt. She smiles affirmatively as you whimper, dainty feet trembling as they carefully step into the little skirt.

You’re forced to twist your ankles inward because of how small the opening is, knees almost touching as you pull the silky material up your smooth legs. You keep waiting for the skirt to get taut, but moments later it’s around your waist without a hitch!

You can feel the oddity of your new waistline, thin enough to easily wrap a thumb and pointer finger around. It would feel relatively normal, but your feminine hips are still their original width!

Every movement feels like an added appendage is swinging around you, frills of your skirt dancing along your upper thigh as rushing hormones make your ass throb intensely.

“You look scared, is something wrong?” The witch asks coquettishly, “Do you need help?”

You try to ignore her patronizing offer, pulsating thighs thickening as your heart rate picks up. You can feel building mass deep in your core, making you moan as your pussy starts to puff out and tighten your panties. You can feel the wet lips press into the crotch of your underwear, clitoris pulsating and rubbing into the damp fabric as your moans reach a fevered pitch.

“Like, help!!

My panties- get them off me!!!” You cry out, folds suffocating as fat starts to spill behind you.  

The witch laughs as she reaches out, cold fingers gently feeling your panties as you shiver and convulse euphorically. She then grabs the waistband with each hand, and peels the panties off your inflated body with a satisfying squish.

“Now show me that pussy, and don’t be coy about it!” The witch laughs, grabbing the right cheek of your bubble butt and making you hop in surprise.

Show that pussy, don’t be coy!

Show that pussy, don’t be coy!

Show that pussy, don’t be coy!

Your hindered spirit is awoken in a last ditch effort to save yourself, face twisted in a grimace as you try to fight the echoing command in your head. The more you struggle, the louder the voice gets. It doesn’t take long before your resistance is shouted over, the receptors of your mind’s eardrums numbed and deaf to any other thoughts.

“Show that pussy, don’t be coy!” You hear yourself say, in a similar fashion to the witch but with a lot more of a ditzy affect.

Like an out of body experience, you feel a smile crawl across your face as you stand up and turn around. Facing away from the witch so she’s looking at your butt, you wiggle your hips and lightly hop with newfound pride. You then reach behind yourself and grab a cheek with each hand, hormones coursing throughout your body as you expose your pussy and giggle.

“Like this?” You giggle, too caught up in your body’s fun to fight the pleasure.

“That’s amazing!!” The witch claps, grabbing a handful of your birthday cake and squeezing with all her might.

The sudden burst of arousal overwhelms your senses, actually knocking your subconscious back in place!

“Like, stop this!! You’re ruining my life!

I don’t wanna have these… boobs…

And my ass feels like… so amazing!

I’m gonna totally get with every broad I meet, this is like, a blessing in disguise or whatever!” You laugh, ignoring your ditzy affect as you imagine the tail you’re about to pull.

“No, no, no, none of that now…

You’re gonna be a proper lady, Mr Long’s favorite senior! You know why they call him Mr Long, right?” The witch asks with a wink, biting her lip as she sultrily sways her hips rhythmically and blushes.

You’re not even able to answer, mind already being pummeled by a flood of reinstating hormones. Your arousal and submission suddenly spike, and your mouth waters as the witch’s command overpowers all thought.

Proper lady. Mr Long’s favorite senior.

Proper lady. Mr Long’s favorite senior.

Proper lady. Mr Long’s favorite senior.

You close your eyes as the command echoes, hands clutching at your forehead as you feel the words lose all meaning. You just want what mistress wants, and she wants-

“Like, I’m sorry ma’am…

What does… umm…

Is Mr Long like, a gentleman?” You ask in desperate search of approval, mind too frail to say too many words at once.

“Mr Long is the kindest, most sincere man on the planet. He’s our biology teacher, and always gives us As. He also works a second job, selling shoes downtown. You go to the shop every day after school to have some fun with him, and help him make sales!” The witch laughs, setting you up for a world of slutty flirting and fun.

Mr Long was not ready for his newest student to be a bombshell bimbo, and really seemed flustered when you started flirting with him. But nothing boosts a man’s confidence like the attention of a beautiful woman, and by the end of the day Mr Long was acting like a suave gentleman.

“Can’t wait to see you at work!” You wink to your hunkiest teacher, the distinct sound of wet folds audible as you walk past him.  

The awed look on his face doesn’t change from when you see him at his desk, to when he opens the door of the shoe store.

“Y- you work here??” He asks with a look of squeamish temptation, “Isn’t it a bit inappropriate for your teacher to-”

He’s cut off by your shushing him, his eyes opening wide as you step back and turn your hip. The jiggling of your bubble butt makes you giggle, juicy thighs pulling at your white fishnets as Mr Long gets hard.

“Omg!! Is that why they call you-”

Before you can even finish commenting about his length, Mr Long pulls you in. The passion in his lips fill you with arousal, tongues dancing in a tangled mess as you hear a familiar feminine voice behind you.

“Welcome to TG Shoes, how can I make your fantasy a reality? Revenge is our specialty!”