1) Fade from black, to a low shot of Samus walking down an alien corridor, pistol at the ready by her hips. Focus on Samus butt. Intro credits. 2) Upper-body forward-facing angle of Samus walking, while looking around. Intro credits. 3) Angle change as she reaches up with her right hand, pistol in hand, to flip down her deactivated headset using her middle finger. As it reaches final position, it activates. Intro credits. 4) First person shot of Samus walking and looking around, with a HUD overlay on the right side of the screen showing vitals. Her weapon is again by her hips. SAMUS speaks calmly into the microphone of her headset, making her report. SAMUS: "I have accessed the ship without consequence. So far, initial intel seems to be on spot." 5) Close of Samus looking around as she continues to walk. She continues her report calmly. SAMUS: "This ship is empty." 6) Trailing angle as Samus approaches a 4-way intersection and stops just before entering it. SAMUS: "I've come across an intersection." 7) Close-up of Samus holding her right hand next to her headset, middle finger extended to press. After speaking, she presses her finger against the headset. SAMUS: "I am performing a deep pulse, to verify the absence of life-signs." 8) Camera is positioned in front of Samus, panning from left to right, revealing the three pulse elements going down the hallways. 9) Upper-body forward-face angle of Samus standing, looking to her right. Her pistol is by her hips again. Her expression has changed from stoic to curious. SAMUS's voice is no long cold and removed, but now has a feeling of awe to it. SAMUS: "This ship is remarkably old." 10) Close-up of a corridor wall, as Samus' left hand reaches into frame from image right to slowly press her fingers against it. SAMUS's awe has turned to incredulity. SAMUS: "Ancient, even..." 11) Side-shot of Samus facing the wall, slowly running her left hand across the wall. Her right hand is still gripping the pistol, by her side. SAMUS whispers to herself, forgetting or not caring about the fact her headset is still down and is recording her words. SAMUS: "What secrets do you hold?" 12) Close-up of Samus's face as she is examining the wall. Her eyes widen as a sudden and unexpected vision enters her mind. *SAMUS gives a small gasp* 13D) White-flash transition to a highly-bloomed and white-vignette'd ("Flashback scene") close-up of Samus's mouth, as she slowly and sensually sucks on a tentacle dildo. The scene is of a warm and fairly lavish room, like a hotel room. Samus is on her back, though this isn't immediately obvious due to the perspective of the shot. *SAMUS moaning gently as she sucks on the dildo* 14) White-flash transition to a upper-body shot of Samus leaning against the alien corridor wall, left hand on her temple, as her eyes slowly open. Her face is distressed, as if she is suffering from a headache. *SAMUS grunts softly from her headache* 15) Close-up of Samus rubbing her temple, closing her eyes again, as she mutters quietly to herself, completely uncertain of what just happened and at a loss. SAMUS: "What the..." 16) Shot from behind Samus, still leaning against the wall, facing the other 3 hallways of the 4-way intersection. The pulse elements are returning. As they get within approximation of her, they begin to dissipate, disappearing completely just before they would have passed her. 17) Forward-facing upper-body shot as Samus pushes away from the wall, pistol still in hand, as she continues to rub her temple. SAMUS continues her report into her headset, trying to reclaim her original calm voice, but with a slightly light-headed tone to her voice. SAMUS: "The deep pulse has finished its scan of the ship." 18) First-person shot of Samus looking around, now standing upright in the hallway again. Her pistol is at her side, not her hips. The HUD from before is still up, but now with a blinking "1 lifesign detected". SAMUS continues her report, her original calm voice more or less completely restored. SAMUS: "As expected, the only life-sign here is of the ship itself." 19) Side shot of Samus lifting her pistol above the holster, and then sliding it into the holster. SAMUS continues her report. SAMUS: "I am continuing unarmed. There is no threat here." 20) Forward-facing knee down shot as Samus continues walking. 21) Cross-fade to a rear shot of Samus walking down the hallway, approaching the Tentacle Room. The Tentacle Room is dark and empty. SAMUS: "I have reached the Core Chamber." 22) Close-up of Samus looking up and around, a look of awe and wonder on her face. SAMUS reports into her headset, wonderment in her voice. SAMUS: "This room is massive." 23) First-person view, with the HUD monitoring her vitals, as she looks around at the dark, empty tentacle room. SAMUS returns to her calm, reporting voice. SAMUS: "There are no signs of the Core Drive, however." 24) Rear-facing low shot of Samus looking around the dark room, fingers idly playing with the grip of the pistol in its leg holster. SAMUS: "I am going to investigate the storage chambers. Perhaps--" 25D) SAMUS is abruptly cut short mid-sentence, as a blinding flash of light erupts from opposite where she stands, blasting directly into her eyes. She recoils from it, instinctively raising an arm to cover her eyes. *SAMUS gasps in pain, as she is blinded by the extremely bright light that suddenly flashed her eyes* 26) Close-up of Samus turning her head away from the light, arm covering her face and eyes squinting as she looks around. SAMUS speaks with a strain in her voice, as she's still being blinded by the light, despite her efforts. She is slightly panicked, too - this ship is supposed to be dead, so it shouldn't be activating like this! SAMUS: "The lights of the Core Room just activated!" 27) Over-the-shoulder shot of a large mass of tentacles shooting up from the hole in the center of the Core Chamber. Samus takes a step back, her head following them as they quickly rise. SAMUS exclaims loudly, terrified of what is happening. SAMUS: "What the--!" 28) First-person view of Samus looking around at the tentacles, panicking. The HUD is blinking that there is still only one life-form detected. SAMUS continues to panic. SAMUS: "They're all--It's all one organism! The ship is alive! I repeat--" 29D) Close-up of Samus abruptly closing her eyes and flinching, her arm moving from blocking the light to her temple, as she is hit with another vision. *SAMUS grunts in sudden, sharp pain, like a headache suddenly hit her with full force, like a freight train*